Ive been spending the last day or two trying to get some of the badges I am lacking, and since Im one of those special-ops whores I have met all but one of the requirements for my veteran special ops badge.  However, there is a dilema, I can not seem to get it if I understand correctly I must get 20 kills in a round using the special ops kit right?  Does that mean I have to get 20 kills before dying? because I have (atleast im pretty sure, I switch kits often sometimes) IVe gotten 20 kills in a game before.  I did happen to get pistol combat by sheer luck last night but I just cant seem to get my basic medic or veteran special ops.  Maybe it is because I am playing on crowded servers (48-64 players) is it easier on lower pop servers since you stay alive longer?

Oh one other question, in order to get the medic ribbon I must get 5 heal points in a round, what counts as a heal point? it is obviously not reviving someone cause I played one game with like 20 revives and no award but I managed to get 2 heal points, what did I do to get this?  Do I have to stand next to someone and heal them to full or can I just toss a few medpacks on teh ground?  And does it count if I heal myself?

Thanks for the help

oh this is me in case anyone was wondering http://bf2s.com/player/45462900/
+224|6998|Some where huntin in Wisconsin
thats funny u registerd back in the day and ur only a sgt how old are u did u have to quit for school or somthing

but tbh 13 kills in a round hell my grandmother can do just piont the reticule at their head and shoot easy as pie
+151|6542|NSW, Australia

you just need 20 kill IN ONE ROUND with the spec ops kit, just dont change youll get it....

heal point is when you throw the med pack on the ground and after a few people have them it says You got a heal point... or something
no you cannot heal yourself and get points for it

Last edited by Nappy (2007-07-24 08:27:00)

mr. LuxusLexus
veteran badge = 20 kills IAR - In One Round.
Go on anny IO server and it should be easy.
+110|6901|United States of America
for vet special ops - 20 kills with that kit.  Even if its done in a tank or APC or whatever
for the heal points you just need to toss med packs on the ground so people can run over them and heal themselves. You can only toss so many before they start to dissappear.  If someone has only 1/4 of their health then you need to heal someone else also to complete one full heal cycle. Meaning you would need to heal someone else with at least 1/4 of their health gone to complete the cycle.  To get this just toss med packs everywhere to your teamates.
+5|6473|Saint-Hubert, Québec,Canada

1st: Go to a 64 players map...but only 16 or 32 player server!!!...the round last longer and you might have a better chance of getting ALL 20 KILLS WHILE BEING A SPEC OP'S***(don't take any chance and stay with your hit till you die)

as for heal points... you need to replenish (about90% health***not exactly sure about the percentage) to get a point... just like repair points...
My advice...go to a Karkand I/O...and throw only med bags next to your teamate...(***Got mine following my squad...and dropping med pack and reviving only...did not get to many points that round but it got me my badge!!!)

Others query...???

Tushers wrote:

thats funny u registerd back in the day and ur only a sgt how old are u did u have to quit for school or somthing

but tbh 13 kills in a round hell my grandmother can do just piont the reticule at their head and shoot easy as pie
I stopped playing due to work, travel, girl friend, family issues, moving twice, new computer and I have been playing other games, etc. etc. 

Perhaps you should have looked more carefuly though, you would see by 'recent medals' that the last time I played was nearly two years ago (sep of '05) and then started again a few days ago.  I had attained all these ranks/badges back then and in about a two month time(early july enrollment - mid sep)

Ok I guess my problem is I switch kits more than I realize it, games last plenty long on the servers I frequent so I just need to stick with a kit and get it done. 

And thanks to the other poster about heal point, So 5 heal points in a round, guess I just need to toss more often.  Looks like my problem was not doing as much as it seemed thanks for the help since I average 30-50 kills a round I guess I do it with too many different kits!
I just earned my expert medic badge last week (20 Heals IAR), I tried several times on a Ghost Town map in the Special Forces expansion but could not seem to get enough heals before the round ended.  I went into an Infantry Only Karkand server and got it my first try playing as USMC and throwing med packs down between the USMC forward right spawn point and the hotel.  Just watch out for granades.

