
Whats most important stats?

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Suicidal wrote:


Worst is W/L ratio!

If you W/L ratio is very high you're a side switching lamer and deserve to be shot in the face
or your team wins most of the time.

Samtheman53 wrote:

Suicidal wrote:


Worst is W/L ratio!

If you W/L ratio is very high you're a side switching lamer and deserve to be shot in the face
or your team wins most of the time.
I've seen people with WL ratio's of 3-1 and you know they are side switching lamers.

It's not even criteria for the WCR anymore so why do it??
+22|6829|West Yorkshire, England
I play for fun and i really don't care about stats, but if you pushed me I'd say K/D Ratio is most important.
Anarchy in the UK
Stats are deceiving.

Check out some of the leaders on the stats board, they never change, they never play and they are still classed as ranking high. This is relevant to the question since so much emphasis is placed on stats and what is deemed to be important.

Check out the top guy for accuracy. 100.00% but is this a good player? I would bet not.

Without wanting to start a flamefest, some of the players who have the best k/d ratios are only in that position because of un-sportsmanly game style. One comes to mind has more grenade kills than all other weapons put together, nothing wrong with that you might say, but it stinks of spawn raping to me and that is why I always ignore K/D ratios (that and mine is really bad).

In addition, a player with only one account who starts the game from scratch will have terrible averages across the board due to the time spent learning the game. It really does throw the whole best stat question in the air when a player who has a brand new account has decent ratios compared to one who has their original account.

Voted for last option anyway as this is really only a game.

Scorpion0x17 wrote:

The Sweede
+15|6457|Malmö, Sweden

Chaos_nation wrote:

In addition, a player with only one account who starts the game from scratch will have terrible averages across the board due to the time spent learning the game. It really does throw the whole best stat question in the air when a player who has a brand new account has decent ratios compared to one who has their original account.

Voted for last option anyway as this is really only a game.
Thats is so true...

My first: http://bf2s.com/player/43606022/
My second: http://bf2s.com/player/96486468/

The only player in my opinion who has really good stats on his first account is -=RD=-Volx
vetat du att stats är SÅ viktiga till mej

jag kan talar svenska också

Chaos_nation wrote:

In addition, a player with only one account who starts the game from scratch will have terrible averages across the board due to the time spent learning the game. .
I only have one account.
Stocking ur medpacks
+135|6976|Groningen, The Netherlands

Suicidal wrote:

Samtheman53 wrote:

Suicidal wrote:


Worst is W/L ratio!

If you W/L ratio is very high you're a side switching lamer and deserve to be shot in the face
or your team wins most of the time.
I've seen people with WL ratio's of 3-1 and you know they are side switching lamers.

It's not even criteria for the WCR anymore so why do it??
I dont side switch, still my wlr is close to 3....I just win teh game xD
+1|6947|WA, Australia
KDR is the only stat that matters since WLR does not depend on the player but the entire team and SPM reflects well on medic and support whores. Anyone with a KDR below 1.5 is pretty shit considering how many young idiots play the game.
The Sweede
+15|6457|Malmö, Sweden

suomalainen_äijä wrote:

vetat du att stats är SÅ viktiga till mej

jag kan talar svenska också
lol Karma 1+ for you dude...
K/D if you play as infantry.
It's easy to get good K/D if you spend all your time spawnrapeing in a tank in Karkand och if you spend all you time in the air. So good K/D in a tank or heli/plane don't mean much!

SPM is the most fun to look at I think but it is easy to get high SPM if you just, or most play medic on infantry only maps (me)... High SPM when playing all maps is respect.

WLR do not mean anything at all. One player don't make the game!
High WLR and you are not a team player...
Anarchy in the UK

Trouble69 wrote:

KDR is the only stat that matters since WLR does not depend on the player but the entire team and SPM reflects well on medic and support whores. Anyone with a KDR below 1.5 is pretty shit considering how many young idiots play the game.
KDR can be artificially bumped when playing commander so it is in no way a true reflection of the skill of the player.

In addition, a brand new player will have a really bad KDR at first and it would take a long time to recover from the initiation to the game period. Think about it, someone who has never played an online game before is really going to suck until they get used to gameplay etc. Only once they have learned will their KDR improve and it would take months to overwrite their learning curve and get a KDR above 1.5.

Last edited by Chaos_nation (2007-07-06 03:40:57)

The Sweede
+15|6457|Malmö, Sweden

TheGiantSE wrote:

K/D if you play as infantry.
It's easy to get good K/D if you spend all your time spawnrapeing in a tank in Karkand och if you spend all you time in the air. So good K/D in a tank or heli/plane don't mean much!
Nailed that one!!!

