darknessdestroyer122 wrote:
that was fun tonight guys
what time are everyone on to play?
We usually start somewhere around 9EST and go until 1AM ish.
san4 wrote:
Canin wrote:
I couldnt tell who all was doing it, was most of the US team though, including a few unnamed regulars....... . Mec team couldnt get out of the spawn areas, much less near another flag
I would like to make a public confession that I was directly involved in spawnraping, spawnkilling, and other unmentionable infractions of the BF2S US Server rules during one Sharqi round tonight.
And I enjoyed every minute of it.
Yea...the MEC team on round 1 got wasted, hard. Round two started off with us capping the TV and Office with little, if any resistance at all, soon followed by the capture of Constuction and finishing the game with our entire team hunting the last survivor.
Really enjoyed tonight I must say, pretty good squads on both sides. My favorite part of it was on Shonghua where my squad and myself conducted a D-Day worthy boat raid. Rockets and flak zipping over our heads as we approached the shore, every gun blazing, nades going off in the water next to us and smoke trails lining the air....it was epic. We crashed onto the beach, crushing a hapless Chinese soldier and gunning down any others standing near us. Moving ahead to the flag, we took down another batch of enemies, neutralized it and took down the final guys to complete our victory at the Central Front.
The second raid at the Temple, not so fun. Oji was the only survivor as the rest of us met our end at the hands of a well placed AT rocket. Pretty painful.
Some sniper who fell off the roof after receiving a few rounds from my RPK.

Best round of the night, overall

Oji, dead.

WTF, Where's my kits!?

Back to back claymore kills, after they saw me run to the corner.

Getting my mojo going with the shotgun.