+5|6488|United Kingdom
Hi guys.

I have recently started playing project reality and I have to say, like most other people, I love it. It is far more fun to play than vanilla ever was. I love the fact that you really have to work as a squad/team to win, and that the WINNING of the game is far more important than what your KDR is or whether you got the 22 kills IAR for your cookery badge.

I have found that the game looks FAR more realistic than BF2 ever did and the sounds are just amazing. Full credit to the PR team and the community for building it up so well.

After watching the PRMM Diary videos by ThePhotoshop on YouTube, I've been really keen to be a part of a team like that. I've searched around for UK PR clans and haven't found much. There are one or two but they stress they play for fun and will take anybody on, and that's not really what I'm after. If you are in a UK based (or even just English-speaking Euro) PR clan, please give me a heads up.

I think everybody who wants to play BF2 in a way that involves strategy, teamwork, co-operation and thoughtful play to try Project Reality out. The people who play it generally play in squads with VoIP and play it properly.

----------8<--------- REGULAR PR USERS LOOK AWAY NOW -------------8<---------------

I know most people reading this already play PR but I'd like to briefly share a few pointers that I found to be the biggest noticeable changes from BF2 that people new to PR should know...

1. You MUST work as a team to capture control points.

The control points in PR are NOT spawn points, they are simply areas that you as a team are in control of. Unlike BF2 where you can capture any control point in any order at any time on your own, in PR you are given objectives by the server. So for example if you were to take Point A, the objective given to your team would be both to defend Point A and to capture Point B. You cannot take Point C, D, E etc until told to do so. This means there are actual "front lines" in the game and people working together can establish forward motion across the landscape towards an objective.

2. You don't spawn at flags.

This is a great idea... instead of spawning at a flag that you have control of, you must spawn either at pre-designated spawn points or most often you will spawn from your Squad Leader. The Squad Leader (if using an Officer kit, and if the squad has 4+ people in it) can also set down Rally Points. These are little "bags" where you can get ammo as well as spawn. They are placed away from Control points, both friendly and hostile. They are usually strategically placed in hidden areas because if they are found by the enemy, they are easily destroyed and if your Squad Leader is dead you often have to spawn a LONG way from your objective.

3. Lone wolves can't "cap" flags.

Unlike BF2, it takes 2 people to cap a control point and unlike BF2 you don't have to be standing close to the flag. As in reality, when an army unit takes control of an area, it is usually bigger than a few feet squared, so in PR as long as you are in the vicinity of the control point you will be able to cap it. Furthermore, it takes a LONG time to cap a flag, especially with two or three of you trying to take it. That's where the whole team (or at least a squad or two) must be trying to capture an area. When you finally take control of an area, you really feel like your team has that part of the map owned and its a great feeling.

4. You have to request kits like Sniper etc

In PR, there are many "kits" to be had but a lot of them are limited kits. That means, you can't have a squad full of snipers. The kits that are unlimited are similar in that you often find most of them using the same main weapon. For example, the "corpsman" or "medic" might have the same rifle as the "rifleman" or "support" kit but the medic will only have smoke grenades whereas the support kit will have frag grenades.

Importantly, you can't just jump into a helicopter or tank in PR, you must request the appropriate kit. If you wish to become a pilot, you must stand close to the chopper and use the T key to open the Request Kit option and ask for pilot. You then see a pilots kit below you which you pick up as normal with the G key. Then you can pilot a chopper.

This stops people from taking a chopper just to fly it somewhere, land, get out and run to take a flag. This DOESN'T happen in PR. If somebody requests a Pilot kit, it's normally because they want to be a pilot and fly transport routes for their team. (As pilot, they don't get a big rifle, just a small pistol in case they bail out).

5. You don't get parachutes.

Well, pilots do... and maybe some other kits... but not everybody gets a parachute. This means you CANT just jump off tall buildings all the time and you can't bail out of a chopper anytime you like. This means that its important to go back down ladders and stairs (as in reality) when you want to get off a tall building, and it means that if you are medic, you can't just go atop a building and expect to be able to revive team-mates on the ground below you. It also means that your pilot if you are in a chopper has to land the chopper (or hover low) to let you out. All these things encourage good teamwork and communication !

6. You don't get told if you kill someone and you often don't know what gun was used.

This is a strange thing to get used to. When you get shot, you look up to the top left to see who did it and with what - but there's nothing there. Its an odd feeling... but it's of course realistic.  There is no "hit" indicator like there is in vanilla. If you hit someone with a weapon, you don't always know about it, and if you "think" you've killed someone, you have no way of knowing unless it's confirmed by a team-mate or you go and investigate it yourself.

