why is there a thread on this particular hacker? why bother making a video about a hacker you saw man just give it a rest and move on, theres plenty of them out there and i dont think they care if people see a clip of them hacking.

for this one particularily we shoudl leave "it" alone. If its really a girl then she should be entitled to an aimbot to keep up with us.
Why was this posted on bf2s?

This is a pubnub forum, nothing to do with the competitive side of bf2
conservative hatemonger
post it on getswoned.com and you'll probably get flamed x1000 for not making a good enough video...

you seriously have to make better videos if you want to confirm someone as a hacker...
[pt] KEIOS
srs bsns

PspRpg-7 wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

PspRpg-7 wrote:

I dunno...I still say it could be a guy.
It's a girl *Fucken Amazed* But still you are a cheater, If you cant do something right then dont do it at all.
I was actually implying that she looked like a guy, but that works too.
and you might look like a girl... or wait.. i´ve found you on teh internets:
+269|6897|Marlton, New Jersey.

c4_he_was_famous wrote:

eagles, quote me where i insulted you. BTW our way is much more skilled imo, you cant just hop onto the commander screen and catch flankers, we have to actually see them and tell our teammates , and you can spam spot like crazy as commander so there is no way you could miss them. plus UAV is just gay, spots dont last aslong as UAV so you gotta kill them as fast as possible uav you have at least 20 secs more and you can also see players that have just spawned on them . OMG topic has gone fucked, summary: topic is about a noob who thinks someone who is better than them has an aimbot.
It owns that there would probably less fighting and more people getting shot in the back.  That takes skill.  With a UAV, people know where you are and you know where they are, so most battles are face to face where you have to aim and use movement well.  Nobodies style of play is better, theyre just different.  Stop pumping your e penis by saying EUROPE has SUPERIOR infantries and were ub3r l33t!
I don't come here a lot anymore.

Definitly hacker.

I often get mouse snaps nowdays, since I had to downgrade to my old motherboard (Fuck MSI!) and the USB controller is SHIT! If I pull the mouse one CM to either eide, it snaps back. If I move more, though, it works.
The idea of any hi-fi system is to reproduce the source material as faithfully as possible, and to deliberately add distortion to everything you hear (due to amplifier deficiencies) because it sounds 'nice' is simply not high fidelity. If that is what you want to hear then there is no problem with that, but by adding so much additional material (by way of harmonics and intermodulation) you have a tailored sound system, not a hi-fi. - Rod Elliot, ESP

eagles1106 wrote:

c4_he_was_famous wrote:

eagles, quote me where i insulted you. BTW our way is much more skilled imo, you cant just hop onto the commander screen and catch flankers, we have to actually see them and tell our teammates , and you can spam spot like crazy as commander so there is no way you could miss them. plus UAV is just gay, spots dont last aslong as UAV so you gotta kill them as fast as possible uav you have at least 20 secs more and you can also see players that have just spawned on them . OMG topic has gone fucked, summary: topic is about a noob who thinks someone who is better than them has an aimbot.
It owns that there would probably less fighting and more people getting shot in the back.  That takes skill.  With a UAV, people know where you are and you know where they are, so most battles are face to face where you have to aim and use movement well.  Nobodies style of play is better, theyre just different.  Stop pumping your e penis by saying EUROPE has SUPERIOR infantries and were ub3r l33t!
Me and Spoot weren't complaining when we drilled her... Either she's had some good surgery (very, very (Let me emphasise VERY)) good surgery. Or she's naturally goergeous... (Embarrased face) Even if the former's true it wouldn't stop us from doing it agian... and again... and again...... Now I bet all you sweaty shit sticks would love to see that movie wouldn't you. Taking orders now at Nikki'sCracks.com


[pt] KEIOS wrote:

PspRpg-7 wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

It's a girl *Fucken Amazed* But still you are a cheater, If you cant do something right then dont do it at all.
I was actually implying that she looked like a guy, but that works too.
and you might look like a girl... or wait.. i´ve found you on teh internets:
http://www.directupload.net/images/user … 8Z2Dby.jpg
Oh darn, you caught me. Fuck tard.
Member of Foamy's Card Cult
is she handing out free bj's or why is everyone and their grandmother jumping to her rescue? male-hardcore-gaming-species as amusing as usual
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

Not hacker. I stopped watching after those "snaps" you called were just when she started shooting. If that's hacks, everyone hacks.

eagles1106 wrote:

c4_he_was_famous wrote:

eagles1106 wrote:

Talking rights revoked for everybody in this thread, because youre all dumb.  First of all, whoever filmed the video is too stupid enough to film it at the right angle and distance to tell.  And no it isnt an aimbot, but you would really need to see more footage.  Some players play like that.  If you kill a person and know there is a person 3 feet to the right of him, what are you gonna do, gradually move your crosshair to the other person acting like a retard?  You use reflexes and move rapidly to the other person.  You can tell when its an aimbotter.

Lastly, about looking at the hotel flag, you dont have to hack to know where somebody is in a 5v5 if he isnt spotted.