I totally agree
+127|6700|Jesus Land aka Canada
most important stats for me right now is getting points for my physics class in RL  but ya i try to keep the k/d over 1
+77|6990|respawn screen
Why is there no "Parachute Time" option?
Will it blend?
SPM without doubt

KDR doesnt mean anything in a team based game
Kick/Ban ftw!!!!
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6878|Area 51
All of them aren't completely good

SPM: Any retard with shock paddles can get a high SPM
KDR: 5 medics + you = high KDR
WLR: Teamswitching anyone?
Gold medal count: Same as a high SPM I guess?
Formerly known as Missionless
+92|6641|105 RVK

Scorpion0x17 wrote:

My observation is that people come into BF2 able to accomplish relatively higher SPMs than KDs at first, because they suck at killing, but can get on flags and click on dead people/throw bags, etc easily. so they assume that when they look at their stats, KDR improvements are the most substantial. But I suspect that if you talked to a lot of the best players out there, they would agree that you reach a point where you could almost choose how high to make your KD by shrewdly avoiding risks, but that your SPM (and more importantly KPM) is something that continuously requires attributes like reflex time and precise shooting in order to improve. So while a player with a KD ratio of 20 vs one with a KD of 3 may be playing equally skillfully, a player with a KPM of 4 is almost without any doubt playing more skillfully than a player with a KPM of 1.2. And if they arent playing skillfully, then they are spawnraping so hard that their team could at least thank the spawnrapist for an easy win.

You may point out that individuals with great KD ratios can still win against mob tactics by killing them off at flags and staying out of the ticket bleed. But if you characterize the KDR player as one that can reliably clear flags, then you are talking about killing the 4 or more people that can spawn during the 30 seconds it takes to solo cap a flag. That would be more than 16 points per minute if a KDR type player could actually maintain that kind of dominance (and pretty much nobody can), and we would be better off characterizing this behavior as SPM play and not KDR play, because it is significantly more effective than the defensive play that slowly accumulates massive KDRs but has little control over the map and a low SPM.

But no stat accurately measures the quality of your playing. You can exploit any of them to suit your choosing. A lot of people that play this game pretty much just progress through different stages of exploitation without developing much skill at anything in particular (enter the filthy brothel of whores that is any bf2 pub).

At the end of the day, you don't need to look at stats to know if you did your best. you should always be pushing with a group of your teammates towards a flag and then fighting over this flag/reviving and moving on. you should hit or kill anything you shoot at and you should shoot ASAP at anything unless you know you are at too great of a positional disadvantage (ie, dont stand in the middle of the street firing an SRAW the moment a tank rounds the corner at you, or lay there shooting your AK while two enemies round a corner). if you are in a vehicle or AT squad, you should focus on establishing vehicle superiority during all flag attacks. a wide range of KDRs and SPMs could represent the best possible playing for your role if your are satisfying these goals, so dont get too hung up on stats.

Last edited by Marinejuana (2007-07-06 06:46:34)

The funny thing about all those who say stats don't matter is, (the single thing that pissed everyone off here the most), was the stats server being down.
+10|7092|Vila Real, Portugal
The more SPM, KDR and goldmedals you have the better you are, but if you add that to a low WLR you are even better.

Why do i say that? Because anyone can score good in a much better team playing agaist all the noob's of the other side and always winning, most of the time it will be a massacre on 1enemy flag so ppl that think having a good WLR shows you are a good player are deeply wrong, you can never win a round by yourself so that doens't reflect your skill but the contrary, the better your team, the less you need to be good.

Speeking of playing on the worst team, i love it if they leave the planes alone... it's very exciting to fly on wake island on a F35B and finish the round teamscore like 150-0 loss, but i scored 50-0 kills and get gold medal, that is the real shit! Planes after you, tripple A, total extasy .

For me the most important is medals, cause u can have a fantastic KDR but if u have low scores the contribution to your team is little.
+11|6464|Some Pub in Valletta
I'd say K/D coz your SPM will follow that and it doesn't follow vice versa.
Second place goes to WLR, it really shows your team role and understanding of the maps and Team playing. (Sometimes the most vital player/s for victory didn't get any of the medals, sucked in SPM and K/D in the round but through his/hers sacrifice the team won the game/s).
Next SPM followed by medals. (If you cover all above the medals will come).
I know there are side changers, spawn rapers etc. but i don't think that just reviving and supplying for a better SPM and medals is Team playing either...
Best case scenario is to have a balance on all the categories.
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7059|Mexico City
they all can be cheated: karkand + IO + medic whoring + team switching

Awards REALLY shows your perseverance and skills.

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