Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:
Well, I did once charge a tank on road rage with the DAO, then knife it. It was behind the gas station (the CP just south of USMC uncap), and I was out of rockets, so I ran at it going full auto with the DAO. When I got close range, the gun ran dry so I jumped on it and started to knife it (as you do).
Considering the tank was facing me and shooting at me the whole time, I have absolutely no idea how I managed to survive that far. And I didn't end up dying - after a few hits with the knife, the round ended. I bet that tank driver was pretty pissed.
if you ever get a chance and are at jump on the enemys tank go to the gunners seat and at the inside of the tank two rockets kills it with just enough time to get of. if the tanks damage already you might go up with it just a warning. also conventional weapons do no damage to tanks.
Last edited by dill13 (2007-07-06 12:45:49)