That's weird . . . nearly all of us Zulu's have gotten awards and rank ups on our servers and had no problems!sierralima6 wrote:
I finally got mine today. I noticed that a friend of mine got his some days ago after playing MEC theater so I played Jala at the Zulu server. Didn't get it. Then again, I never seem to get any rewards playing on Zulus 24/7 Jala server (didn't get promo to gunnery serg; veteran ground defense; veteran knife combat and so on...) so I tried another server and, Voila! There it was!! So friends, if you want your rewards stay away from Zulu but if you want damn good fighting, run to Zulu. It's always fun there!
I would say just wait I got mine yesterday after many many hoursNappy wrote:
has anyone here had trouble getting the middle east service ribbon??
i should have got mine a long time ago but after 411:35:19 hours of playing i FINALLY GOT (according to bf2player)(i still have to wait 50 mins for bf2s)
i am yet to check BFHQ
i dont know why i get it now and not before
anyone else that should have got it check if you now have it!!
ea MAY have fixed the glitch
it IS in bfhq
I got mine the day i completed the requirements ..