+50|6946|Southern California
A Sniper's Guide: Basics of Sniping

1. Intro
2. The Basics of the Rifles
3. Approaches
4. Other Tactics
5. Sniper Don'ts
6. Sniper Positions

1. Introduction

Well, my goal here is not to write a lengthy and long winded guide but appearantly that's what I've done. Though I feel that most of what is written is an important point of view on sniping and that it is beneficial for the nuances and reasoning behind my positions to be part of the general dicussion on sniping in the community. The driving goal of this guide is to provide an overview of how to be both a sniper and a primary contributor on your team. I have won the gold in 64 person servers while playing sniper the entire round and never stepping foot inside a vehicle.

A good sniper on a team can make a huge difference. In a 64 person server the 15 to 30 kills a good sniper will rake up can be very significant (that's 5 to 10 percent of the total kills needed for a team to win if deaths were the only factor in reducing tickets). With the ability to kill from a distance and choose targets, rather than only killing what is necessary, the sniper can in effect be a surgeon for helping to accomplish the tactical goals of your team. Having a skilled sniper that's good with close to medium range combat is an asset that can help a squad to excell. The ability to take quick zoomed shots and neutralize targets instantly or dramatically decrease target's health will increase any squads efficiency. A good sniper will come to be seen by the enemy's frontline troops as an object of spite to either be avoided or eliminated at all costs after each respawn.

Most people who use the rifle, however, are not extremely proficient with it.  Most snipers are more likely to be seen as free kills or easy knife targets for one's stats.  That is why I have written this guide.

2. The Basics of the Rifles

The sniper has basically three rifles to choose from because in terms of operation the SVD (MEC) and Type 88 (Chinese) rifles have identical statistics. So for the purposes of this guide if I only refer to the SVD or the Type 88 assume that I am using them interchangably.

m24 (USA/SEALs/SAS): This rifle is the most accurate gun in the game and has power equal to the m95, making the m24 the preferred weapon of a majority of skilled snipers. Like all sniper rifles one head shot will kill an enemy; but with this rifle's increased accuracy, thin crosshairs, and powerful scope headshots are more likely once you become accustomed to this gun. I personally use this gun the most whether I am shooting from a distance or on the front line of a skirmish. Because of this gun's high accuracy you will always have a very good idea of where your bullet is going to end up regardless of the position of your enemy. This allows you to more efficiently "lead" your shots. For clarification, "leading" is firing a shot ahead of an enemy, where you suspect their body will be in a moment. It is because of the reliability of this gun that all people who wish to become good snipers should find themselves on USMC as much as possible so they can practice with the m24. Once you know how to use this reliable and powerful rifle you should be able to adjust to the less accurate, less powerful rifles.

SVD/Type 88 (MEC/Chinese/Russians/Etc.): Though not preferred by most snipers, including most skilled snipers, these guns have definite advantages. Because these guns have lower accuracy than the "single shot" alternative rifles it is wise not to use these at long distances or to use the "hide and shoot" style of sniping that most players use if the goal is to rake in a lot of kills. The inability to efficiently lead shots makes this weapon nearly obsolete at extreme distances, especially against an m24. The best place for this rifle is at the front of a defensive line or just behind an advance. Because these guns are semi-automatic but accurate enough to be reliable at appropriate distances a sniper can fire multiple shots close enough to insure hits but far enough to make the opponent uncomfortable firing back. These guns do have heavy recoil though and control is needed when taking shots. I recommend using a rapid but controlled and timed rythem when firing shots. If you use a controlled rythem to fire shots you will quickly be able to adjust that rythem based on distance to optimize your accuracy and compensate for recoil. Head shots still kill people with one hit, but because of the lower accuracy and recoil it is wiser not to attempt head shots unless you are firing at a stationary target that is not firing back. Besides, you will always get a few unintentional headshots when aiming for the body with this gun. It takes between 3 and 4 shots to kill an enemy with full health depending on the class. This is not a hard thing to accomplish quickly at close range, and if you are playing as recommended in a combat-support capacity you will often be firing at targets that do not have full health.

m95 (Unlock): The m95 is the most used sniper rifle in the game. The m95 is an adequate single-shot alternative for MEC/Chinese/Etc snipers who are used to a stealthy distance-based style of sniping and do not want to use the SVD. Other than accomodating this type of player in this situation, the m95 has little value. Unfortunately the m95 is often viewed as being the most powerful gun in the game. This is because it's reputation in real life precedes it, because it is an unlock, and because it has a formidable graphic and sound in the game. However, the m95's power is equal to that of the m24 but it is less accurate than the m24. The m95 also has a thicker crosshair which obscures targets at long distances and exasperates the inaccuracy of the gun. The m95 can however shoot through plexiglass and hit driver's of jeeps and aircraft, as well as penetrate the hatch doors that serve as armor plating for the backs of gunners on top of jeeps. But because two shots (required for a non-head shot kill on a target of full health) are improbable for these types of targets it is better for snipers to use the m24 when possible. In the strict sense of the word the m95 is not an upgrade because it is worse than the m24.

And remember the most important thing with all of these rifles is practice, practice, practice.

3. Approaches to Sniping

There are two main tactical approaches to sniping. We will call them Distance and Combat and the two are really never totally separated.

The first approach, distance sniping, is the approach of hanging back a long distance from an enemy flag or traffic area and picking people off as they spawn. This approach is most efficient with the m24 and m95 though it is possible to do it with SVD as well, especially in urban maps where one does not have to be as far away to be unnoticed. However Distance sniping is not dependent on stealth. In fact, a preoccupation with being unseen will prevent a sniper from being efficient. A sniper should rely on the advantages of the rifle and not the preconceived notion from the real world that a sniper needs stealth to survive. A good distance sniper will want to be a minimal target, exposing as small a target as possible, but will not be afraid of revealing position. Remember; for any enemy to be able to hit you at a long distance the enemy has to stop, face you, sight you up, and fire multiple times to hit you. This is the most important window a sniper has when getting kills and if you are stealthy you won't see much of it, so don't be afraid to be seen - just rely on your rifle. Some people are very accurate with their primary weapon, sometimes you will face fellow snipers, and some people will get lucky. But more often than not they will not be able to kill you before you sight up their head and take them out. Stationary targets are easy targets. This does not mean avoid using bushes or laying down; it only means avoid the preconcieved notion that success is dependent on stealth. However if you are insistant on using the m95 tempering this approach with being in an unlikely position and accomplishing some stealth is probably a good idea. Though stealth should be of minimal importance to the distance sniper, cover and a retreat pathway are crucial for a distance sniper. You should be able to hide with little effort at a moment's notice if you are being fired upon and your life is in peril (this often includes any time between firing a shot). You should also easily be able to turn around and put more distance between you and your targets if you are being advanced upon and need more space for shots. Or, at the very least, retreat to a place where you can engage in close combat and use your pistol more effectively. If you are insistent on using stealth than it is also crucial for you to change your position after every one or two kills. But again this underscores the importance of relying on the rifle's inherent advantages rather than stealth because movement increases the likelihood of revealing the sniper's position. It is better to be in a position where an enemies will be at a disadvantage regardless of their awareness of you. Like any class it is important to pay attention to your minimap for the flags that are in the possession of the enemy and for the location of your team mates. This will let you know where the main traffic areas are, the most likely enemy spawn points, and whether or not your position is safe for you. Distance sniping is good for players who have average to slow connections since it removes some of the urgency of combat and allows players to lead their shots in accordance with their lag. Once you become skilled with your rifle you will be able to take closer shots and you will react better to enemies who unexpectedly close distance on you. Greater skill with your rifle will allow you to become a combat sniper.

