+55|7063|3 Miles west of smurf village
Screw Karkand/Sharqi/Mashturr...if you like to ground pound and dont want airpower to interrupt your fun then spend some time on SF dudes.  Its almost all hand to hand.

There....I said it.
I'll agree with you even the maps with choppers in them I haven't seen to much whoring thanks to the RPG.
bad touch

i must agree with you there, warlord can have some fucking insane infantry engagements, along with night flight

im glad to see im not the only one who likes that
add me to the list - i got sick of kark, and so just play sf now. i've managed to rack up warlord as my fav map. all those sf whiners are idiots - sf is awesome.
Umbra Acciptris
I would life a shaqari, mastuur, karkland, warlord, ghost town rotation. . .  to bad the SF expansion has that shitty making you reload the game feature.

Umbra Acciptris wrote:

I would life a shaqari, mastuur, karkland, warlord, ghost town rotation. . .  to bad the SF expansion has that shitty making you reload the game feature.
yeah, it's stupid, especially since either has the others servers in 'favourites'. it's bad clutter, i wish that if they have to be separate loads, they could at least make the server browser settings/history/fav separate as well
+8|7084|Virginia, United States
sf is jus awesome, i like infantry fighting and thats y i like sf becuz its mostly infantry fightin and not as many noobtoobers on it, i dont mind the grenade launcher, i jus dont like it when people jump in the air and shoot it straight down


Screw Karkand/Sharqi/Mashturr...if you like to ground pound and dont want airpower to interrupt your fun then spend some time on SF dudes.  Its almost all hand to hand.

There....I said it.
agreed. ive put more time in SF than regular BF2 already. i love playing the infantry and warlord is perfect than that. some say its karkand 2 but i say its better than karkand. in karkand you can cap every flag with armor. in warlord you can only cap 3 flags with armor. the rest you have to come out that protection to cap flags. and warlord will be even better after the pacth cause no more noob tubing and hopefully they'll fix it so that people without high end comps can play it and not lag like me :-)
+60|7026|USA, Arizona
Hear, hear, I toast to that with SF having better infantry-to-infantry engagements. Warlord being tops but what really takes the cake, IRON GATOR! NOW THAT is a damn good map. Sure you'll get lost in the beginning but you'll get to know that carrier like the back of your hand and when you do, auh, the battle is INTENSE! Close quarter combat, decisive tactic infiltration and if you're MEC, it is a PAIN getting in, supposing you have worthy teammates that will get in, capture and annihilate.
+0|7107|Copenhagen, Denmark
I love Warlord (any size) and Iron Gator (particularly the 16-player version). Those maps are just perfect for CQC.
+1,230|7156|Alberta, Canada

SF doesnt owkr on my computer:( too much lag.
Over the line!
+70|7062|Mark it zero.
i would mainly just play sf, but my computer is a piece of shit. if i got a new computer i would play it more.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
Yeah, SF is really good, but if you run the game on low graphics, levels like warlord and ghost town look like crap on a stick....sux 4 me.

Aardcore wrote:

Hear, hear, I toast to that with SF having better infantry-to-infantry engagements. Warlord being tops but what really takes the cake, IRON GATOR! NOW THAT is a damn good map. Sure you'll get lost in the beginning but you'll get to know that carrier like the back of your hand and when you do, auh, the battle is INTENSE! Close quarter combat, decisive tactic infiltration and if you're MEC, it is a PAIN getting in, supposing you have worthy teammates that will get in, capture and annihilate.
Yes! So true - I hated Iron Gator when I first played it. Now, I've gotten to know the carrier, and really like it. You really have to have a decent team if you're MEC tho - can't fudge through like you can on other maps... but yeah, taking that bastard over as MEC is totally awesome if you pull it off. Also one of the best maps for the G3 if you ask me (<3 that gun)

Umbra Acciptris wrote:

to bad the SF expansion has that shitty making you reload the game feature.
come on in a server im in... i get booted all the time for "chopper whoring"  haha

ill kill everyone with my flying tank
I love warlord, just got of it, got a score of 231 - 87 - 72 - 37 (And i was not a mad medic )
+40|7073|The Netherlands
231? u sure?
thats a whole lotta points for 1 game
ive been playing alot of SF recently. I like it alot more. Warlord is a good map. I have alot of fun on ghost town. Played once on Iron Gator and didnt like it. I think i'll try agian. I listened to people whine about SF and then i tried it. I have a hard time goin back

DeAThSniPer[CoD] wrote:

sf is jus awesome, i like infantry fighting and thats y i like sf becuz its mostly infantry fightin and not as many noobtoobers on it, i dont mind the grenade launcher, i jus dont like it when people jump in the air and shoot it straight down
Not as many noob tubers? Are you kidding? It has more noob tubers BECAUSE it is infantry based. The point blank noob tubing can get ridiculously bad on SF servers, one of the main reasons I usually stick to the real thing, old school BF2.

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