7. There is no cross hair unscoped.

The only way of accurately hitting your target is using scoped mode. That's very different to BF2... you don't see the yellow/red/whatever cross hairs when you are just walking around normally.

8. Suppressive fire works!!!!

In PR when you are being shot at, as long as the bullets hit near you, you will feel the effects. Your vision becomes blurred/wavey. That means that even if your enemy doesn't know EXACTLY where you are, if their squads lay down suppressive fire on your position, you are unlikely to want to move much until it's stopped. And because the sounds of the bullets ricocheting around you are realistic, its sometimes quite scary to be the last man alive in a squad, stuck behind a tree or in a small bushy area and have an entire OPFOR team shooting at you.

9. You bleed to death!

If your health drops below 40%, you start to bleed to death. Each unit carries a little pack which will increase your health by 15 points (which may stem the bleeding) but if you don't get help soon from a medic, you will die. This promotes close-teamwork and co-operation/communication which can only be a good thing.

10. There is no UAV.

There is no UAV so you must work together as a team and "spot" any enemy units. This has two advantages... one, you get points if you spot someone who is then shot by your team (great idea huh) and two, if you are working as a team then all positions around a squad should be watched and enemies will have a hard time flanking you.

11. Last but not least, there is blood !

When you shoot somebody, you see a cloud of blood from their body. Its strange that you don't in BF2 vanilla (the closest thing being the puff of dust you get from "missing")

---------------8<-------------- YOU CAN LOOK AGAIN ------------------8<-----------------------

Sorry for the length of this post... I don't make many so I want them to be worthwhile when I do.

Here's hoping PR goes from strength to strength and grows bigger and bigger. 

Look out for me on PR "BinaryUK" or on vBF2 as "arhopkins3"... and add me "BinaryBoy" on XFire
+429|6702|Chicago, IL

More teamplay, less noobiness.

BTW,welcome to BF2s.
Nice to see a new person addicted, to what I call the greatest game/mod ever.

Just a tip, you can check whether you got a kill or not by looking at your score.

Its lame and I try not to do it, but some times you just have to know

Im glad you converted to PR
[THE] comben
Wee and Biscuits

zeidmaan wrote:

Just a tip, you can check whether you got a kill or not by looking at your score.

Its lame and I try not to do it, but some times you just have to know

Im glad you converted to PR
lol i do that too :S.  mind u it can help if you are sniping and the enemy your shooting at is behind cover and MILES away.

edit: lol forgot to say welcome to PR, doh!

Last edited by [THE] comben (2007-06-23 09:38:39)

+5|6488|United Kingdom

zeidmaan wrote:

Just a tip, you can check whether you got a kill or not by looking at your score.
Thanks for the welcomes

I noticed in the PRMM Diaries on YouTube that ThePhotoshop (or whoever was SL) occasionally checked the scoreboard to see if kills were made. 

I hope someday to be able to join an organised team of players on PR and actually play in matches. That's where the real beauty of PR lies I think. It's amazing that even multi-lingual random public server games are far more organised/fun than vBF2 but its a whole new level of fun when you can use your skills as part of a team and have all the camaradarie that goes along with it. I was part of a BF2 clan briefly until it fell apart (it was run by 15 yr old guys who couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery).
Jizz in my pants
+54|6734|Vancouver, USA
I like pr, and I like your tips and pointers.   +1 to you.
Posting this on the PR forums will make people happy.  Glad you like the mod, check out the new 0.607 RC1 Open Beta, it's the newest open beta of the mod.  It just came out today.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6700|The Land of Scott Walker
Summary: More pricks that yell at you if you're new.  Yes, on every server I've played on.  Hence, not fun.  Therefore, I don't play it.
Well, did you read the manual and go on the forums looking for unanswered questions?  There is a reason why there are resources like these for new players

Last edited by firebolt5 (2007-06-23 14:33:06)

R.I.P. Neda
+456|7084|Grapevine, TX

S.Lythberg wrote:


More team play, less noobiness.

BTW,welcome to BF2s.

Zodiaccup wrote:

Nice to see a new person addicted, to what I call the greatest game/mod ever.