Combat sniping is the best way to rake up kills, points, and make the biggest positive impact on your team; though it is the more difficult of the two styles and is more dependent on a fast connection. Combat sniping naturally lends itself to the SVD/Type 88 but the m24's power and accuracy can make it preferred even at closer ranges depending on the individual sniper's comfort with each weapon (I prefer the m24). There are three modes of combat sniping and one will most likely use them all if paying attention to the needs of the team and the changing tactical situation on the ground. The first mode focuses on combat support and this is the safest and most rewarding of all the modes. This mode is dependent on finding the main combat zone of the map where a majority of your team mates are fighting the enemy and either sitting off close behind your team or to the side of them. Though you will be exposed you will be further away than your team mates: both maximizing the advantage of your rifle (while getting larger targets than a distance sniper) and making yourself a lower-priority to the enemy than your team mates carrying assault weapons that are closer to the action. In this "comfort zone" you will be able to pick off targets at your leisure and you will have the greatest choice in targets that you will ever be exposed to and since you are close to your team mates you will be able to get healed, thus reducing the threat that enemy fire poses to your ratio.  The second mode of combat sniping is assault sniping.  This is best achieved when a sniper is either the member of a squad or a squad leader of a squad, though a lone wolf can do it as well.  Assault sniping is the act of taking an offensive role as a sniper and placing yourself in an advance to capture flags or supress the enemy, rather than engaging in the stand-off defensive battle usually found where the majority of both team's players meet. This requires that a sniper be extremely proficient with close range shots so that a sniper can take "snap shots" quickly to bring the enemy's health down to 10% or get a head shot. To do this a sniper must be very comfortable with the rifle because the sniper must "line up" the shot before zooming in so that when the the sniper does zoom in the rifle is already sighted on or very near the enemy target. Since enemy's encountered while assaulting are often unexpected or come from around corners a squad cooperation is truly ideal. During any squad firefight your ability to kill anything with less than 10% health or bring enemies health down to 10% (if you have the m24) or quickly and accurately pelt enemies with multiple shots (SVD) will increase the lifespan of your entire squad. Since you're on the front line your extra body in a cap zone will bring the flag down quicker, preventing enemy respawns, and thus increasing your lifespan further. You may even get the primary cap points often. The third mode combines elements of the two previous modes. This final mode is defense sniping. This mode comes into effect in the transition between friendly or enemy flag caps or any other time when key traffic areas are about to change. A combat sniper must be super-aware of the flow of the game, especially how a majority of players will position themselves based on which team possesses which flags as well as the popular "roads less traveled" used by people sneaking about. When in defense sniping mode a combat sniper utilizes this knowledge to position him/herself to halt or slow the advancing of ground troops entering a new traffic area. Killing the first advancers of a new wave of enemies after the flags shift will often set-up the new "front line" in the traffic areas because it will both slow the advance of the enemy and give your other team mates a chance to spawn and catch up. This is a key role of the combat sniper especially after being in assault mode and capturing a new flag, often the combat sniper will be ahead of the majority of the sniper's team mates.

With both approaches positioning and cover are key. The best position for a sniper to be in is directly behind an enemy advance or line. Any time you put yourself behind the majority of spawning enemy the better off you are, regardless of the approach you are using. The second best position to be in is directly in front of the enemy so you do not have to lead your shots. The worst position for a sniper to be in is directly to the side of an enemy, especially quickly advancing enemies. Cover is abundant throughout the game but I recommend that always take cover behind things that allow you to remain standing. This way your potential for movement is maximized. There's nothing easier than throwing a nade behind a rock that you know someone is laying behind.

4. Other Tactics

Rifle kills and an awareness of the best role to play on a team aren't everything to being a successful sniper. Snipers, like all other classes, have many tools at their disposal.

The Pistol: The pistol is by far the most important tool in the sniper's arsenal other than the rifle. And more than any other class the sniper is dependent on the pistol for success. The pistol is not only the sniper's primary defensive weapon but also a key tool in insuring that targets that are hit with the rifle but not killed find themselves looking at their respawn time. Usually when you hit a target and do not kill them instantly they are aware of being hit and take some kind of action. Either by running away, or moving in unpredictable ways, or hiding. The time it takes to take your next shot with the m24/m95 or reload your clip with the SVD/Type 88 is very valuable and can often mean the difference between losing a kill or gaining 2 points. The pistol is an extremely accurate weapon and neither it's accuracy or power are diminished by the silencer. If you have gotten a few hits with the SVD or one hit with the m24 the health of the enemy will be extremely low. Always be ready to take out your pistol, even at a distance, to fire at your enemy. It only takes a couple shots to take them out and a good sniper will get atleast a third of their over all kills this way. Finishing off enemies with the pistol after one (m24) or a few (SVD) shots is crucial for the combat sniper.

The Claymore: The claymore is an object of scorn even to those who use it. It is viewed as a magnet for team kills. I disagree with this assessment and I will get to why in the "Sniper Don'ts" section. As for now I will explain the appropriate use of a claymore. The claymore is to be used to mainly in two situations; the first is when you have been spotted and enemies are advancing on you. In this situation a sniper can pull back, drop a claymore at a time in the pull-back where an enemy won't see it, and let the enemy run into it. Of course only do this when there's few team mates around. The advantage of this use of the claymore is that you aren't leaving a small mine sitting around for a long period of time because if done right it will go off very quickly. The second way to use claymores is to use them as a proactive weapon while utilizing the combat sniping approach. When combat sniping one may often find themself in areas where enemies will definitely spawn or pass through, such as the dreaded "armor whore" alley at the first part flag at karkaand where the MEC spawn, the tin fence which faces the USMC base, or any other key spawn or traffic area. There is of course some danger of friendlies setting off your claymores but if done right and with good judgement there usually won't be time for a friendly to trip your mine. And remember to always face your claymore in the direction enemies will be coming from and never in the direction of your team's flag. Always throw grenades at claymores or remove them when they're no longer likely to kill the enemy.

