Hi i'm recruiting for AOW Allies of War
Our Charter
Any nation may join The Allies of War no matter what you stand for as long as you follow Charter that is stated below.
Link :--
http://z6.invisionfree.com/Allies_of_WarIf you register at the forum you will have to ask the mod there to validate you so that you can postThe Allies of War
The undersigned nations, in pursuit of peace and the right to flourish, have sworn to defend each other and alliance from outside aggression.
Any member wishing to join The Allies of War must provide the following information upon their applying:
1. Nation name and ruler.
2. Strength.
3. Resources.
Any member of The Allies of War may not be a member of another alliance unless official permission has been given. Failure to comply with this will result in removal.
The Government
The Grand Council
Lord Protector (never Permanent)
The Chancellor (Permanent)
Minister of Defence (Elected)
Minister of Foreign Affairs (Elected)
Minister of Internal Affairs (Elected)
Minister of Recruitment (Elected)
The position of Chancellor will be Permanent.
Any member of the Grand Council may be removed from the Grand Council by a majority vote by the rest of the Grand Council Members and the Chancellor. If the vote is uncertain, the Lord Protector may cast the deciding vote within 48 hours of the motion for removal.
To run for a Grand Council Office you need to have been in the Order for at least 2+ weeks.
During voting procedures that concern only the Grand Council, each member of the Grand council may use up to three vetos.
A member may submit a motion to remove another member from The Allies of War. Following the motion, the accuser and defendant have 24 hours to bring forward evidence or arguments to support their position. After the time period is up, voting will commence. If 3/4 of alliance has voted for removal, that member will be removed immediately, and permanently banned from all areas of alliance. In times of a split Grand Council vote, The Lord Protector will cast the deciding vote within 24 hours. If the accusing alliance member is not successful in his campaign for removal, the Grand Council will reserve the right to investigate whether or not the removal attempt was in the interest of The Allies of War or stemmed from personal interest. If it is found that personal reasons were the influence of his call for action, then that member is subject to removal however, is awarded the same rights to time and vote as aforementioned.
A member may put forth amendments to the charter. Once proposed, discussion will commence for 2 days, proceeded by a voting period of 3 days. Once voting has ended, if the required 3/4 vote has been met, the amendment will be put into place. However, in the case of Charter Amendments, if the vote is split, The Chancellor may cast the deciding vote, but only after one additional day, of continued debate/deliberation by the Grand Council has still ended with a split vote.
Forced Wars and Alliance Wars
As an alliance member, war must not be taken lightly and should only be declared upon another nation after a public statement has been made within The Allies of War forum as to why it is that war must be declared. In all cases of proposed war declarations, the Grand Council must review the issue at hand and cast a 3/4 vote as to declare it as a sanctioned attack or an unsanctioned. If it is declared an unsanctioned attack, no alliance members will be allowed to join in the attack. This will be strictly enforced. Any alliance nation either aiding or joining in on unsanctioned attacks will be subject to expulsion from The Allies of War, as well as attack.
War Aid
There is no restrictions on aid, either financial or military, except to alliance members engaged in unsanctioned battles. Only after the war has ended can aid be extended to those members.
Internal Conflict
Any nation that attacks a fellow nation or an official Allies of War ally, without going through the proper means of sanctioning, is to be expelled from The Allies of War and destroyed.
All members of The Allies of War are encouraged to trade within their alliance but may trade to other nations out side of the alliance if necessary
Terry Howard
Lord Protector of The Allies of WarAlso
The Grand Chancellor
of the Illuminati
The Great Khan - The Chancellor