This is my guide to Anti-Tanking, based on over 450 hours using the kit, and over 25,000 kills with it. I will show you the strategies that have made this kit such a success in my hands.
Before I explain anything, it is important to note that to fire you are armed with a missile, the SRAW (USMC) or the ERYX (MEC/PLA), you must first click, and then hold down your mouse button to be able to guide your missile.
YOU are the main unit with which to combat tanks. Some kid might get lucky with an AT mine or catch a tank off guard with C4, but neither kit will be able to kill the tank with such efficiency or speed like the Anti-Tank kit.
Your Primary and only weapon with which to kill the tank is your Anti Tank Missile, the SRAW (USMC) or the ERYX (PLA/MEC). Now unless you want an example in what Tiananmen Square was like, it would be best if you did not stand out in the middle of the road shooting missiles at the oncoming armor, that would be bad. Take cover, any cover will do, a small tree can deflect a tank shell and its machine gun fire. Running on either sides of buildings, or being on top of a building are your best bet of staying alive during this conflict.
Where you hit the tank is very important, the following screenshots will show you where the least, and most
damage can be done.
The Front/Rear Treads are your best bet, two hits in these spots will destroy a tank:

The Rear Armor is your next best bet, two hits can also destroy a tank from this position:

The Top Armor is the only other spot on the tank where you can get a two hit kill, unfortunately the tank is much taller than you, and you most likely will not get this kind of shot, but nevertheless:

Those are the three best spots to get a kill with, the following are shots that will do significantly less damage to the tank.
The Side Armor will allow you a three shot kill:

The Rear Turret will allow you a three shot kill:

The Front and Side Turret will give you a four shot kill:

The Front Armor will give you a four shot kill:

Vehicles are easy prey for the properly trained Anti-Tanker. There are two types of vehicles to worry about. Light Transport, and Heavy Transport.
Light Transport
Light Transport is actually more of a problem then heavy transport. Here we will discuss the DPV and the FAV. Both are deadly fast, and both tend to try to run you over. One missile is enough to send all their occupants to the respawn menu. There is one issue however, at maximum speed, when these cars are coming at you, missiles tend to go through them.
When a DPV or FAV is coming directly at you, your best bet is to aim your missile at the front bumper.

I however recommend jumping out of the way of the oncoming vehicle, because once it passes you, you have a shot on the car’s rear, which the missile will (almost) always register as hitting.

Heavy Transport
Heavy Transport is big, bulky, slow, and maneuvers poorly. The vehicles in this category are the HMMWV, Vodnik, and the NJ 2046. These vehicles will die in two hits, there are no special tricks to destroying them faster, however people tend to stay in these vehicle’s turret’s to kill people. With these three shots, you can easily eliminate anyone camping inside one of these transports. I of course talk of using your missile.
Front: This is the most difficult shot, you have to hit in-between the small area left for the gunner to see, it is not as hard as it may look, and will result in the gunner’s death.

Back: This is the gunner’s most exposed area, in each vehicle there is a large open area where anyone can walk up and shoot the gunner. From a distance, the missile works like a charm.

Side: This approach lets you shoot at the side of the gunner’s face, it’s an easy shot, just like the back.

Attack Helicopters
Attack Helicopters are very frail but very deadly, but from the proper position, you will be able to take them down. Unfortunately my words can’t make anyone an expert. The main thing to learn is that you have to lead. You must predict where the chopper will be and how long it will take for your missile to get there.
Your working on three axis’s (grammar?), that baby can move up, down, left, right, forward and backward. To ease the leading process, your best bet is to try and eliminate one or even two axis’s if possible. Generally, you’re going to want to place yourself so that the chopper passes right over you without seeing you, so that you can shoot in a straight line, instead of having to attempt to guide the missile left to right. However I reiterate, it takes much practice and experience to be able to destroy active attack choppers.
All attack choppers will be destroyed in two missile hits.
Transport Helicopters
There’s not much to talk about in this area. Transports have no real offensive capability, you could be five feet away from their turrets and stand a good chance of living if it is in the air. Transports will take about three missiles to be destroyed. If it is full, then shooting in the passenger area might get you a lucky kill or two.
If you think you’re the shit, then heres your challenge, destroy any jet/bomber moving at full speed. It is damn near impossible. I have done it three times, it takes a wild degree of lead on the target, and each time I had to have the jet coming almost right at me. One hit will do it, but this is only for the pros. Practice on helicopters if you think you can eventually get lucky enough to take down a jet.
Infantry Combat
Now I have heard all this bull about Anti-Tank not giving much points. I however believe that this kit will reward you more combat points than any other if used correctly. Here I will discuss the methods I use to bulldoze the masses.

