I'll break this up for you
Religion=WAR wrote:
I know people are hacking when suddenly my crispy clear game becomes a glitchy mess and I can't even aim properly or climb a ladder.
this is you having a bad video card/it overheating
Religion=WAR wrote:
Or I'll be walking along and all of a sudden I'm looking at the ground. I will have my crosshairs on someone and then just as I shoot , I find myself staring at the sky! REALLY, REALLY, annoying!
this is you having a bad mouse, i get the same problem
Religion=WAR wrote:
I find it happens alot if I am doing really well or its close to a win for our side.
i am sure you made this up
Religion=WAR wrote:
Other signs of cheating/hacking: half of peoples bodies hanging out of a wall or garbage dumpster, jumping while grenading, one shot roll kills, double grenades, etc.
these are glitches or when you roll while you are strafing you do a tuck and roll, this doesn't automatically go on your head this is probably good aiming
Religion=WAR wrote:
I also h8 it when I'm kicked to the losing team at the last second, cheap and poor sportsmanship, I mean c'mon I'm trying to get my next unlock, and I get more points for winning! If you have to cheat, why play at all? It is just a game, why not try to get better without cheating? Then maybe this shit would all mean something, and stats would be accurate, and EA would sell more copies cause no one bitches about it.
this is being unlucky/you exaggerating it
there are less people who hack in this game than most people think, it just people smurfing/ being really good, just check this guy out
Last edited by teamorange (2007-06-10 11:16:56)