I also earned my Expert Engineer last week (40 kills IAR).  I did it in a IO Ghost Town server but you could earn your Spec Ops veteran in a Karkand IO server if you don't have the SF expansion.  To get my badge I basically launched myself at every red dot on the UAV.  I would kill two or three then get killed, respawn and repeat.  Get aggressive and try to find a half-full server. 

You can also get it with 20 artilliary kills as a commander, but I do not recommend this.  Its better if you earn it fighting and it may actually be easier. 

good luck!

Last edited by DAN5:14 (2007-07-24 09:54:52)

+3,936|6813|so randum
GL with your award hunting!
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

fatherted13 wrote:

GL with your award hunting!
Latter Alcoholic

fatherted13 wrote:

GL with your award hunting!
that Good Luck or Grenade Launcher?

Airwolf wrote:

fatherted13 wrote:

GL with your award hunting!
that Good Luck or Grenade Launcher?
Perhaps a little of both
thanks for the help guys, got my basic first aid, medic combat, veteran special ops and basic ground defense badges wee

support is pissing me off though that weapon is so innaccurate looks like im going to have to pick support then jump in a vehicle and run people over or something -_-
The Artist formerly known as GraphicArtist-J
+196|6439|So Cal
You ain't gonna rank up until you have the Uber-duber Xtreme Spec Ops badge:
+11|6464|Some Pub in Valletta
I think you already got your answers but to give a little advice.
!!If you get the "I average 30-50 kills IAR" you shouldn't have any problems"!!
But for example "arty kills" count so just be a com and bomb some 20 opponents.
Tank/APCwhore  in karkand works too quite easily same as shargi heliwhoring.
If you're a good pilot so you wouldn't have any problems either.
Frankly your question sound a little "fishy", considering you get these average 30-50 kills IAR?
But yeah maybe you're just a victim of bad luck with the badges, who knows...
Peace Out

xXCortoMalteseXx wrote:

I think you already got your answers but to give a little advice.
!!If you get the "I average 30-50 kills IAR" you shouldn't have any problems"!!
But for example "arty kills" count so just be a com and bomb some 20 opponents.
Tank/APCwhore  in karkand works too quite easily same as shargi heliwhoring.
If you're a good pilot so you wouldn't have any problems either.
Frankly your question sound a little "fishy", considering you get these average 30-50 kills IAR?
But yeah maybe you're just a victim of bad luck with the badges, who knows...
Peace Out
Nah I've been one of those people who switches packs all the time depending on what is nearby. ie if Im assault and a tank kills me i respawn as AT and destroy it.  killed as Spec-O by a sniper, spawn sniper and do some sniping, lots of little vehicles nearby? spawn as support and mow them with point blank spray.  and 30-50 is a bit high after paying more attention last night its more like 20-40 on the servers Ive been on recently.  So ive gone back to my old way of playing, pick a kit and stay with it.  Went 36-7 KDR as medic on daiqing oilfields last night(~25 players on the 64 player map)   and I know about the commander kills, I just dont like commander, I like being knee deep in the action, or sniping waaaay in the distance. As im sure you would notice by my Time as Commander: 0:00:00 and time as spec-op 18:22:00

@grahpic artist

that is freaking awsome lol, is that a mod or something? or some altered server? cause that would be fun.

Last edited by pik4chu (2007-07-25 12:00:51)

Seriously, fuck off.
+103|7001|"The Empire"

Tushers wrote:

thats funny u registerd back in the day and ur only a sgt how old are u did u have to quit for school or somthing

but tbh 13 kills in a round hell my grandmother can do just piont the reticule at their head and shoot easy as pie
You sir are a tit, someone wants help and you just slate him for no reason. Did YOU quit school before you finished your grammar lessons, it appears so!!
+127|6971|WPB, FL. USA
I'll take you under my wing and in no time you can be a serious bling junkie like me

Go to a "WTF" server or any good 24/7 Karkand or Warlord I/O with FF=Off, get in the Palace and either C-4 them to death or be a Med Whore.

