Only tards auto-punish.
Whats the matter? Can't use your brain to asses a situation first... no no, gota hit that Page Down as fast as you fucking can because that's what makes a real pro! Lamer assholes if you ask me.
TK'd for a vehicle? Sure go ahead and punish.
TK'd by someone killing the enemy tank raping your squad and you get killed by splash damage so you punish... asshatery at it's finest!
Easy fix too, remove the ability to punish and make it so your own team can't shoot teammates out of vehicles.... short sighted Dice and EA.
Whats the matter? Can't use your brain to asses a situation first... no no, gota hit that Page Down as fast as you fucking can because that's what makes a real pro! Lamer assholes if you ask me.
TK'd for a vehicle? Sure go ahead and punish.
TK'd by someone killing the enemy tank raping your squad and you get killed by splash damage so you punish... asshatery at it's finest!
Easy fix too, remove the ability to punish and make it so your own team can't shoot teammates out of vehicles.... short sighted Dice and EA.