Hopping: One of the best ways to improve your life span is to zoom out immediately after taking a shot and jumping to the left or the right and then quickly resighting. This changes your position while allowing you to focus your mouse and keep your rifle pointed at generally the same spot for a quick shot when you zoom back in. This tactic is invaluable against other snipers, especially any snipers that are in better positions that have already taken shots at you. This is not bunny hopping for those of you who are sensitive to the word "hop."

Diving: Another great way to make yourself a harder target to hit (especially against attackers at close distances) is to dive forward and take a shot upon hitting the ground. The beauty diving is that while you are in the air becoming a smaller target to your attacker you have a brief moment to point your body in the right direction so that when you zoom you're sighted or you can even try zooming in while in the air. A quick shot to anywhere on your opposers body and then quickly taking out your pistol will significantly increase your likelihood of survival.

Ducking: Ducking is a great way to get quick cover without getting your rifle too far off your pre-sighted target. Find a wall or a rock or something that you can stand behind in the face of advancing enemies, take a shot, press z, reload, press z again, take another shot, and repeat. You won't even have to zoom out but if you do you'll still be lined up generally in the right direction and over time you'll learn how to adjust more efficiently. Using this tactic is a really great way to get kills and instead of spending the time you normally would spend sighting up just to hit anywhere on an enemies body you can spend that time sighting up their face. Enemies at a distance seeing you pop up and down like a whack-a-mole trying to kill their friends will run forward to try and shoot back at you like moths to a flame - giving you even more targets. This isn't recommended as much though against other snipers unless used in conjunction with diving and hopping as strictly ducking only allows your opponent to sight up your position before you pop back up. Also, if an enemy sniper has you in his/her crosshairs and you duck your red name will still be visible in their scope if you don't move so beware.

Healing: This of course is not specific to the sniper but remember that when you kill a medic you can pick up their equipment, throw down a medipack, and pick your rifle back up to heal yourself. A lot of snipers pride themselves on getting a good kill/death ratio and this is a good way to do that. Besides, the more time spent getting kills at the front line rather than waiting to spawn and re-advancing the better off your team is. Always take care to keep your health up and don't be afraid to request medics.

Spotting: As a sniper you have a zoom lense and it is your business is to focus on troop movement. Be sure to spot troops that you are unlikely to kill as much as possible, including all vehicles and aircraft.

5. Sniper Don'ts

Inappropriate Claymore Placement: While team kills with claymore are inevitable a portion of the time, they are largely due to poor placement rather than friendly mistakes. The claymore is not a way for a sniper to cover his/her rear. Often times people view claymores as a way to prevent knife kills, this is stupid. When placing a claymore always remember that you like all other team members will be coming from a flag to go and face an enemy flag or position. Laying a claymore at your rear while you face the enemy puts it looking straight at your flag. Since most people know that the skull isn't a power up they will assume that you are as smart as them and that you weren't stupid enough to place a claymore facing the friendly spawn, thinking it's safe to walk up. If you observe player behavior most everybody notices explosives and in the case of claymores they usually walk up to observe whether it's a claymore or c4 and side step appropriately. If your claymore is facing incoming friendly traffic they will not be able to tell if it's c4 or a claymore until it's too late. Every once in a while though, not very often (except maybe on the weekends) someone will legitimately step on a well placed claymore and this is to be expected. More claymore don'ts: Don't lay them in high traffic areas where combat might make players too frantic to pay attention or where the impatience to get to battle might distract them. Don't lay them in wide open spaces. Don't lay them where friendlies might take refuge if being fired upon and are in need of cover. Remember to consider claymore kills bonus kills and try not to use them unless you're certain of an enemy. You won't have to worry about knifers if you aren't relying on stealth - enemy players won't think they can sneak up on you if you're standing up and taking shots.

Objective Neutrality: Even if you are using the distance sniping approach do not turn a blind eye to people capturing flags. There is nothing more annoying and wasteful than a sniper covering a flag while it's being capped by friendlies. More people in a cap zone bring a flag down quicker, and the more time it takes to bring a flag down the more chance enemies have to spawn, and the more enemies spawn the less chance all of you have of living. See where I'm going with this? Help take the damn flags - your ability to take out enemies who might threaten the cap is not equal to the good you will do cutting down the cap time no matter how good you are. Don't get wrapped up in your spot or your success either. It's good to keep whatever area of the map you are in covered, but if the battle has moved up move up with it even when playing as a distance sniper. Don't get wrapped up sniping an area that is obsolete. You will get fewer kills and you will serve your team poorly.

"Craning": Some of the funnest times a sniper can have are on an extremely elevated position like a tall building or crane, especially when the position is very near to an enemy flag. However the act of getting to these positions undetected is often an accomplishment in itself which can make a sniper reluctant to reposition even if there are no enemies even remotely in range. Don't seek high positions out. Many people, including snipers such as myself, systematically scan the high positions for easy kills. If you find yourself in a high position then enjoy it but remember - you have a parachute and you shouldn't be afraid to use it. Also remember that people in ladders are free kills. The more time you spend in a ladder the worse off you are. This also goes for positions in buildings where you shoot ouf of a window or a doorway. This has some appeal because this is how we all think of real life snipers but remember; this is how we all think of real life snipers and buildings aren't hard to sneak up on. you are essentially trapping yourself, limiting your visibility, and providing a frame for your opponents to fire into. They can have their shots lined up before you reappear.

Stealth: Again I feel the need to reiterate, especially after reading some previous sniping guides, do not rely on stealth to get your kills. Rely on your weapon and good positioning. If you are hard to see it should be because you're behind them or in a mass of people, if you are hard to see in any other position you're probably too far away to make a difference in the round.

6. Sniper Positions

Each map has various spots on it that are advantageous for the sniper given the typical flow and traffic of both teams. I'll show you some of the spots on the 64 person overviews that I typically use to make a greater impact. Almost any position can work for each individual sniper in each individual game, and some positions work better for others so this guide is simply the positions that work well for me with some explaination of why I do or do not use more typical positions. Just to make things simple I've numbered the positions and lettered the flags. I'll add em as I make em.


