Yep.. I've used it few times. Ya get pwned pretty quick the minute you move to look around... guess it's not such the secret place I thought.
yea has it. The thing is your pretty defenseless up there, you can't really move and your an easy shot if people see/expect you.
Waste of time, you'd be better off in the action.
i knew ot for a long time , but its not a very good spot... Its good to take a squad that is taking the flag yeah for that its very good if they expect you to come by the doors... And if the ennemy play at low graphic level.. he dont see the tree as you may see it if you play at high.... So this make you easily visible. Same for long bushes .. sometime you think : 1337 H4x0r W!@!@!21212111!! ... but in the end you were the only one that can see the tree...
Save the pictures of naked women for when you want a wank, nobody needs to see them in your sig. You're not impressing anyone or doing anyone a favour putting them there.0seb--morin0 wrote:
i knew ot for a long time , but its not a very good spot... Its good to take a squad that is taking the flag yeah for that its very good if they expect you to come by the doors... And if the ennemy play at low graphic level.. he dont see the tree as you may see it if you play at high.... So this make you easily visible. Same for long bushes .. sometime you think : 1337 H4x0r W!@!@!21212111!! ... but in the end you were the only one that can see the tree...
or you can learn any of the worthwhile spots, such as the high roof by Hotel, the low roof sign jump by hotel, and the high roof jump behind market.

Ya I do that when people are trying to take that flag jump up there with my pkm and total destruction follows.
RDMC(2) wrote:
Why did you had to post it? I have ambushed so many squads this way!
BTW, its great for ambushing and defending, but when they throw in a couple nades, which happens quiet often these days then your pretty much srewed up there.