If you’re not going to use this gun, then stop reading now, because this is about to advocate the DAO over any other weapon. That’s right, over any other weapon. I have tried all of the stock guns for each army, and the P-90. In my opinion, none of those weapons hold a candle to the DAO.
The Golden Rule about the DAO-12 is to always reload when you have spare time. If you just expended half of your ammo and have a break in the action then reload. If you don't have enough time to finish your reload, switch weapons and then switch back to your DAO, and you will be able to fire again.
The general rule of thumb when using the DAO is that within 5 feet, you can get a kill with about 3 or 4 rounds. Between 5-10 feet will take about 6 rounds, and if your anywhere between 10-20 feet, you could probably get a kill by emptying the whole damn thing. The important thing to know is that the DAO is glitched, once you’ve dispensed of about 10/12 rounds, the gun will stop shooting for a brief period. If you’ve reached this time I suggest you reload for a few seconds, get about 5/12 in there, because once you reload you can finish all of the rounds up.
Close the distance. It doesn't matter how close or far you are from your enemy, you will always be moving toward him to get the kill. If you’re very far away, I’d recommend bunny hopping your way up there at an angle so that you can effectively kill him. If your very close, you will continue to move at him, strafing, until you get the kill. Now if you’re standing right next to the guy you’re not getting any closer, within 5 feet you don’t need to close the distance anymore, just strafe.

This gun is god’s gift to you, go to church, he has proven his existence. This missile moves how you want it to, and will kill any person upon contact. There are three types of people you’re going to hit, those who are prone, moving, or people at point blank range.
Prone is easy, the enemy is not moving and is unable to move at a quantifiable speed, easy kill. Just point and click. This is good when your enemy is out of the range of your DAO.
Moving people are much harder to hit. Here’s the trick. The hitbox on any person lags behind him, just slightly. If someone is moving left, their hitbox is slightly to the right, and vice-versa. Generally you’re going to want to shoot directly at the person and try to follow him if he’s not sprinting. If someone is running toward you or away from you without strafing much, then again, all you have to do is point and click and he will be dead.
Point Blank
Now any intelligent person will say, “Why would you shoot a missile at point blank when you could just use your DAO?” They would be right, except for the situations where, perhaps your preparing to shoot a tank and an enemy comes around the corner, or you’re out of ammo in your DAO. At point blank, you’re gonna be right up in your enemy’s face. If you shoot him in the body, the impact will kill you as well, so the trick is, shoot his feet. If you shoot the enemy right where his feet are, or will be, then he will die and you will not.
Personal Favorite
Here I will discuss how to effectively take the two primary weapons you have, and effectively turn them into a high end point machine.
Now get prepared for a shocker, when doing infantry combat as Anti-Tank, your objective is to die. You are going to throw yourself into the most hopeless situation, perhaps in the middle of 5 people. What you’re going to do is kill a majority of them because that’s how great this kit is. Generally you’re going to want to find this herd while they are capping a flag. First off you will run in with your missile, and pop some dude that is lying prone. Then you switch to your DAO and wipe out whoever else you can before they kill you. Most times the large group will outnumber you so that you will only get 1 or 2 kills. But if done properly, you can get 3 or 4 kills, and perhaps kill all the people.
Disclaimer: This will not work if you cannot effectively combine the use of the DAO-12, SRAW/ERYX, Bunny Hopping, and Proper Aim.
The Solo AT will run out of health fast, and ammo faster. Thankfully most of your enemies will either be spamming nades, or spamming revives. Once you kill them, grab their kit and throw out your med/ammo bag, and you'll be golden. Scavenging is vital to any Anti-Tanker for prolonged survival.
There you have it, everything I think you need to know about the use of the AT Kit. It is a point getter. If my experience says anything, then the best maps to use the kit on for excellent infantry combat are Sharqi Peninsula, Road to Jalalabad, and yes, even Strike at Karkand.
If you want to go on any major armor map, then you’re going to need to go AT if you don’t have an engineer buddy to repair with, because once your armor is gone, you will still need offensive capability against the hoard of armor that probably just destroyed your tank.
Thanks for reading this guide, I hope it helps everyone out a bit.
- CloakedStarship
(Credits to BF2 Wiki for use of the DAO-12 and SRAW images)
Before I explain anything, it is important to note that to fire you are armed with a missile, the SRAW (USMC) or the ERYX (MEC/PLA), you must first click, and then hold down your mouse button to be able to guide your missile.
YOU are the main unit with which to combat tanks. Some kid might get lucky with an AT mine or catch a tank off guard with C4, but neither kit will be able to kill the tank with such efficiency or speed like the Anti-Tank kit.
Your Primary and only weapon with which to kill the tank is your Anti Tank Missile, the SRAW (USMC) or the ERYX (PLA/MEC). Now unless you want an example in what Tiananmen Square was like, it would be best if you did not stand out in the middle of the road shooting missiles at the oncoming armor, that would be bad. Take cover, any cover will do, a small tree can deflect a tank shell and its machine gun fire. Running on either sides of buildings, or being on top of a building are your best bet of staying alive during this conflict.
Where you hit the tank is very important, the following screenshots will show you where the least, and most
damage can be done.
The Front/Rear Treads are your best bet, two hits in these spots will destroy a tank:

The Rear Armor is your next best bet, two hits can also destroy a tank from this position:

The Top Armor is the only other spot on the tank where you can get a two hit kill, unfortunately the tank is much taller than you, and you most likely will not get this kind of shot, but nevertheless:

Those are the three best spots to get a kill with, the following are shots that will do significantly less damage to the tank.
The Side Armor will allow you a three shot kill:

The Rear Turret will allow you a three shot kill:

The Front and Side Turret will give you a four shot kill:

The Front Armor will give you a four shot kill:

Vehicles are easy prey for the properly trained Anti-Tanker. There are two types of vehicles to worry about. Light Transport, and Heavy Transport.
Light Transport
Light Transport is actually more of a problem then heavy transport. Here we will discuss the DPV and the FAV. Both are deadly fast, and both tend to try to run you over. One missile is enough to send all their occupants to the respawn menu. There is one issue however, at maximum speed, when these cars are coming at you, missiles tend to go through them.
When a DPV or FAV is coming directly at you, your best bet is to aim your missile at the front bumper.

I however recommend jumping out of the way of the oncoming vehicle, because once it passes you, you have a shot on the car’s rear, which the missile will (almost) always register as hitting.

Heavy Transport
Heavy Transport is big, bulky, slow, and maneuvers poorly. The vehicles in this category are the HMMWV, Vodnik, and the NJ 2046. These vehicles will die in two hits, there are no special tricks to destroying them faster, however people tend to stay in these vehicle’s turret’s to kill people. With these three shots, you can easily eliminate anyone camping inside one of these transports. I of course talk of using your missile.
Front: This is the most difficult shot, you have to hit in-between the small area left for the gunner to see, it is not as hard as it may look, and will result in the gunner’s death.

Back: This is the gunner’s most exposed area, in each vehicle there is a large open area where anyone can walk up and shoot the gunner. From a distance, the missile works like a charm.

Side: This approach lets you shoot at the side of the gunner’s face, it’s an easy shot, just like the back.

Attack Helicopters
Attack Helicopters are very frail but very deadly, but from the proper position, you will be able to take them down. Unfortunately my words can’t make anyone an expert. The main thing to learn is that you have to lead. You must predict where the chopper will be and how long it will take for your missile to get there.
Your working on three axis’s (grammar?), that baby can move up, down, left, right, forward and backward. To ease the leading process, your best bet is to try and eliminate one or even two axis’s if possible. Generally, you’re going to want to place yourself so that the chopper passes right over you without seeing you, so that you can shoot in a straight line, instead of having to attempt to guide the missile left to right. However I reiterate, it takes much practice and experience to be able to destroy active attack choppers.
All attack choppers will be destroyed in two missile hits.
Transport Helicopters
There’s not much to talk about in this area. Transports have no real offensive capability, you could be five feet away from their turrets and stand a good chance of living if it is in the air. Transports will take about three missiles to be destroyed. If it is full, then shooting in the passenger area might get you a lucky kill or two.
If you think you’re the shit, then heres your challenge, destroy any jet/bomber moving at full speed. It is damn near impossible. I have done it three times, it takes a wild degree of lead on the target, and each time I had to have the jet coming almost right at me. One hit will do it, but this is only for the pros. Practice on helicopters if you think you can eventually get lucky enough to take down a jet.
Infantry Combat
Now I have heard all this bull about Anti-Tank not giving much points. I however believe that this kit will reward you more combat points than any other if used correctly. Here I will discuss the methods I use to bulldoze the masses.