1.  They could have had a commander spotting or putting UAVs up.
2.  The MEC team was obviously occupied raping people further north of the hotel.  And when you kill an entire group of people in an area further off from a flag youre defending and only end up killing 3 or 4 people, you wonder, hmm where is the fifth?  Well while we were all busy leaving our flag and not defending, I bet he flanked and went to cap hotel.  So you head back, and start checking the flag.
no they couldt have a commander or UAV, unlike NA players, EU actually use spotting skills and play proper infantry only.
You had to bring the insults?  Did I insult ANYBODY in this post?
"youre all dumb"
Since day One.
Hacker so GLOBAL BAN ftw !!!
H@x ?? No, just skill baby !
+73|6961|I smell corners

imm0rtal wrote:

[pt] KEIOS wrote:

who tells us, that you are a male?
lol your in anthrax
no he isn't

AnthraX.Crowfire BF2 Fan / Friends Club

Polux wrote:

imm0rtal wrote:

[pt] KEIOS wrote:

who tells us, that you are a male?
lol your in anthrax
no he isn't

AnthraX.Crowfire BF2 Fan / Friends Club
o my bad lol

i just saw Anthrax and lol'd
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

Anthrax in your tampax

Eboreus wrote:

is she handing out free bj's or why is everyone and their grandmother jumping to her rescue? male-hardcore-gaming-species as amusing as usual
Coz she's a friend and I know she hasn't done what this pointless thread is accusing her of. I would, and have, (Gooey ) stuck up in exactly the same way for any friend, no matter what sex they are.

Last edited by Spoot (2007-07-15 16:57:53)


imm0rtal wrote:

eagles1106 wrote:

c4_he_was_famous wrote:

eagles, quote me where i insulted you. BTW our way is much more skilled imo, you cant just hop onto the commander screen and catch flankers, we have to actually see them and tell our teammates , and you can spam spot like crazy as commander so there is no way you could miss them. plus UAV is just gay, spots dont last aslong as UAV so you gotta kill them as fast as possible uav you have at least 20 secs more and you can also see players that have just spawned on them . OMG topic has gone fucked, summary: topic is about a noob who thinks someone who is better than them has an aimbot.
It owns that there would probably less fighting and more people getting shot in the back.  That takes skill.  With a UAV, people know where you are and you know where they are, so most battles are face to face where you have to aim and use movement well.  Nobodies style of play is better, theyre just different.  Stop pumping your e penis by saying EUROPE has SUPERIOR infantries and were ub3r l33t!
Member of Foamy's Card Cult

Spoot wrote:

Coz she's a friend and I know she hasn't done what this pointless thread is accusing her of. I would, and have, (Gooey ) stuck up in exactly the same way for any friend, no matter what sex they are.
so whenever one of your friends gets accused of hacking, you register in a forum and start posting in his/her defense? I'm moved to tears! everyone should have a friend like you

here's the thing: if everyone would do that, we would be all crossposting in different forums like mad, cause many people get accused of shit these days all the time *points finger at the sig above his post*

Last edited by Eboreus (2007-07-15 22:45:16)

so whenever one of your friends gets accused of hacking, you register in a forum and start posting in his/her defense?
When it is done so publically, yes.
Last night i played a gather with nikki and that jew was in it lol(NoTank4U), even though i had connection issues and got disconnected half way through the 1st round i think there will be a 2nd AimbotNikki movie xD
Too old to be doing this sh*t
+103|6836|Little blue planet, milky way
Frankly I dont care if the guy/girl/poser is cheating or not. I do however care that:

1) Everyone is wasting time on ONE cheater, when about 20% of the regulars on a server is cheating.
2) Everyone calls this "hacking". It's not... it's CHEATING. learn the difference, please.
3) Noone seems to realize that there IS such a thing as lag, and lag can cause what appears to be a "snap", or whatever you call it. While this ONE person suspiciously has a third sense for when to aim where, why bother persecuting them in a pub game ? It's all circumstantial. Get over it, move on
4) Everyone "snaps" every now and again. I get "hickups" as I call them at least 1 every minute on both of my PCs, sometimes I find myself staring intently at the ground, or running the opposite direction of what I was ½ sec ago (tough luck if it happens while flying, or during a firefight). It's bad netcode, and untill that has been fixed, you'll find "hickups", or "snaps" or whatever you may call them on at least 90% of all players, you can't use this as an excuse.
5) If you suspect that the guy is cheating, DO SOMETHING, dont come bitching about it here.. there's an entire STIKIED THREAD for this kinda crap. Get a PB screenie, post it there. Likely he has minimap always active, or are using color/wall hacky thingy if he has "uncanny" directional sense. This will show up on a screenie. Simply play on servers with PBSS active, and this wont be an issue. It's about 50-60% of all server I recon.
6) People have problems kicking someone for "suspected" cheating. On any server I admin, I dont NEED hard evidence. It's not a court of law, I've seen admins kick for using "their" vehicles, why not kick for "I think you cheat, go fuck off", at least THESE kicks would not annoy the majority of players... Presumably.
Sponsored by Ready Brek... The Nation's Favourite
+7|6975|Farmland, England
lolol people still play this game? :p
nothing dodgey in those videos whatsoever..
nikki is just a dodgey player ;p

Last edited by DaVeWaVe (2007-07-16 07:04:50)

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