Stingray24 wrote:

Summary: More pricks that yell at you if you're new.  Yes, on every server I've played on.  Hence, not fun.  Therefore, I don't play it.
Sorry stingray, but I totally disagree. I have never seen guys acting like they do towards noobs. Yes I even say go read the manual, and I have seen that in game chat, but it really is necessary. At least watch the videos introducing the game. So in Summary, you might have been a little sensitive that day, but PR is so much more fun, if you have and are a team player

See you all in 0.5v & 0.605b 

Other account on PR is 3|V|A|D|3|N
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6700|The Land of Scott Walker
I read the manual.  Several times (in different servers) I needed a little reminder and that was enough to get repeatedly flamed when I was just asking a simple question.  That is bs no matter what game I'm playing.  Sure a player could go read the manual, but any courteous player should communicate the answer instead of being a prick.  I never told new players in vanilla to go read the manual and it shouldn't happen in a mod either.   It won't kill anyone to be nice.  I have 160 hours as SL, I can shoot straight, I understand tactics, and I communicate over VOIP so you'll have to excuse me if I don't respond well when some little whiney 12 year old is telling me to read a stupid manual that I already read.  The elitism is nauseating.  I have players that can hardly hit an enemy at 10 yards telling me how to play the game.  I've yet to witness consistent teamwork, too.  Players will not follow when I'm leading toward the correct objective, my squad can't get the weapons we need because of the stupid quartermaster who gets to decide if we need them, and people are mean in chat.  No redeeming qualities except the requirement to use iron sights so far. 

I keep I have yet to find a nice server, so if anyone has recommendations, I'm all ears.
Flamesuit essential

The BigD servers are good for new players in Australia.  Good admins, populated, and regulars always ready to help.
Thanks for explaining the game to the noobs. I couldn't read it all, but good job. +1

Stingray24 wrote:

I read the manual.  Several times (in different servers) I needed a little reminder and that was enough to get repeatedly flamed when I was just asking a simple question.  That is bs no matter what game I'm playing.  Sure a player could go read the manual, but any courteous player should communicate the answer instead of being a prick.  I never told new players in vanilla to go read the manual and it shouldn't happen in a mod either.   It won't kill anyone to be nice.  I have 160 hours as SL, I can shoot straight, I understand tactics, and I communicate over VOIP so you'll have to excuse me if I don't respond well when some little whiney 12 year old is telling me to read a stupid manual that I already read.  The elitism is nauseating.  I have players that can hardly hit an enemy at 10 yards telling me how to play the game.  I've yet to witness consistent teamwork, too.  Players will not follow when I'm leading toward the correct objective, my squad can't get the weapons we need because of the stupid quartermaster who gets to decide if we need them, and people are mean in chat.  No redeeming qualities except the requirement to use iron sights so far. 

I keep I have yet to find a nice server, so if anyone has recommendations, I'm all ears.
Not that it matters all that much but you probably were just unlucky and tried PR long after 0.5 release.
You see in first few months there were dedicated days created by PR forum members where you could sign up and "go to school"
You had your rules training, tactics training, squad member training, squad leader training, comander training etc...
Few times even people in active duty in various militaries in RL held training sessions.
Also in the beginning there were often squads called "PR school" in public servers during regular play. I personally explained the game to atleast 30 people that way. Even now it will happen occasionally but not regularly.

Its just that after few months of people asking the same questions over and over again it gets frustrating.
+226|6997|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
IGI is pretty good, though americans seem to struggle with any english accent that isn't american sounding, which doesn't make for ideal communication when they keep asking you to repeat yourself..
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6700|The Land of Scott Walker
Yes, was after 0.5 release, zeidmann.  I had no chance to take advantage of any training and I can understand how it could be frustrating.  Must've been cool when the active military were holding training sessions.
My first games of PR were great. I play on the GSA BigD server, it's pretty much the only Australian one that's ever populated, and I've found that from the moment I first joined a game on EJOD Desert and joined a squad people were very friendly and helpful. I went in aware that I was playing a new game and willing to learn the ropes. I can't speak for other servers but if anyone finds an attitude problem in the GSA server it's one they took there themselves. <3
The Canadian
+3|6476|Richmond, BC, Canada
Just too realistic for me....god you have to change kits and you have to be in a squad just to drive a tank. If I wanted realistic I would go play AA

Oscar590 wrote:

Just too realistic for me....god you have to change kits and you have to be in a squad just to drive a tank. If I wanted realistic I would go play AA
Heh, if you take the heat get out of the battlefield.
+1,352|6748|N. Ireland
Yep.. PR > BF2!
+ more teamwork, which means cover fire on request, medics floating a round (no more fa spam) and armour is less potent(played a game of EJOD where the armour never got beyond the gas station.). viop and individual spotting as the order of the day.

- more teamwork, micro-managment central, i've had some great games, but i've also had squad leaders, who want to pick where i stand, what class i am and if i can shoot. sure you should work as a team, but ultimately the teams goal is to have fun, not win games. wouldn't be a problem but most decent full servers have a squad up or ship out rule. so i have to have a squad, if i do, i have to lead it, if i don't i have to follow orders from the one who does.

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