You orrible caaaaaaan't
I want scroll up and down for pistol and assault rifle. When I scroll up or down to assign the keys its doesn't register any help would be appreciated.
Angry Engy
If I am reading this correctly...you are trying to assign a mouse scroll while in the Options/Controls part of BF2, but it is not registering?
It will not do accept the scroll here.  You have to add that command before you launch the game.

Find your Controls.con file.  It is usually in MyDocuments/Battlefield2/Profiles
Make a backup of this folder, so you don't have to reinstall the game if you screw anything up.
Figure out which is your game profile (0001 or 0002, etc, not the Default one)
Open Controls.con of appropriate profile with Notepad.

Scroll down to the bottom and delete the following two lines:
ControlMap.addAxisToTriggerMapping c_PINextItem -1 IDFMouse IDAxis_2 0
ControlMap.addAxisToTriggerMapping -1 c_PIPrevItem IDFMouse IDAxis_2 0

Scroll up to top section, find this line:
ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PIWeaponSelect2 IDFKeyboard IDKey_2 10000 0
Insert this line directly below it:
ControlMap.addAxisToTriggerMapping c_PIWeaponSelect2 -1 IDFMouse IDAxis_2 1

Then find this line:
ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PIWeaponSelect3 IDFKeyboard IDKey_3 10000 0
Insert this line under it:
ControlMap.addAxisToTriggerMapping -1 c_PIWeaponSelect3 IDFMouse IDAxis_2 1

Save and quit.
Now launch BF2.
Voila.  Now when you play...scroll up=pistol, scroll down=primary weapon/rifle.
You orrible caaaaaaan't
How you know so much buttsecks for u!!!!

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