Latter Alcoholic
solution to base rape:

No-one spawn. No points for them.

Our clan did that once. We all got hit by the banstick. Reason: "Cowards"
I hate admins which ban for baseraping, If they aren't gonna come out of the hills/uncapped base they deserve to get base-raped.

One game a guy sat on the hill all round, support, all he did was throw grenades, there was several admins on so me and james couldn't go up the hill and kill him. Was annoying tbh.
I think that baseraping UNCAPs takes no talent and is a cowardly move.  It takes no skill to sit there and aim at a spawn point and kill a person before they even have time to get their bearings.  UNCAPs were designed to give a team a relatively safe place to spawn so they can prepare an attack.

Using Karkand as an example:
MEC players running around the UNCAPs killing people as they spawn is not impressive at all.  Any 5 minute noob could do the same thing.  It's like they are too afraid or lack the skills to let us spawn and face us in an even fight.   Of course they could just be stat whores also.

I would be more impressed losing to a team that defended the "city limits" against our squad attacks.  If they are "good" players they wouldn't have to enter our UNCAPs to defend their city.  If killing us as we spawn is the only way to keep us from taking your flags then you must suck.  This doesn't mean I expect you to sit at your flag and wait.  If your defense is "I'm not going to sit there and wait for them to take flags back"  then you must really suck at battle tactics.

Granted ... when capping a contested flag you need to cover the spawns.   This is totally different.  I have killed people spawning in this type of scenario.  But I know that personally I don't get any satisfaction doing this compared to facing and killing  1-3 other players that actually know I am there and have had time to react.
+133|6609|Bloomington Indiana
i was playing earlier this morning before work and we pushed one team to their last point. we started pounding them since the round was long anyway. sure enough, one clan was on their and working together to push us out of the flag worked.   until they met the rpk of death
there are ways around getting baseraped...its called teamwork

Schwarzelungen wrote:

there are ways around getting baseraped...its called teamwork
I guess there are different levels of baseraping.   If the offensive team had all the spawns covered and never let anyone spawn then teamwork would not be possible.

btw Schwarzelungen ... what movie is your sig from ... I can't place it even though it looks familiar?

Last edited by TheSkrapper (2007-06-29 09:25:08)

take Karkand for example, you got 3 uncapped bases, the team can spread out over all the bases. A squad would be able to pass past them with ease if they spawned at gas station and moved up from there.

gene_pool wrote:

Well....If you're team is stupid enough to not get out of the uncap, you deserved to be raped. Most scenario's you can spawn somewhere else and go and cap a flag with a different aproach.

Feel free to do it.
I agree to that.
Last night our team was in a similar predicament on Wake.
I managed to escape the rape and cap a northern flag. I was amazed - hardly anyone on my team spawned there. We ended up with 3 or 4 guys trying to break out but ultimately couldn't hold it since we drew the attention of a gunship and two jets. I'm guessing that everyone else was waiting for aircraft on the carrier.

It's a little depressing when you work hard to break the rape to open an opportunity but the team isn't on the same wavelength.

Kudos to the guys that came with me though.

EDIT: I should mention that I'm ok with baseraping in general because it's a challenge to get out.

Last edited by markzed (2007-07-24 20:48:06)

Get off my lawn, whippersnapper!!
I think that baseraping is a allowable function of Battlefield 2, as is spawn camping.  I dont have a problem with servers either allowing it, or not.  I DO have a problem with servers that are not consistant and allow admins and teammates to break their own rules.
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7143|Denver colorado
Although I'm not on the "Well, the team should be able to get out of it" side.

I do think its part of the game.

Play to win. Also, NEEM general_rookie.
+718|6834|Austin, Texas
I would call it "okay" anytime on maps with no air.
I would call it "okay" anytime if EA decided to give UCB's DECENT air defence and ground defense, but they didn't.

So basically, if that's their only spawn point, go for it. If they have other flags, go rape them first. Don't get me wrong, I get downright pissed when I'm flying around in a jet, the carrier is the enemies only spawn and I get warned for baseraping killing a chopper that's halfway to land. What the hell am I supposed to do, let them cap a flag?

But you know, whatever. Tards will be tards, UCBs will be raped and death streaks will be raised, people will get stupid KDs with air vehicles. Cap us out and you deserve it. It's BF2, a war game, not hello kitty online.
Just for arguments sake all the guys who agree with base rape, what do you do if your team really does suck ass, your stuck on the carrier, you simply cannot get of the carrier when the whole other team is lined up waiting for something to move on deck.
You have J-10's smashing the AA as soon as it spawns, afew APC's in the boat bay, helo + jets smashing the deck. please please share with me in all your ubber l33tness how the hell you'd get to cap another flag.

Even on land base's for a decent team can easily cover the spawn points, making any sort of escape impossible.

Sometime's one team is miles better than the other it happens, but raping bases is lame.

Its a game not real life, so please dont compare it to real conflict in one thread then flame someone for saying it's not realistic in another.
good grief, yeah in war they would attack the bases, but a jet would go down with one direct AA hit.

Anyhow it's easy to get round, if im on a server and the rape starts I just leave and find one managed how I prefer to play, thats simple enough.
Problems only really arise when some noob comes on a server with a clear no baserape rule and trys to rape, just join a server that allows it if you want to do it.
I think baseraping is funny when you rape other team. It's less funny when you get raped. Baseraping doesn't take any skill or almost and give you (raper) a good SPM/KD ratio. Baseraping is due in general to the fact that your team isn't that skilled or can't take flags, hence they're raped at one flag. This is due to the lack of teamplaying. I'm not against baseraping tbh even if when my team got raped, that pisses me off. Anyway we all raped and got raped.
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
Baserape is cool and I always enjoy it!
Don't Hassel the Hoff
+345|6616|The | Netherlands

Nikola Bathory wrote:

Baserape is cool and I always enjoy it!
Yeah, one of the best fun parts in BF2, c4 on spawnplaces and stuff And ofcourse, when you go with your squad with 5 special opps and 1 support to their uncap, c4 all helipads/ vehicles, and you can rofl your ass off!

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