Position 1: This position is excellent if you are USMC. I typically am not "cresting" the hill when I am sniping here but I am much closer to the tin fence so I can get closer shots and so the enemy is more likely to see me and attempt to fire by stopping and showing me their pretty face. Laying a claymore at the opening to the fence can give added security and being a squad leader will allow your team mates to spawn closer to the action early in the round. UAVs usually cover this area thoroughly so you can also take out any spec ops sneaking around to blow command assets before they even get close. Using this spot I once raked in 36 kills with 2 deaths.
Position 2: This is the next logical position after flag A has been capped. I like to lay here in the middle of the street and snipe people as they try to retake their flag. Keep 20 to 30 yards away from the four way intersection so you can take quick shots at people who come around corners. The enemy will usually be so busy worrying about any vehicles or troops with automatic weapons that you can rake in easy kills here. Again, if anybody stops to shoot you they've given you a stationary target. If too many friendlies are around you you will be hit by artillery. This position is not recommended for MEC snipers killing USMC advancers at the beggining of the round because the haze over the hill puts even regular combat troops at an advantage. MEC sniping is harder at the start of the round and subject to an individual's style. When MEC I usually don't snipe until USMC have capped a different flag.
Position 3: This is the ledge that overlooks the back road that takes you to flag C. This is another great position to take out people when the battle is between Flags A and B or B and C. If you note the blue line around the dot you can see how you might be able to kill "fringe" assaulters during those battles. When the battle is between flag A and B you will get many easy kills against people using the small plaza directly to your east for cover.
Position 4: In alley furthest east from flags A and B there is a ladder to a two story building that overlooks the square to the east of flag B. This is another good location to take shots from though you may be spotted due to the heavy UAV activity. Also you will be taking a lot of shots directly from the side of running targets which are the hardest to pull off.
Positions 5 and 5.a: These positions are good both for killing people spawning at flag B and assaulting flag C. When covering flag B you will have haze, height, and various forms of cover to keep you safe. From position 5 you will also be able to cover people coming up the southern ramp with easy retreat access if a tank or LAV comes up. If assaulting flag C from position 5 and 5.a you will be able to kill people in the main spawn zone directly to the west where most people accumulate and they will never think to look at your position because they assume that position is held by their team. From position 5 you will even have a narrow corridoor to shoot in if people come around the corner from flag C from which to take easy close range shots.
Position 6: Down in the "sea level" portion of the map west of the river there is a big "T" shaped building more or less in the center. There is a ladder on this building that faces west. From this position, at various times during the map, you will be in view of advancing or spawning enemies or atleast on the fringes of the battle. This spot is very advantageous if a strong enemy is assaulting flag B from flag C, or assaulting flags B or C from flag D.
Position 7: This is the best position between 7, 8, and 9. This position gives you elevation and allows you to get headshots on people coming up over the ramp by flag D, allows you to take shots at people trying to make their way to the ramp directly below you, and because of the open space and the nature of the cover enemies will mainly be stopping too far away to shoot you but just far enough away to take them out. This spot also works when assaulting flag C when an enemy is preoccupied with moving south in the map. You will get many people in the back of the head and because nobody will expect you to be there most people moving in your direction will make for easy close range targets.
Position 8: This is a good position overlooking spawn D. You will get many opportunities to take shots and if you distance yourself from the ramp you will be able to take easy close range shots at people who make their way up it or who come up the walkway on the otherside of the road. This spot has some disadvantages: a lot of your shots will be directly from the side against running targets in a chaotic battle, the enemy always expects people to be here, and non-sniper team mates will accumulate here making this an attractive spot for a commander to place artillery.
Position 9: This is an excellent position especially if you are a squad leader. You will be giving your squad a spawn point just outside of flag D and out of the way of the heavier fighting. You will also be able to take easy close range shots at people below you as well as take shots in the narrow walkway directly south of you against enemies who succeed in coming up the ramp or stairs.
Position 9.5 (left out by accident): This position is the tower on either side of the bridge in the middle of the river. The window gives your enemies a frame and though this target is easy for people good with a nade launcher.. and though this is where people will expect you to be. But I included this because usually the fighting is too chaotic for people to try and take you out even when you're spotted and because of the nature of cover here most of your opponents will be as neatly framed as you are. This is better when you are assaulting flag D but it also works when assaulting flag E.
Position 10: There is a little shack on this road that you can either get behind or get inside of for cover, though you can trap yourself here. This is a good position for attacking flag E when battle is between flag D and E, especially when your team holds flag F. If you are courageous enough you can try from here even when the enemy holds flag F. Because this road is used so little and because people at flag E will be focused on flag D you will be able to take many easy shots at enemies firing across the bridge or taking cover.
Position 11: Warning; this spot is artillery prone. The haze and the elevation make this spot ideal even though everybody at flag D will expect snipers to be here. People will be too busy avoiding the rain of bullets to take shots at you and because you have the advantage of relative comfort, you will even have the drop on most enemies who do choose to take shots at you. Another warning though; good snipers on the opposing team will find ways to pick off the other snipers that they expect to be there so be prepared for a sniping contest.
Position 12: A good close/medium range spot when the combat is between flag E and G. People with nade launchers won't be able to hit you, enemies will constantly make themselves stationary targets to try and shoot back at you, you will be able to see enemy armor coming, and an abundance of team mates will insure you get healed. Watch out for enemy grenades and be sure to keep an eye on the ramp nearby.
Position 13: This is my little secret. You can hide under the pipes here at the "foot" that attatches them to the ground. You can use this spot to pick off people assaulting from flag G or spawning at flag E. I've never been killed here and you are provided with enough medium range shots of people running directly towards you or away from you to make it worthwhile. Be sure to make your way to this when you won't be seen or directly after you've capped flag E or G.
Positions 14 and 15: These positions are good, heavy action positions for assaulting flag F. Most enemies will be trying to make their way up the ramp directly west of that flag so you will be provided with many stationary targets or targets moving directly away from you (so you don't have to lead shots as much). If you're good at taking quick close range shots people coming around the corner towards you will be at a disadvantage.
Position 16: This position is the second level of the guard tower and is best when covering flag H from enemies who hold flags F and/or G. Again, combat here will usually be too heavy for people that notice you to successfully take the time out to kill you and if they do they've usually only made themselves a stationary target for your benefit. I don't recommend using the window in the second story as this is limits your visibility and as such is easy for enemies to sneak into.
Position 17: This is a very deadly position both if an enemy controls flag H or if an enemy is assaulting it. You will have full visibility of the cap zone, the routes of advance, and with the haze, elevation, and distance that this spot provides it will be very hard for enemies to take you out. Getting to this position is done by climbing up the big shipping crane directly to the south on the pier and doing a series of jumps that will become obvious once you get up the crane. This is an excellent spot to become a squad leader from if flag H is in enemy hands though you will become so annoying so quickly to the enemy that arty will rain down almost instantly if the commander is any good.

