Theaters, Campaigns and Maps

The game should resemble a number of potential hot-spots. Each of the campaigns should have conventional battles and covert-operations. The covert operation missions could be released later as an expansion pack. Each of the maps has two types of phases - defensive and offensive. Depending if your team has won or lost the previous round, you will start as defender (if lost) or attacking party (if won).

   - Iraq, Sandstorm (Republican Guard vs. USMC)

        - conventional combat

            - Map one:meant to resemble deployment of ground forces from the sea. the challenge would be to take on defending forces on the coastline. In first round RG is defending and has no uncaps, with USMC having an uncap on carrier (or navy fleet). When USMC is defending Carrier is not a spawn point, with all other control points being capable.

            - Map two: no uncaps, mixture of urban map and spacey desert.

            - Map three: urban combat, only attacking force has uncaps

        - covert-ops (Secret Services (CSS) vs. Delta force)

            - Map one: Hunt for WMD - time limited map in which DF has to locate and destroy WMD hidden in a truck. Secret services have to repel attacks and move around the truck to prevent DF from destroying it. One uncap, starting point where truck is located, as time drains out DF looses tickets, to slow down the loss, have to take as many control points.

            - Map two: DF has to capture radar facility for central command of AA systems. Special forces are assigned to defend it at all costs. No uncaps.

    - Balkans, Steaming Stew (Insurgents vs. KFOR)

        - conventional combat

            - map 1: Attack on a military base - which is an uncap of KFOR, in all scenarios. outside the base is rugged forest terrain, suitable for guerrilla warfare.

            - map 2: forest and hills combat with dispersed settlements on uneven terrain

            - map 3: urban map with attackers having an uncap. Plenty of damaged buildings suitable for ambushes.

        - covert ops: (SAS vs. Special Forces)

            - map 1: time limited map in which special forces have to attack and destroy water and electricity plants in a base. SAS is assigned to protect the assets at all costs. the assets are located in areas protected from artillery strikes, so one has to get in an plant explosives.

            - map 2: no uncaps, both sides are after the remains of an AWACS which was grounded on an decommissioned air base surrounded by mountains. It has valuable intelligence data for all sides.

   - Caucasus, High Stakes (Russian Army vs. Rebels)

        - conventional combat

            - map 1: Oil pipeline, defenders have an uncap across rugged mountain terrain of oil fields. Located on west bank of Caspian sea, plenty of water as well.

            - map 2: urban map with features of communist, planned blocks of buildings and semi-destructed parts of the settlement

            - map 3: Grozny city centre, all urban, attackers have uncap

       - covert ops: (Alpha squad vs. CSS)
            - map 1: CSS acquired nuclear warhead and want to take it out of the region. in a time limited game, Alpha must take out the CSS and re-capture the warhead
            - map 2: no uncaps, Alpha is attacking the entrance to underground bunker for storage of supplies used to aid rebels in Caucasus.

    - North Korea, Melting Pot (USMC vs. NK Army)
          - map 1: attackers have uncap, must deploy forces in a marine assault to take on a sea port to enable further force deployment
          - map 2: no uncaps, attack through the demilitarised zone to break second front for assault
          - map 3: Pyongyang, urban map with Asian style of buildings on outskirts and blocks of buildings in the city centre
    - covert ops: (Alpha vs. Delta)
          - map 1: In a time limited game, Delta must capture nuclear facility from which Alpha is retrieving all information confirming Russian participation in development of nuclear programme. Plant has to be re-taken before all documents and data is destroyed.
          - map 2: Alpha's underground observation facility located next to the border of NK comes under attack. Delta wants to reclaim facility for itself to be able to observe the developments fully on Korean peninsula.

    - Central America, Red Summer (Latin American Forces (LAF) vs. Revolutionaries)
          - map 1: city up-rise, fully urban map defenders have uncap
          - map 2: outskirts, mixture of rural environment and jungle. mist and low visibility.
          - map 3: attackers have an uncap on the mainland. no uncaps on the island surrounded by sea which needs is home to the base of revolutionaries.
       - covert-ops: (SAS vs. Revolution's Secret Police) (maps with only inf. and light vehicles)
          - map 1: in a time limited game, SAS is deployed from a submarine to take over a ship full of drugs and arms destined to the Revolutionaries. If captured too late, massive reinforcements are expected on ships final destination.
          - map 2: no uncaps, attack on Cartel's boss's house. Combat in the entire district with villas and luxury homes.

