Scr0k wrote:
so lets get this strait, if i play...will i get the stats eventually? or will it just be for nothing? im too lazy to read all 16 pages to see if thats been answered
This is what is happening.
Ea said that due to the large amount of players online they are backlogged and have trouble processing data…but do confirm that there is a problem and if you read among the lines, you will find that you may just lose all the stats you made this week and weekend
They further ask all server renters to inform them if there is a problem
EA wrote:
We have noticed a sharp increase in soldiers reporting that their stats, awards, and rank are not updating. This is under heavy investigation since, as you know, the ranking system is a central feature of the game.
For soldiers who rent/admin a ranked server that is not granting stats or rewards:
If you are sure that you are renting a ranked server and have received reports that soldiers are not earning stats and rank on your server, please reply with your server name and IP so that we can investigate these servers more specifically (and hopefully get everything working faster).
For soldiers whose stats have not updated:
Please try playing on a server that you are absolutely sure has allowed you to earn stats and rewards in the past. Does this make a difference?
Stats earned on ranked servers should not be lost at all, only delayed. If this changes for any reason, I will let you know.
I appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this issue and I will provide updates in this main post as I receiver them. Please try not to reply multiple times with similar data, as it will make it difficult for me to pull data for the investigation. Instead, post to contribute relevant data or try a number of things and post your total information, so we can get through this as quickly as possible and get your ranks where they should be.
~Violet … dID=236686Is the link
Then BF2s said that the servers are slow and that you will get your updates just have to wait… but also stated that there is nothing to be done regarding lost stats and there were instances where the servers did not record the data… has been said that if you are awarded in game the data is recorded but this is still speculations
Note that EA is actively working on the problem form link this covers it.... plz add
Last edited by $cy4n)(de (17 years, 7 months ago)