i forgive every tk.  if was intentional though, the tk, i'll keep tking that guy until either
a) i get kicked
b) he disconnects himself because he is being tked too much
R.I.P [EPIC]Pfcguinn

Sgt.Gene wrote:

ChevyLee86 wrote:

i stopped forgiving idiots along time ago i only forgive friends now lol or if you say sorry
You're a real winner...
i get tired of morons standing in front of the jet as it takes off or the chopper or car.

and since most new people play wake they always do stupid things an punish i always punish them back.

i don't punish if its my fault and on more serious servers i wont punish.

but like i said i stopped forgiving idiots
again a bla bla bla tread
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6878|Area 51

Backupwayback wrote:

I punsih for everything.  I purposly jump infront of jeeps, tanks , jets and choppers jut to punish a guy and watch him scream.  Punish is the way to tell everyone in a game DONT TOUCH MY JET OR ILL PUNISH YOU
Lawl, I would keeping TKing you untill I get banned from the server...
but ther ar differences
lets say i wait about 120 tikest for the jet
they die and than one of these frakking assholes (on ff off server) use c4 to bring me away formt he spawnpoint or blow me a few sekonds bevore the jet spawn so ife no chance to get in
or they use flashbangs

in these cases i force the teamkill and punish without exception

or i lay at a enemy flag and one idiot push nades on an emtpy place (except me) sorry but look on the dam frakking uav bevore using nades

theres a second reason for punish nade tks
there so many noobs out there using only nades and clays ( i think no one of them fired a single shot in their life on an enemy)
sorry but noobs must be punished in the hope they learn

differnce is i there is a big heavy fight with many enemy s ok nades are ok and tks can happen there but the "i nade everything that moves) gays sorry i wanna have a punish for 15000 points button

also the idots starting a jet bevore youve a chance to get away (lets say bomber is sonn starting one seat is free 2 run for it on get in the second get killed because the pilot dont look and start,. also a punish

but i also hate get punished for tks i cannot anything for
like the tank get crashed form the back or so,.. thats why i play now to 90% on ff 0ff server
i m tired of sick peoples running into the fireline crashing my tank or running to a wrack (a tank i destroyed) and get killed when it explode (and than punish)

or today a guy stands ALONE against 2 apc 1 tank and many infantry i bomb the area ( i saw him on the radar but i know he will have no chance or is still dead
i made 9 kills with that but got punished
wtf he was thinking? he can destory them alone?
(by the wayhe spotted them)

so i still think the sbest solution is no FF, if TKs make no negative score everyone do it, but so they force intentional or by leaving their brain at home and that is also crap
High Angle Hell
+182|6507|Schofield Barracks
i allwasy forgive if its not there fault
but when i die and i get revived and someone stole my kit and i know who it is i TK em the punish
but then i give em ammo or medic pack and get my points back

genius_man16 wrote:

if it's my fault i always forgive, or if i run into someone's grenade, not really my fault, but it's not like it was intentional either

i usually only punish when i don't understand why i was TK'd or it was blatant

/3loodWor/< wrote:

i dont understand why there is a forgive button when no one ever uses it. i think its stupid that people run in front of a chopper or jet then punish when its they're own doing. its bs. why dont they just get rid of the punish button...

you are getting a jet/chopper. The most devestating weapons (other than arty) in the game. You are going to have to get used to smacktards as it is to boot you off the server to get the most devestating weapons in BF2.
+3|6460|Albuquerque, NM
I only punish if it was intentional, like M95ing for a jet, or standing on the jet.... or anything involving a jet since that's pretty much a competition to get.
Oh and the medics that run you over on "accident", and then drive off.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
I punish if I don't get revived. My fault, their fault, doesn't matter to me, if I stay dead for 15 seconds they're not sorry enough so it's punish time.

If someone punishes me however, I boycott reviving them for the rest of the round.