Game-play dynamics and player info

    - Detailed statistics about a player can be viewed as option of the in-game menu. Statistics can be used to cover (analyse) specific time frame performance of a player, thus making it easier to track progress and spot cheating, or stats-padding. Statistics data can be exported. The in-game stats analyser will not show requirements for awards.

    - Players can build their own "buddy list". Entering the buddy list menu, shows who is playing where.

    - For a rather symbolic fee, Clans or groups of players can have their own unit coat of arms designed which would appear on deployment screen for CO when starting a battle, if its "bearer" is on the server. There will be no team-switching for members of such squad. Clans or groups of people can select their specializations, for instance a clan can specialise in AA defence, naming their unit "45th AA Div. [BATS]" and CO would know that in his team he has got some dedicated AA players that could make best use of AA assets if deployed.

    - Global Combat: Every month, an automatically generated report would be sent via registration e-mail to players informing them about the GLOBAL developments of the game, in form of a newspaper. It would cover the number of battles in each scenario, giving overview where the most fierce battles are taking place. Also, it would report on number of casualties on each side involved, as well as loss of assets. Every month, report would feature a distinguished player who made most progress in the past month across all kinds of different areas - from nomination for the Best AT soldier to the Best Pilot or the Best CO. Players would also fight for their right to become know worldwide, even if they aren't ranked among top 50 in terms of global score. Also, it would feature information on Servers - most visited and so on.

    - On Demand Research and Development: since the idea of the game is to be sustainable and evolving over time, players can decide in which direction with the R&D of new weapons go. For every X number of honour points, player can obtain 1 R&D point. Players worldwide, can "vote" for certain technological direction that they would like to take, using their R&D points. Development team would set up several main directions (technology tree, based on modern era developments) in which players could vote for their most desired new addition - supplied through a patch. For example, players could vote for graphite bombs as a standard addition to bomber aircraft to temporarily take out radar scanners. Or, players, could vote in development of a river vessel larger than RIB, with heavier guns. R&D could also "work" in direction of new weapons for infantry, again based on developments in real world.

    - Basic Languages tab: if desired, players can learn basic words used in combat situations. Their rehearsal would greatly improve both knowledge of the foreign languages and enhance gaming experience. For our younger players, tied with homework - this can be an excuse "I am learning Spanish, studying, can't you see?!" Shame that after two years we know only few meanings - now who doesn't duck when you hear "koomgoolah (grenade)" in the distance, and you know MEC is opposing. Or, when I hear "high-pa" in Chinese, I always take a look to make sure arty isn't gonna rain on me.

    - Artillery training tab: when firing artillery, player should point the gun in the right direction (bearing 0-360) and incline the barrel in the correct angle. Using artillery should be made difficult so since it can produce many kills with very low risks for the player. Training should help players see how the weapon responds to particular changes in configuration (bearing/angle). Being able to adjust to the changes/demands right at the time when requested by commander would single out best artillery marksmen from the lousy ones. These parameters could be changed using roll button on mouse, first for one parameter than for second. Fire is made in sequences of 6 rounds, after which it is not available for another full minute. Of course, this training is not compulsory. Trainings and tutorials should be free for the players that want to practically improve their skills with no risk for their stats.

    - CO Training: commander must be very handy with maps, issuing orders and considering intelligence from the field. Commander, on his map also has a compass which he can use to communicate some data to team. For example, a less experienced arty guy could be told to which bearing he needs to set his piece. Knowing distances and time in which a certain unit can reach a destination can be vital for preventing enemy to gain control in some areas of the battle. All this and more is something a CO must master. At the end of the training for CO, a multiple choice test should be given. Only players that pass the test can be COs. Tests can be taken once every month, when player decides.

The trainings are not compulsory (except for CO), but the time spent training should count as play-time, or maybe a reward could be given for those who complete the trainings, to give incentive to people to improve skills before getting on to the real battlefield.

This time - I kept it short
Robin Hood ---> "u got arrownd"
Short but beautiful!!!
Nice ideas dude

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