Two suggestions: 1) By being commander and killing 20 noobs with arty while in the kit you will earn the badge as well, 2) ALWAYS think ahead and work toward multiple badges/Ribbons/Medals  (i.e. playing commander in US as a medic can earn you commander time, theater of operations time, kit time, revives, heals, etc.)  Always look at every badge/ribbon/medal/rank etc. before you decide what server and kit...

Here's a goal and a challenge - I earned every piece of digital bling there is in twelve months and was the first one with all the gold - good luck soldier

Need any advice then post here or pm (don't forget to "search" there's a lot of great suggestions in the forums).
+1,153|6944|Washington, DC

mazerali62 wrote:

Tushers wrote:

thats funny u registerd back in the day and ur only a sgt how old are u did u have to quit for school or somthing

but tbh 13 kills in a round hell my grandmother can do just piont the reticule at their head and shoot easy as pie
You sir are a tit, someone wants help and you just slate him for no reason. Did YOU quit school before you finished your grammar lessons, it appears so!!
Now now, his english is a lot better than it was a few months ago.

Oh and pik4chu, that is a photoshop If you want serious points, go Medic + G36E on infantry only servers. But if you want to actually enjoy the game (those 'medic whores' who say they really do enjoy the game have strange minds), just play how you want as long as it's not being a dickhead

As for Support, use the RPK-74 or the PKM for accuracy. To be honest, the M249 is pretty good once you learn it (fire in bursts, not full auto except close quarters where you can rip people apart because of its firing rate).

Hurricane wrote:

mazerali62 wrote:

Tushers wrote:

thats funny u registerd back in the day and ur only a sgt how old are u did u have to quit for school or somthing

but tbh 13 kills in a round hell my grandmother can do just piont the reticule at their head and shoot easy as pie
You sir are a tit, someone wants help and you just slate him for no reason. Did YOU quit school before you finished your grammar lessons, it appears so!!
Now now, his english is a lot better than it was a few months ago.

Oh and pik4chu, that is a photoshop If you want serious points, go Medic + G36E on infantry only servers. But if you want to actually enjoy the game (those 'medic whores' who say they really do enjoy the game have strange minds), just play how you want as long as it's not being a dickhead

As for Support, use the RPK-74 or the PKM for accuracy. To be honest, the M249 is pretty good once you learn it (fire in bursts, not full auto except close quarters where you can rip people apart because of its firing rate).
lol that is a really funny photochop. pitty that wasnt real but I expect some whiners act like that is what spec-ops an do with their C4

Ya Im not one for a medic whore tho last night I very much enjoyed being a medic, ability to kill and revive teamates to do more killing is great.  my fav combo tho is the MEC Medic with their ak-like gun.  Never do memorize the names of guns/maps so I dunno what it is. only unlocks i have are spec-ops, sniper and assault.  I have been playing other online games alot so i dont know about how fast I can get them but I am looking towards my explosives basic and veteran, since ive got the 50+ kills now I just need the two IAR reqs.

I do however enjoy IO servers, Ive always had this thing with vehicles, imo jumping into an armored turret and mowing people down = zero skill.  evading and maneuvering to get that kill by using your surroundings to your advantage= skill.  And bunny hoppers/dolphin divers should die in a fire   (though when i am sniping the dolphins are free kills so im sorta impartial lol)
+1,106|6603|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk


Well, here's the best tip short of being a medic with a G36E:




That is all.
+3,936|6813|so randum

cowami wrote:


Well, here's the best tip short of being a medic with a G36E:




That is all.
Or  m249..
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
The Artist formerly known as GraphicArtist-J
+196|6439|So Cal

fatherted13 wrote:

cowami wrote:


Well, here's the best tip short of being a medic with a G36E:




That is all.
Or  m249..
.....Or teh ex-wife.

cowami wrote:


Well, here's the best tip short of being a medic with a G36E:




That is all.
sniper or spec ops all the way, I like IO because i find it fun, not because i want to be a medic point whore

I do enjoy both types tho, Id say I spend equal time on an IO server as I do on a vehicles one.
+7|6464|Normandy - France
to get the veteran badge you need 20 kills but also 15 hours played as special ops !! maybe you did not get these 15hours

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