Nothing says 'revenge' like teabagging a teammate with shockpaddles out one second after they ran into an enemy claymore until they disapear.
I punish anybody for anything. My fault or not. My keyboard, I'll hit what I feel like at the time.
+1,352|6806|N. Ireland
If I was waiting for the jet and he took it, of course I will punish. If I suicidingly run out on the runway, I will forgive.
i'm out on the (ghost) town sitting in a tow. guy comes up and blocks my view, where ever i shift he blocks it.  now was the correct thing to do climb off the tow and empty my shotgun into his face and if so was his subsequent action punishing when its his own fault?
+25|6508|Czech Republic
I forgive if I am revived after TK or it'S accidental TK or if I am TKed by friend (clanmate or something)... but I punish mostly
I don't even care anymore, people whine when you punish for dumb reasons so I do it. Sue me, I forgive if I'm playing with friends or if it's an admin.  I will also not punish if it genuinely my fault and the person is mature about it.  BUt other than that, the immature children that make up half of Battlefield 2's community deserve the punish.e
Hooray Beer!
+94|6883|United States
I personally think its completely retarded when some noob stands in front of my jet and gets ran over to purpose. Like -4 points mean anything whatsoever. You guys and your forcing TK's... By definition it's one of the lamest and most immature things you can do in game. Shows a total lack of respect for other players, whether they care about negative points or not. I permanently ban these idiots.
I Hate Claymores
I forgive unless I walked over a claymore that wasnt protecting a snipers back like in the middle of freaking doorways out there to get cheap kills. Then I punish. I keep walking the same path and detonating that same claymore and getting the claymore spammer teamkills along with punishes.
Mostly yes, but sometimes punish as revenge, cuz most noobs DO punish you when u Tk them on accident
i like to find a dead teammate throw a grenade at his body quickly revive then run.  Watch as he stands up the grenade goes boom.  Rinse and repeat

Last edited by Backupwayback (2007-07-14 16:31:26)

+105|6945|Lexington, KY

/3loodWor/< wrote:

i dont understand why there is a forgive button when no one ever uses it. i think its stupid that people run in front of a chopper or jet then punish when its they're own doing. its bs. why dont they just get rid of the punish button...

Think about how much more people would TK if there was not a punish button.  While you are waiting for the jet, you get tked.  There is nothing you can do.  Second time, still is nothing to do, and so on.  So all you see during the entire rounds is the Waiting to Respawn message.  Even if there are people, and a lot of people, who do not forgive, it is better then not having a punish button.

I always forgive, unless I get tked by the same person over and over again.  I also think it would be more effective if you tk and the person punishes you, it does something like kill you like CS:S.
I Hate Claymores
Yeah but lets say you do a bombing run on a CP and kill 20 enemies and 1 friendly and he punishes you. Not very productive system.
+319|6705|Southern California

/3loodWor/< wrote:

i dont understand why there is a forgive button when no one ever uses it. i
So what you want them to get rid of the forgive button? You would probably get punished even more often then...

Its not like punishing does anything, who cares. It takes what 4 punishes..so at least 5 accident TK's....
Maybe time to check the runway before taking off? look at the map before bombing?

I mean I know people do a lot of stupid things, and yeah you will get a TK here and there, it happens....but If you are getting so many accidental TK's every round that its this much of a problem perhaps you need to pay more attention to your teammates around you...People will always act dumb, so expect and prepare.

Last edited by VicktorVauhn (2007-07-14 17:34:06)

Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6904|Reisterstown, MD

I don't play on servers that have punish enabled.  Most of the time, the person who gets tk'ed probably deserved it.
Hmm...Increase my killing power, eh?
+1|6425|Brisbane, Australia
The only time I've ever hit the punish button, one of the flyboys on my team decided to strafe the spawnpoint, which was completely deserted at the time.  Anything else, apart from someone deliberatly killing me, I'll forgive.  But I'm getting a little tired of getting punished by people who are too silly to realise that the red skull near the sniper is BAD juju...
I never punish, only if someone tk's me for taking a jet or heli..for the rest, cant bother less..

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