idk dude, if it's like it is now I'm just gonna do the single player campaign. Teamwork games without teamwork suck balls =/Volatile_Squirrel wrote:
Holy shit this game owns!!!
The game that was at the top of my want list for this year was crysis, without a question. But now after having played WiC, I might have to move crysis down a notch.
Let me just say that in one long round alone there were 4 nuke strikes. 2 of those both went off in the same spot at the same time from 2 different players. It was fuckin' insane.
This will totally sweep the floor with both Crysis and Halo 3.
got my key wheeeeeeeeeeeee, cant wait to try it out
Are you high?surgeon_bond wrote:
got my key wheeeeeeeeeeeee, cant wait to try it out
He's always high.Undetected_Killer wrote:
Are you high?surgeon_bond wrote:
got my key wheeeeeeeeeeeee, cant wait to try it out
its half 3 in the morningk30dxedle wrote:
He's always high.Undetected_Killer wrote:
Are you high?surgeon_bond wrote:
got my key wheeeeeeeeeeeee, cant wait to try it out
93% mofockas.
/me is already 87th on the ladder.
wow, this is such a fresh idea. I'm still nubcakes at it tbh.
... the download manager keeps counting down then restarting >_> how long must I wait
Torrents ftw.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
~ Richard Feynman
LINK?????????? Please, I cant stand this!!Spark wrote:
Torrents ftw.
See the other thread. Hurricane already posted it.
EDIT: This isn't a Vista-only thing, is it? It would royally suck if it was.
EDIT: This isn't a Vista-only thing, is it? It would royally suck if it was.
Last edited by Spark (17 years, 8 months ago)
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
~ Richard Feynman
This game will eat yuor m3gahurtz..
It looks kinda like BF2 graphically, but the gameplay of C&C or any other RTS. Im gonna get this game, looks freaking awesome.
It looks kinda like BF2 graphically, but the gameplay of C&C or any other RTS. Im gonna get this game, looks freaking awesome.
Meep. Something's wrong. Whenever I join a server, it loads, then the game screen comes up with the message:
vRAM OVERLOAD (random #)
vRAM OVERLOAD (random #)
not enough ram on graphics card - i get it too
Anyone else getting the freeze/kick/BOOOOOOOOOM Error?
I get almost every round - Is there any fix?
I get almost every round - Is there any fix?
Anyone else getting the freeze/kick/BOOOOOOOOOM Error?
I get almost every round - Is there any fix?
look guys if you got an e-mail go to the beta forum on there and post problems not here ffs
just downloaded and played, seems like a great game. really easy to get used to. my scores went from 4(first game and forgot to look at the controls) to 355(yay, good for me) in about 4 games.
Can someone make a bf2s clan, so then we can find ppl when we wanna play online... just an idea.
you dont need to make the clan just add each other to ur fiends list
i have the same name on WIC, anyone from bf2s can add me if they want
Someone already made a BF2s clan I tried to make one, and my name is Falls101 if anyone wants a game.
So do you guys have any advice for playing an interesting doctrine or class?