If you’re not going to use this gun, then stop reading now, because this is about to advocate the DAO over any other weapon. That’s right, over any other weapon. I have tried all of the stock guns for each army, and the P-90. In my opinion, none of those weapons hold a candle to the DAO.
The Golden Rule about the DAO-12 is to always reload when you have spare time. If you just expended half of your ammo and have a break in the action then reload. If you don't have enough time to finish your reload, switch weapons and then switch back to your DAO, and you will be able to fire again.
The general rule of thumb when using the DAO is that within 5 feet, you can get a kill with about 3 or 4 rounds. Between 5-10 feet will take about 6 rounds, and if your anywhere between 10-20 feet, you could probably get a kill by emptying the whole damn thing. The important thing to know is that the DAO is glitched, once you’ve dispensed of about 10/12 rounds, the gun will stop shooting for a brief period. If you’ve reached this time I suggest you reload for a few seconds, get about 5/12 in there, because once you reload you can finish all of the rounds up.
Close the distance. It doesn't matter how close or far you are from your enemy, you will always be moving toward him to get the kill. If you’re very far away, I’d recommend bunny hopping your way up there at an angle so that you can effectively kill him. If your very close, you will continue to move at him, strafing, until you get the kill. Now if you’re standing right next to the guy you’re not getting any closer, within 5 feet you don’t need to close the distance anymore, just strafe.

This gun is god’s gift to you, go to church, he has proven his existence. This missile moves how you want it to, and will kill any person upon contact. There are three types of people you’re going to hit, those who are prone, moving, or people at point blank range.
Prone is easy, the enemy is not moving and is unable to move at a quantifiable speed, easy kill. Just point and click. This is good when your enemy is out of the range of your DAO.
Moving people are much harder to hit. Here’s the trick. The hitbox on any person lags behind him, just slightly. If someone is moving left, their hitbox is slightly to the right, and vice-versa. Generally you’re going to want to shoot directly at the person and try to follow him if he’s not sprinting. If someone is running toward you or away from you without strafing much, then again, all you have to do is point and click and he will be dead.
Point Blank
Now any intelligent person will say, “Why would you shoot a missile at point blank when you could just use your DAO?” They would be right, except for the situations where, perhaps your preparing to shoot a tank and an enemy comes around the corner, or you’re out of ammo in your DAO. At point blank, you’re gonna be right up in your enemy’s face. If you shoot him in the body, the impact will kill you as well, so the trick is, shoot his feet. If you shoot the enemy right where his feet are, or will be, then he will die and you will not.
Personal Favorite
Here I will discuss how to effectively take the two primary weapons you have, and effectively turn them into a high end point machine.
Now get prepared for a shocker, when doing infantry combat as Anti-Tank, your objective is to die. You are going to throw yourself into the most hopeless situation, perhaps in the middle of 5 people. What you’re going to do is kill a majority of them because that’s how great this kit is. Generally you’re going to want to find this herd while they are capping a flag. First off you will run in with your missile, and pop some dude that is lying prone. Then you switch to your DAO and wipe out whoever else you can before they kill you. Most times the large group will outnumber you so that you will only get 1 or 2 kills. But if done properly, you can get 3 or 4 kills, and perhaps kill all the people.
Disclaimer: This will not work if you cannot effectively combine the use of the DAO-12, SRAW/ERYX, Bunny Hopping, and Proper Aim.
The Solo AT will run out of health fast, and ammo faster. Thankfully most of your enemies will either be spamming nades, or spamming revives. Once you kill them, grab their kit and throw out your med/ammo bag, and you'll be golden. Scavenging is vital to any Anti-Tanker for prolonged survival.
There you have it, everything I think you need to know about the use of the AT Kit. It is a point getter. If my experience says anything, then the best maps to use the kit on for excellent infantry combat are Sharqi Peninsula, Road to Jalalabad, and yes, even Strike at Karkand.
If you want to go on any major armor map, then you’re going to need to go AT if you don’t have an engineer buddy to repair with, because once your armor is gone, you will still need offensive capability against the hoard of armor that probably just destroyed your tank.
Thanks for reading this guide, I hope it helps everyone out a bit.
- CloakedStarship
(Credits to BF2 Wiki for use of the DAO-12 and SRAW images)
Last edited by CloakedStarship (2007-11-25 08:33:15)