Mashtuur City
Mashtuur Positions

Position 1: This first position is a good position when an enemy holds flag C. On top of the cliff to the west of Flag C is a road and a bridge as well as a series of ledges that lead from the road down to the flag. Almost any one of these places is an acceptable area to snipe from and if you stay at the road and you're spotted you won't be trapped on a ledge. Every once in a while an enemy vehicle will take this road but not usually. If you stay still enough you should also be safe from blackhawks. This is a good spot to be a squad leader from.
Position 2: This position is on the other side of the ramp that leads up to the main MEC spawn or flag B. This is an excellent position for holding enemy troops back when an enemy holds flag B. The distance and generally difficulty to reach this position when under attack can allow a decent sniper to generally contain the enemy until friendlies arrive. Also this spot is so under-utilized that if you play it carefully it may take the enemy a while to figure out where you are. This is a good spot to be a squad leader from. Little Blackhawk risk.
Position 3: This position is toward the South West of flag B. On the South West corner of the four way intersection that is at the bottom of the ramp is a building with an archway underneath it. There is a ladder on the south side of this building that allows you to reach the roof. This is another excellent spot both for attacking flag B or for killing enemy attackers moving from flag C to flag B. Some savvy players will expect snipers to be here but the cover and distance that this flag affords will insure that you will be able to kill most enemies before they kill you. This is a good spot to be a squad leader from. Little blackhawk risk.
Position 4: This is one of my favorite positions in Mashtuur and it is little used by most snipers. When coming over the south bridge from the east side of the map to the west just after you cross the first street is a very tall building - the tallest in the map. On the north side of this building is a ladder that leads to the top. From this position you can snipe enemies at flag C, flag B, flag D, and sometimes people attacking flag D from flag E. If you have an m24 you will be able to dominate even when spotted. Very few people are interested in this region of the map and very little combat takes place here. People in this area are normally only going to combat which means that this is one of the few building you can lay claymores on safely. There are is also ample cover here to hide behind. Little blackhawk risk.
Position 5: The two story building at flag B is a famous sniper spot which maybe doesn't need to be mentiond. In fact, as a sniper on the opposite bank of the river I often enjoy scanning the windows to kill snipers who have pre-framed themselves for me. But I've also had success from within this building. There's a lot of blackhawk and artillery risk here so I don't recommend it, but when this flag is under heavy attack there is really no better place to be if you are going to snipe.
Position 6: Position 6 is on the walkway that on the East side of the river just behind the concrete wall. You can snipe anywhere along this wall but I've marked the place I have the most success at. Obviously this position is great for sniping people at flag B when your team holds flag D. The wall provides great cover for ducking, taking a quick shot, and ducking again. A lot of non-sniper class troops on the opposite bank attempt to get kills from firing from the other side of the river which will make for a lot of easy kills as a sniper. The position I've marked is good because you can kill lone wolfs sneaking through the drainage tube whereas on the north side of the wall you will often have to contend with enemy artillery or entire squads making their way across the river from flag B. Heavy blackhawk risk.
Position 7: This position is on top of or inside of the Northern most building along the wall just on the East side of the river. There is easy access to this building and it is a relatively low traffic area depending on who holds what flags. From it however you can be on the fringe of the battle and take shots at enemies who hold flags B, D, and F. This is a relatively safe spot though you will regularly get a detirmined enemy soldier who will spawn and respawn attempting to storm your position. The rooftop poses an easy grenade target for people who know where you are and safely make their way to the ground around the building and inside of the building you will be vunerable to the automatic weapons of enemy soldiers. Medium blackhawk risk.
Position 8: There is a ladder on the south face of the building that is on the Southern side of the Southern ramp that leads to the East side of the river. This spot both affords easy shots with ample cover against enemies at flags D and E as well as advancing enemies from flag C. From the heighest tower you can even sometimes get shots off at enemies at flag B (if you have the m95 or m24 with greater scope magnification). This position is popular even for non-sniper soldiers which means when it gets more than a sniper or two on it it becomes a popular artillery target so beware of that. Also smart blackhawk gunners will be sure to scan this position at every pass and ground troops are also highly aware of it. But as we've discussed before when people stop to take shots at you from a distance that only puts the advantage in your favor. The fact that there are four elevations of ledges on this building means that even when enemies sneak up on you you may have a fighting chance against them.
Position 10: This is the water tower on the North part of the map just to the North East of the main USMC spawn (flag F). This spot is good both for attacking flag F or defending it. This spot is popular among snipers and is a good spot to be a squad leader from, however a lot of your shots will be side-shots against running targets which make for difficult kills. Good players are aware of this tower and it is vunerable to easy grenade launcher shots, small arms fire, and grenades when people get close enough. However a good sniper can get a lot of kills from here. Low blackhawk risk.
Position 11: This spot is accessible through a ladder inside of the "plaza" protected by the tin fence just outside and East of the building where you usually spawn in when you hold flag D. From this spot you can snipe in any direction in the highest traffic and heaviest combat zone in the map in relative safety. This building is high enough that you can always move out of sight of enemies on the ground. It can be difficult for enemies to kill you if you're here but once you are spotted you will become so annoying that many enemy troops will devote a lot of energy to kill you, and probably succeed. There is a fair risk of artillery here and heavy blackhawk risk but overall this is a good spot. If your team holds flag D it will be very difficult for enemies to come up the ladder and kill you.
Position 12: On the ground just South of the Southern ramp which leads to flag F are clusters of palm trees. This is a great spot to lay when assaulting flag F and your team holds either flag D or E. If your team holds flag E you will get lots of stationary targets standing at the concrete wall shooting West. If your team holds flag E you will get lots of shots at people moving down the ramp. There's enough grass and obstruction here that moves people won't notice you and enemy jeeps will drive right past. There is low blackhawk and artillery risk here. This position can be rewarding, though risky, if attacking flag E and since it gives you a good view of the main road leading West you can often kill people fighting between flag E and D or people moving from flag D to flag F.
Position 13: Just West of the road that leads up to the USMC blackhawk spawn (flag G) is a ledge elevated above flag E. This is great for killing people at flag E. The distance is just far enough to make it hard for enemies to kill you and the elevation is high enough to where just backing up will provide you with cover. Enemies are often aware of you being here but as I stated distance and elevation, combined with the necessity of them stopping to fire if they wish to kill you put the advantage in your favor. Usually fighting is so chaotic, often with artillery or blackhawk hitting this flag that you are low on their list of worries even if they do know about you. Often targets here will be wounded meaning it will take less shots to get kills.
Position 14: This position is the roof above flag F. Everybody knows about it and it's a good position to use both for assaulting or defending flag F. But it's obviousness and popularity can make it dangerous and you will be an easy blackhawk target. Just the fact that you are near a spawn point will means that the enemy commander will probably put arty on you if you're assaulting this flag or if you are defending it. Also if an enemy holds flag G and is moving North to assault it you may have little cover or be too busy to adequately defend yourself. The level of the hills to the South where enemies are approaching from removes the advantage of height that this building would traditionally have provided.

