You know what also occured to me? In the cartoons we grew up with you always cheered for the good guy and booed the bad guy, Ya knew who was good and who was bad, Now you dont know who's who, They try to make you feel bad for the bad guy by giving you a reason why he's bad, I mean fuck damn the villian is the villian! Get that through your heads PC bullshit artists! I dont wanna say aww poor bad guy just because he grew up in a poor town where the US was blah blah blah. I dont care. Gimme a solid story line with good vs evil/right vs wrong/etc etc from our perspective. Dont try to sugar coat the terrorist, And dont try to Villianize the Hero. I'm sick of so many shows nowadays preaching "Tolerance" for the enemy.
In the 80's we knew the commies were bad and US was good, We knew we would win in the end no matter how bad it was in the middle or beginning, We knew because we wanted them to win, Now when you wanna make a show you gotta make sure you dont offend anyone(WTF?!) You cant say that terrorists are bad "Because" they're different from you. Well you know what fuck it! I want a show with good characters(Take a page from transformers), I want a show with a great story(Batman anyone?), I want a show thats entertaining, Not a task to watch.(Case in point almost any show now on cartoon network after 7 on fridays) I dont care if i sound like a lover of pro-us anti-them propaganda! It made good tv for kids and adults.
Network Execs... Give us back our shows! I dont care what group I offend because they probably want us dead for being ourselves anyway. /emotionally driven rant brought on by missing out on a great child hood.
Last edited by David.Podedworny (2007-07-08 18:51:09)