finally EA have released a map id say it has been over due...i wouldndt say i was getting bored of bf2 but tampa came along at the right time
i really do think they need to release more maps even release a seperate map pack dvd add-on that can be sold in the shops sure to hell id buy it
basically whats everyones thoughts on the new map
and where do we all go from here because id like to see them release some more
i think they took away the very essance of bf2 when they made 2142 which was
full on troop combat simulation style ie real looking and not all robots etc i have
played 2142 and didnt like it much.im not putting it down but looking now at how bf2
is...its still i would say booming and buzzing with players eager to rank up and enjoy play.
please feel free to leave your genuine comments on the map
ie layout , vehicles , what u like and hate about it ..... please karma me its my first post tryd to make it constructive
and hope people enjoy this post
lets thank EA and hope theres more to come !
finally EA have released a map id say it has been over due...i wouldndt say i was getting bored of bf2 but tampa came along at the right time
i really do think they need to release more maps even release a seperate map pack dvd add-on that can be sold in the shops sure to hell id buy it
basically whats everyones thoughts on the new map
and where do we all go from here because id like to see them release some more
i think they took away the very essance of bf2 when they made 2142 which was
full on troop combat simulation style ie real looking and not all robots etc i have
played 2142 and didnt like it much.im not putting it down but looking now at how bf2
is...its still i would say booming and buzzing with players eager to rank up and enjoy play.
please feel free to leave your genuine comments on the map
ie layout , vehicles , what u like and hate about it ..... please karma me its my first post tryd to make it constructive
and hope people enjoy this post
lets thank EA and hope theres more to come !