Sharqi Peninsula
Sharqi Positions
As indicated by the 19 sniper positions in the relatively small area of this map, the Sharqi Peninsula is truly a sniper's paradise.

Position 1: This position is good either when assaulting flag A or B. This is a traffic area for a small percentage of players and as such you will have a mix of close and medium range targets. Because people generally feel they have the advantage if a sniper is spotted and not very far off people will arrogantly try to take you down in ways they wouldn't if you had an AK. Because of this kills here should be easy. This is a great place to be a squad leader from so that you will have some close range back up and possibly a medic.
Position 2: A great place to kill MEC troops advancing from flag A is from the first concrete ledge closest to flag A. Targets will be at medium range, below you, and heading towards you which makes for easy headshots. There are generally enough team mates around to prevent you from being flanked as well - this includes medics. Cover is easily attained by ducking and enemies will be stupid enough to stop and fire at you when you're spotted. The disadvantage of this position is that it is usually the first place hit by MEC artillery.
Position 3: Just on the other side of the road behind the second concrete ledge West of flag A is a rock. This rock is a great place to take shots at people advancing from flag A as well as close range side shots at people advancing from flag B to flag C. This spot is hit or miss, but when it's hit it is really great. If you position yourself well you will be suprised how often people run right by you. People advancing from flag A to B using the main road will be directly facing you but so busy looking for targets closer to them that you will rarely be fired upon. You will also be able to spot and avoid enemy vehicles.
Position 4: The West-most building in the string of buildings North of flag B is a good spot to snipe from if the enemy holds flag B and your team holds flag C. There are two ladders on the North face of this building. This is a good place to be a squad leader from but if you aren't a squad leader and you don't anticipate team mates coming up be sure to lay claymores because this spot is relatively well known. You will be taking mostly side shots but you will be so close to the targets that they won't be as difficult as usual and finishing wounded enemies off with the pistol will be extremely easy.
Position 5: This position is on the hill North of all the buildings by flag B. This spot is also good for sniping flag B but is also great if there is combat between flag B and D regardless of which team holds which flag. Often in 64 person servers more advanced players will use this clearing just south of this hill to avoid battle - and you will be able to kill them.
Position 6: To the West of flag E is a ramp that leads up to flag A. There is a good snipe spot at the bottom of this ramp on the ground just south of the first string of buildings if the enemy is heavily spawning at flag E. Nobody will suspect you being here and people will be spawning directly in front of you with their backs facing you. You will also kill anybody sneaking around to the East. If somebody does get wise to you they have to traverse very far and expose themselves multiple times to get in range of killing you unless they're a sniper which makes them an easy target.
Position 7: This is the high building just South East of flag E. On the South face of this building is a ladder which will allow you to climb up. This spot is good if the enemy holds flag E or if combat is between flag E and C regardless of who holds what. This spot is well known but a well placed claymore will prevent nosey enemies from joining you and your elevation and distance will make you a hard target. Cover is easy to attain up here when spotted.
Position 8: I often use the road just West of flag D when the enemy holds flag C. This road sinks in elevation and there are also trees and corners to provide cover. You will be able to get many shots at enemies at flag C including easy kills against people using the AA turret or snipers using the obvious roof to the North West of the flag. You will rarely be spotted and if you are you will retain the advantage.
Positions 9 and 10: There are two rooftops right next to flag D that are advantageous both for defending flag D and assaulting it. One is directly East of it and one is directly West. These are great places to be a squad leader if assaulting flag D. When defending you will have clear shots at enemies both at flag C and F.
Position 11: The best place to snipe from, in my opinion, in the two half constructed buildings that compose the spawn of flag F is the third story of the West-most building facing towards flag C. There is no "solid" cover here, and if somebody is really detirmined they will probably kill you, but people are usually so busy doing other things that you may get easy kills here whether using the SVD or the m24. I don't recommend the roof because it is often hit by artillery nor do I recommend sniping from the East-most building because it is the one most used by enemy troops to reach flag F.
Position 12: The infamous Sharqi crane. If you can get up here, and if you can do it without annoying team mates following you, you may have great success here. More than one person here usually invites an artillery strike or insures that enemies will spot you but most people don't check this crane for snipers because the combat is usually too intense (but I check it). The is best if you are USMC and using the m24 but it is adequate if you are MEC and using the m95. You can use the SVD at lower levels in the crane but of course the multiple shots it takes to kill people with the gun and the lower elevation increase the likelihood you will be spotted. Cover can be attained if you are high enough and if you get trapped you can parachute out. As with any cranes, you must look out for being too proud of attaining the position to leave it when it becomes unsafe and the multiple shots it can take to kill targets means you will probably run out of ammo before you die (which can be annoying).
Position 13: Just South West of flag D and North East of the flag F is a three story building which provides a good view of the battles which take place between flags D and F, D and G, and F and G. As well as the spawns of flag D and F themselves. The shots here are close range and most people forget about this spot or don't risk getting up to it which makes it good. Unfortunately though when you are spotted by team mates or enemies they are reminded of this neat roof top position and often attempt to join you which either makes you have to contend with an enemy's automatic weapon or a team mate giving off your position.
Position 14: Just to the East at the very top of the East most ramp which leads up to the "main level" of the map from sea level is a tall building with a ladder on the East face of it. This is a great spot to snipe from with ample cover which gives a great view of flag F, flag G, and the battle that can take place between them. You will probably be spotted but you will have the advantage which means it's safe to be a squad leader here so you can get healed. A good commander can easily put supplies on the roof here to improve your odds of survival. This can be a hard spot to get up to since it only becomes relevant when people are in this area, but since it's hard to get up to once you're up there there's little likelihood of enemies following you up.
Position 15: The slope of the hill just West of position 14 is a great spot to kill advancers using this ridge to move from flag G to flag F. Even though you'll be at lower elevation than your attackers the nature of the slope will make attaining cover easy and moving up and down it will allow you to take a variety of shots at enemies in a variety of positions. When advanced upon you can get easy headshots at people from the ground when they come over the crest of the hill. It's also much easier to kill snipers on the roof of the building where the helicopters spawn if you have the m24 since the only thing you can see of those people is the silouette of their head.
Position 16: Just West of the North West fence which surrounds the area around flag G is a building with an arch which has a ladder on the East side of it. This is my favorite spot. It provides a lot of cover and gives you clear close range shots at flag D and medium/long range shots at flag G. If you have the m24 you can even kill people on the roof of the tall building where the helicopter spawns. Beware of people below the building throwing grenades up. You can get easy kills on the enemy if they hold flag G and are trying to advance towards flag F or D.
Position 17: Just on the East side of the fence that surrounds flag G north of the road into this area is a long building with a ladder on the West face. This is a good spot to kill spawners at flag G or people assaulting it from flag F. This spot is very well known and combat often takes place directly around the building but distance will generally be in your favor and if you are good with your pistol you should be able to hold your own enough to get enough kills to make your death worth it.
Position 18: The North-most building in the square to the east of flag G is also a good spot to snipe from. This spot is great both for killing snipers on the roof of the helicopter building and for killing people spawning on the ground at flag G. You will also easily kill anybody advancing either to or from flag G. It's much harder for people to sneak up on this building if you are on the roof or on the east side on the ground because of it's isolation and open space surrounding it; meaning that even if people try to kill you you will have an advantage. If the armor at flag G sees you you it will probably kill you.
Position 19: Everybody knows that the roof of the building where the helicopter spawns can be a good sniper spot if enemies are making their way to flag G. Commanders know it too and this spot is often hit by artillery so beware. If you're a good sniper you can do well from here but beware of how you look to snipers on the ground - you are a black silouette and an easy headshot.

