Excuse me sir, but you're a fucking idiot.Barney_T_Dinosaur wrote:
ok, so you just had a 33-1 round and you are complaining that gunners are getting you killed... LOL.
sounds like "I was spawnraping on karkand one day and for some reason after killing 40 guys at the spawn 1 spec ops somehow managed to get past me and MY FUCKING USELESS GUNNER DIDNT KILL HIM I MEAN WTF! STUPID FUCKING GUNNERS! IF HE HADN'T BEEN FIRING NO ONE WOULD HAVE KNOWN MY 60 TON TANK THAT HAD JUST KILLED THEM ALL 4 TIMES EACH WAS THERE!!111"
Heres a tip, dont rely on anyone else when you are in armour, if you arent aware of your surroundings tough shit, you deserve to die, dont blame that poor asshole in the .50 who is exposed to everything while you are sat inside 60 tons of armour which CAN take anywhere between 2-4 AT hits. If you are at a spawn (which as you describe as supporting your team) most enemies with half a brain will hear you anyway (120mm cannons are quite noisy you know!) Tanks are tough enough to take out as it is, if you are given away as you put it and get hit then pull back and repair. Its not like you are a soft target so quit complaining. Yes gunners who spam are annoying, but trust me us infantry can hear you coming round that corner with or without that .50 spamming, so dont blame your gunner if you fail to deal with a situation, even if he may have caused it.
If you happened to read my post, you would know I was nowhere near an enemy spawn. I'm usually right inside visual range.
Furthermore, I don't rely on a gunner, I don't expect there to be anyone there and I play as if they're not (unless they proved they had half a brain).
To whoever said that a tank SHOULD cap a flag, sir, I disagree strongly. You're way too vulnerable and as infantry spawn around you, you can easily get ambushed from the back. By supporting your troops and staying a moderate distance away from the flag in question, you can eliminate all threats from your fellow infantrymen. Just my opinion anyway.