It is an extreme example -- and one, honestly, that I have never even seen become a problem.globefish23 wrote:
Imagine a 64 player server and 9 players on your team get the glorious idea to lock their squad.
That would mean that 22 players are doomed to play as lone wolves without any communication and help from the commander.
That's an extreme example, of course. Most of the time one or two locked squads won't be a problem, but there is a chance that this can get annoying.
Making a new "ROE" because of a bug would be fucking stupid. Fix the bug.doctastrangelove1964 wrote:
It is especially horrible with the bug that only allows one squad.
This is what it really comes down to. Unless they are willing to really have the "police force" out in action*, there's no real way to enforce these rules in any manner. I mean, at least with stat padding you can see the server submitted results -- with "one-man-locking" what do you get? A picture? Gosh, how hard is it to photoshop that together -- I mean, I personally have access to every UI element in the game and could reconstruct such a scene in 60 minutes.3lmo wrote:
WTF? Why did they put the option in the game if it isn't allowed to lock, 1 man squad, 2 men squad, it's quite the same.
If they want to make this a game play rule IT SHOULD BE CODED.
* The whole concept of having policing squads out there with the game not able to support spectators is entirely ridiculous right off the bat.