Well, I think in the last 2-3 days I've probably racked up more TKs (and punishes) than in the last YEAR all together. And with good reason. I'm a pretty stressed out guy atm. And I play to relax, so when some MORON punishes INSTANTLY for a TK that's OBVIOUSLY unintentional, I start to go on a wild TK party and hunt him down, and I have like.. 150K points, so what do I care if I end a round -150 points ? I can do that 1000 times and I'll STILL have all my medals and unlocks.
So that's what I've been doing the last couple of days. Playing for some nice clean fun and All of a sudden I find myself and my SL in a 2 on 1 "party" against an enemy inf. My SL goes down to like almost no health from the enemys AK. He starts to reload as does my SL, I have like 5-6 shots left in my G36 from a previous engagement 5 secs earlier. I fire them at the enemy, I hit him, but second burst, my SL JUMPS between us while he's reloading his shotgun... Needless to say, he buys the farm. I then switch to paddles as I'm out of ammo like we all are at this point, I paddle the guy I'm dancing with and revive my SL... My reward: A punish. Needless to say I scolded him good, and his response... Nothing. So I made him my bitch for the rest of the round, untill I got kicked for "having an excessively negative score". But I think he got the message.
Eventually I move on and find another server to play on. This being a Karkand server I expect that people will be morons about mines if there's FF on, so I was happy to find one where the mines were at least off. So I'm commander, I figure, start as engy, so I can repair my assets. Eventually we get the subs flag. Unfortuantely noone seems to defend it very well, so I suicide and respawn at subs, still engy. I place mines around the access paths, climb the roof and get ready with my trusty shotgun if anyone should happen by.
For about 2 minutes battle is waged beneath me. People driving back and forth. Now one guy grabs the hummer, I dont see it, but he then drives it over one of my mines AND JUMPS OUT. This ofcourse means that the vehicle is no longer "friendly" so the mine explodes and I get 3 TKs. ALL punished ofcourse, because it was DEFINATELY on purpose that I placed that mine EXACTLY at the spot where I KNEW the moron would bail out of the car, about 10 meters from where it spawned !
So what do I do about it ? I simply refused to give the entire team UAV support untill I got apologies from the morons who punished me. No apologies came, so I just denfended my flag and gave myself supplies for the rest of the round, and STILL ended up with a gold and the best KDR and most kills on the team, even with the -12 points from the 3 punishes. Am I being to rough on the rest of the team ? Absolutely, but heck, not my problem, at least I made my point to the three punishing idiots.
Then there was the moron who couldn't fire the TV missles from the helo an I mean for like 2-3 MINUTES not a single missle, and I lined up one tank after another for him. Eventually we get shot down, and I tell him to use the missles. Ok, I may not have said it very nicely, but I was pretty pissed at having wasted three minutes of my life giving this guy a joyride when he shot NOTHING. I'm not THAT bad a pilot, everyone else thinks I'm pretty good actually. But this guy claims that I'm the idiot who can't fly... Hmm.. wonder where I got my 5K driver points from... was it helo piloting.. yeah, it was. anyway, he gets pissed and TKs me on the helopad, I respawn, he gets in the gunner seat and kills me again. I then respawn as AT, and fire at him for a distraction and then move to a nearby ATV and proceed to hammer the helo and him for the rest of teh round, just to make sure he doesn't fly AT ALL that round. He DC'ed after about 7-8 times I got him. I got in the chopper, no gunner this late in the game ofcourse, so I only manage to end the round at like -12 points.... DEFINATELY worth it.
And that's just SOME of the morons I've run into the last 2 days !!!!!! This game is starting to suck BIGTIME.