Well that is the guide so far. I hope it's helpful for those of you who don't already know it all and took the time to read it.

Last edited by ComradeWho (2006-01-29 22:25:07)


Another guide huh?
+85|7003|good old CA
yeap another guide

+50|6946|Southern California
I can't believe you took the time to twice express your dissatisfaction with the fact that it's another guide, usmarine2005.

There's a bunch of guides on that one page but nothing about snipers. Didn't seem right!

Ummmmmm...there are a few in the forums.
+50|6946|Southern California
They're not very good and some of them aren't even written by snipers. In fact mine directly contradicts almost all of them.
+17|7045|Dayton, Ohio
i fell asleep trying to read the first part...woke up read some more, had a beer, and a smoke and fell asleep reading yet more.  i'm none the less impressed that for some reason the sniper kit more than any other needs so much explaining that it requires this many threads based on it. 

it should be noted that when hunting enemy snipers with a SVD/Type 88 that once you get an enemy sniper kill you move to his position to aquire the m24 if at all possible. question...which kit has the most thread guides dedicated to it?

is the sniper kit that hard to figure out?  i mean come on all you CS AWP whores get used to it's pro's and con's...if you were never a good 'sniper' you won't be one here.

and by being a good sniper i don't mean just having lightning reflexes to pop someone in the torso to survive/kill.

i'm personally glad that the boom sticks take skill.

EDIT [I'm still waiting for a sniper guide from 'the great one'...(i know i'm gonna butcher this name) sen fien...however, your stats as a fellow sniper warrant some merit...though i'm guilty of finding success in many of your dont's]

despite all the for said i did find a couple of nuggets that i look forward to utilizing in my sniping adventures...happy targeting brethren of the scope...

Last edited by WormGuts (2006-01-27 23:34:14)


It is a very good guide, I just don't want more people who snipe gaining more skills and pwning me from 500 meters.
+17|7045|Dayton, Ohio

usmarine2005 wrote:

It is a very good guide, I just don't want more people who snipe gaining more skills and pwning me from 500 meters.
agreed...sniping is a very difficult skill to learn, and one that takes hours of patience/trial and error.  it would be a pity if someone could 'snipe' a forums to find out the tricks of [t]he trade.

Last edited by WormGuts (2006-01-27 23:17:55)

+50|6946|Southern California
Once you get good over all at sniping some of the don'ts can be done with good judgement. Claymore placement is an art and as such there are no absolutes to it, but still general principles.
As for craning, craning is definitely fun and can be good as I tried to state, but if you observe the average sniper you play out there it seems to be mainly a drawback.

Of course stealth is nice but it's really impossible to attain. If you're infront of somebody you're visible. The only time you may not be is if they're focused trying to kill more visible people. I know when I play other classes I've only been killed once or twice by a sniper that I was unaware of. I noticed from the other guides and how people play that most people focus on stealth. But in the rounds I've been a primary contributor I've never even thought about stealth - just smart positioning to the side or rear of the enemy - where you can be unseen without hiding. It just doesn't seem to me that in this game stealth is important at all.
Don't listen to them, i thaught it was good. I had no idea the M24 did the same amount of damage M95

I suddenly want to go back to long stints as USMC!

I beg you to stop helping snipers.  I hate getting waxed from nowhere all the time.
Mass Media Casualty

I'll direct people once again to my guide on how to not die by Claymores, which would accompany this guide well.
I think people arn't reading it because they think they don't get killed by Claymores that often. The constant flow of ignorant people walking into Claymores that I see begs to differ.

Good guide.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

I think that this guide is too advanced for the beginner Sniper.

In your guide theres too many things to think about when their only just starting up, how are they meant to keep back a group of enemys when they cant even hit a guy.

Not saying that I dont like it. Having written a sniper guide not too long ago, I know how hard it is too keep it sweet and short.


Last edited by Jestar12345 (2006-01-27 23:38:12)

+50|6946|Southern California
Thanks for the positive remarks.

As to the guide being too advanced that may be right. i ought to change it to "How to be a good sniper" or something.

It's a good guide on claymore that you wrote.

Glad my guide was of some help Australia*|AAC|*!
+17|7045|Dayton, Ohio
i agree that stealth is over played...i however love using my cranes...i'll start out relatively low on the crane pop a couple people and move one notch up.  pop a couple more then move up after dropping a claymore.  pop one last then 'chute down and cover my crane and approaching area from a mid section of a building. (sharqi comes to mind always when sniping comes up)  though it's not my favorite map to snipe.  nor my favorite kit on the map.  hell sniper is only my third most played kit...though in the last month i've begun getting really deadly at the close/mid range when you say a sniper can really wreak havoc from the front lines i know your not kidding...

today i had a round on sharqi where i moved around a 2 block circle high and low and rolled up a 23-4 k:d record while even managing 3 flag caps.  of corse it was all done with my beloved m24.  i was spotted so many times by the enemy that it wasn't funny, but my aim was quick and my weapon deadlier.  eventually they went elsewhere...looking for an easier target i can only assume.  which only gave me moe time to find a comfy spot to call home again...
Well ok... it is another guide to sniping... but this one has definitely many valid points though I must say that stealth is still a crucial factor... but stealth in BF2 is attained by good positioning so basically they are virtually the same.

