you need to take your medication, dude...Zaius1000 wrote:
I have been best friends with Mandy Moore for years, and i am with her on vacation to Los Vegas. We are in a hotel room, and we start talking to eachother about general things. We continue talking for about 2 hours, and then Mandy Moore asks me to sit on the hotel room bed shes laying on. And then she starts asking me some things about my lovelife. I tell her that i do not have one. Then she asks me how come, i say i dont know. She puts her hand on my back and then she says "so much pain" and i say, "Pain can be controlled, you just have to disconnect it" then she says, "you dont feel" I say of cousre i feel, im feeling you right now" then she asks me if i have ever made love to a woman, i tell her that i have never. She says in a deep, mellow crying-like voice, "Never?" I say no, never. Then tears drip down her eyes and she says in that crying voice" Oh my god!.... Oh my god im so sorry, im so sorry! I say to her "its okay.. it doesnt matter to me" then i get up off the bed and walk to the bathroom, she gets up off her bed and kisses me, i resist her at first, but then i give in. Then we make love, we make sweet passionate love allthroughout the night!
btw, before I believe any celeb will waste precious time playing FPS, I will have to see proof. and no, I don't mean another random post in some internet forum.