I don't know if this has been discussed before... I went through the first 5 pages of 194 the search engine gave me for the word "chopper". Well, here is my problem.
Any of you guys play alone? I mean, without any friends? Just you and a bunch of unknown players on the server. Well I do that most of the time. And I think it's very annoying when you try to get in a vehicle, especially the choppers.
I'm sure many of you have already experienced that before and you've probably felt the same frustration as I always do when it happens to me.
The thing is when you luckily get a place in a chopper (the gunner position in this situation), if the pilot has a friend or knows someone who's a good gunner, he will stand at the edge of the map, waiting for you to die, then he goes back to pick up his friend/good gunner. I understand they want to play together, but when the choppers are monopolised by 2 idiots for several rounds, I think other players deserve to get some times in the choppers, don't you agree?
It happened to me several times before. But today, I just couldn't keep my thoughts for myself. I was playing Dragon Valley 64 players map. You probably know that map has 2 choppers on each side. Usually, there aren't any big problem to get some times in the choppers. but the choppers of my team (both of them) were monopolised by 4 guys. The first one was monopolised by some guys from the clan SWISS*. If you get in the chopper as the gunner, the other remaining guy from SWISS* kills you with his sniper then he takes the gunner position. Very annoying to get killed by a "teammate" because you wanted to play as a gunner. The second chopper was monopolised by two guys... and they were killing the "gunner position's intruders" by doing what I described above. I was very annoyed to think that both choppers were inaccessible to any guys of our team except these 4 idiots.
Little screenshot to reminds me how some guys are so sweet with you when you try play with them. /sarcasm
http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/5278 … 037nm4.jpg
What do you guys think? How do you feel about that? Do you do that aswell?
Any of you guys play alone? I mean, without any friends? Just you and a bunch of unknown players on the server. Well I do that most of the time. And I think it's very annoying when you try to get in a vehicle, especially the choppers.
I'm sure many of you have already experienced that before and you've probably felt the same frustration as I always do when it happens to me.
The thing is when you luckily get a place in a chopper (the gunner position in this situation), if the pilot has a friend or knows someone who's a good gunner, he will stand at the edge of the map, waiting for you to die, then he goes back to pick up his friend/good gunner. I understand they want to play together, but when the choppers are monopolised by 2 idiots for several rounds, I think other players deserve to get some times in the choppers, don't you agree?
It happened to me several times before. But today, I just couldn't keep my thoughts for myself. I was playing Dragon Valley 64 players map. You probably know that map has 2 choppers on each side. Usually, there aren't any big problem to get some times in the choppers. but the choppers of my team (both of them) were monopolised by 4 guys. The first one was monopolised by some guys from the clan SWISS*. If you get in the chopper as the gunner, the other remaining guy from SWISS* kills you with his sniper then he takes the gunner position. Very annoying to get killed by a "teammate" because you wanted to play as a gunner. The second chopper was monopolised by two guys... and they were killing the "gunner position's intruders" by doing what I described above. I was very annoyed to think that both choppers were inaccessible to any guys of our team except these 4 idiots.
Little screenshot to reminds me how some guys are so sweet with you when you try play with them. /sarcasm
http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/5278 … 037nm4.jpg
What do you guys think? How do you feel about that? Do you do that aswell?