Concerning "sniping the forum" for the tricks of the trade... that won't be of very much use as this guide gives hints how to act as a sniper.... not how to shoot the rifle. Being in a good position does not mean, that you actually kill anything... And as acting as a sniper in BF2 is some kind of an art, shooting the rifle to attain kills is even more of an art as it requires practice, experience, a steady hand and above all patience (which most sniper-aspirants do not have)
+50|6946|Southern California
haha yeah. i know what you mean wormguts. the best part is when players see that sniper suit walking around with the rifle out at close range and they aren't as serious about trying to kill you as they might be if you had a grenade launcher, just their mistake. big suprise when they go to liesurely fire their weapon and they get a bullet in their face before they can press fire.

your crane tactics seem pretty awesome. I'd be afraid though that some lamer team mate would see me on the crane and think "oh i want to do that!" and set off my claymore like they do on building ladders. I've killed a lot of snipers who never leave the crane once i've got em zeroed and taken a few shots - makes me think most snipers out there need a warning.

Last edited by ComradeWho (2006-01-27 23:52:05)

+50|6946|Southern California
good observation reaper.
i did mention that the most important thing is practice practice practice. the only tip i could give to improve shooting is to learn how to aim your rifle at a target before you zoom so "sighting up" takes less time, and then general tricks on how to retain that even when zooming out and avoiding being shot. But mainly the only way to help as far as shooting is concerned is to discuss how not to get shot.

Though i imagine more snipers would be more accurate if they didn't lay around in some bush or far back on a hilltop waiting for somebody to wander into their sights.

I also just added a little blurb in the "other tactics" section on ducking, which can be used to improve accuracy.

Last edited by ComradeWho (2006-01-28 00:15:36)

I also wrote A Treatise on Sniping somewhere else in the forums... I'm reading your guide now. I'll leave comments when I'm done... probably not till next morning when I have the energy to read.

ComradeWho wrote:

They're not very good and some of them aren't even written by snipers. In fact mine directly contradicts almost all of them.
Since yours directly contradicts almost all of them, then that makes yours much better than these "not very good guides". You said it yourself. Not all of these guides were written by snipers??? ROFL

Look at your stats as a sniper. Here is the link to anyone that would like to check them out.

Not even HALF of your total sniper kills come from your sniper rifle. Where are the rest coming in??? <Points to armor category> Check out your accuracy with your rifle. It is a pitiful 42%. Even YOU as such an expert sniper, as your badge implies, <once again pointing to armor> should know that sniping is not randomly firing off potshots with your "singleshot" M24. I believe that it is called a "bolt-action" instead of a "single-shot", but hey YOU are the expert here. Just curious... the MEC/PLA rifles must be "automatics" then right?

Sure your so called guide was put together with a bunch of nice and neat wording but in all actuallity, it and you are full of crap. It is nothing more than a bunch of opinions that don't mean much. Talk to us in numbers. The numbers don't lie and they say that you are an armor/vehicle whore. Nearly 1/3 of your total time is played in a vehicle. Nothing wrong with that but killing someone with a tank or chopper while you are a sniper does not make you an expert least not skillwise. Your K/D ratio is rather low too for someone of such expertise. Maybe you were trying to bring it back up with armor kills or something. Who knows and who cares?
+50|6946|Southern California
So bsf6749

Look at my numbers again. Look at my numbers for my rifle. I've spent 77 hours holding a rifle buddy. I'm ranked about 550 globablly for the sniper rifle at bfhq and about 500 globally for the sniper class. You know my rifle ratio is 1.60, not much different from my class ratio... right? You think anybody else who wrote a guide had spent 77 hours using the rifle?

The majority of people above me have spent more time to get the amount of kills I've gotten with both. Last I checked on the sniper class there are only about 30 in the world who've spent less time to get where I'm at with the class. Meaning that the numbers support my efficiency and experience as a sniper and make my credentials more than adequate for writing this guide.

My numbers speak for themselves.

My numbers:
Total      333:47:42
Armor      40:37:18      3,626      887      4.09      366
Sniper      117:03:03      6,351      3,626      1.75
Sniper Rifles      77:41:00      3,116      1,944      1.60      41.95%
Pistols      14:13:18      1,221      1,222      1.00      20.73%
Claymore      00:57:45      275      69      3.99

The accusation of me being an "armor whore" doesn't hold up since I've only spent about an eigth of my total playtime in armor and about a fourth of it on foot holding a rifle. Does that make me a "double rifle whore" since i've spent nearly twice the time I have played in armor holding a rifle? By the way, what percentage of total playtime makes you a "whore." The whole whore thing is annoying since "whoring" doesn't exist. You almost sound like you're trying to insinuate that I jump in a tank just to improve my sniper's ratio so I can come here and mislead everyone with my faulty guide!

Don't forget to add about 1,000 pistol kills (let's assume 200 of my 1,200 are from using other classes) and my claymore kills. Actually let's forget all of that because I'm still ranked in the top 600 for the rifle alone. Oh did I mention I'm ranked 198 for my pistol globally too?

You got my numbers wrong buddy. Add about 12 hours of my pistol hours to my sniper rifle hours, add another hour from my claymore time. Let's leave out knife and nades since that's a lil trickier to estimate. That leaves me with about 27 hours out of 117 played as a sniper to be in vehicles. Like I said, my numbers are pretty clear.

In reality those guides aren't very good. It can be anyone's opinion that they are good, but that opinion wouldn't hold much truth, and those guides won't make you a primary contributor or earn you very many medals in the large servers.

Your stats are better than mine in terms of rifle accuracy and ratio but mine still put me in the select few of snipers. If you wrote one of those older guides I still claim that it's inadequate - regardless of your stats. It probably only speaks to the strength of my guide that to tear it down you had to try and assault my stats rather than the statements in the guide.

Last edited by ComradeWho (2006-01-28 01:40:22)

Got Whiskey?
+63|7038|Meiriceá - frm 'Real Capital'
+50|6946|Southern California
sinnfein you're #5 globally with the rifle.
is that smiley a sign of approval?

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