on wake island. I was driving one of the jeeps toward a base. An enemy jeep was racing right at me and about 10 feet in front of me, it blew up from j-10 cannon fire. It was so close to me and so amazing.

Another on Dalian. I was sitting in the very back seat of a blackhawk traveling twoards the pla uncap to blow up their arty. As we passed over the main entrance, I saw the pla helicopter warming up. I dropped all my c4 near it as we flew over and blew it up right as it fell on the enemy chopper.

Last edited by aimless (2007-07-27 11:15:28)

+39|7073|B O S T ON area
My video card burning out after 2 years.
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7059|Mexico City
- When i saw (and keep seeing) TOW rockets passing harmless through vehics at close range.........
Internet Superhero
Whenever I tried to spawn the 'UAV Trailer' In Sandbox I crashed a server...

topthrill05 wrote:

Patch 1.3.
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6461|San Antonio, Texas
It was hearing my teammates over VoIP. BF2 is the first game I've ever played online, and hearing someone's elses voice in a game was surreal.
Shooting a grenade launcher into a hovering black hawk and watching three corpses tumble out of it.
Hell Yeah I Suck Toes!!!

venom6 wrote:

I just dont remember for the most "awe moment" so i just listed a few things...

1. When it finally loads up the map and starts loading a new map coz it changed.
2. When your team is so newb that the enemy can steal our helos or tanks for example on Wake.
3. When you die and a team medic is running over your body and does not revive you or not even try to.
4. When you stab a guy twice with your knife and only smoke/dust comes out he is turning around and kills you.
5. When you respawn and 2 sec later you die because of artillery strike.
6. When an enemy helicopter is following you while swimming (Wake) and you have zero chance to do anything.
7. When a J-10 is locking on you and you cant do shit as 2 rockets are enough and forget the flairs -> Bail out !
8. When you are shooting an AT rocket on a vehicle whats gonna road kill you and the rocket is flying trugh and you die.
9. When i got kicked for being better then the admin from the server.
the best reasons ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +1
The very first? I was on Dragon valley and headed up to Refinery in an APC. I was getting near the flag and saw 4 guys laying right near the flag next to the wall. I shot a missile at them and BOOM! 4 kiils!

My second awe was when I plugged in my GeForce 8800GTS into my box and cranked bf2 on high.
Formerly known as Missionless
+92|6641|105 RVK
My first time on karkand {unranked} I was trying all the guns out and turned out to like the US shotty and camp in one of the corners in the valley, i also found a spot to snipe with my L85 [i know] on FuShe Pass.

Dam it was fun being the smurf that didnt point whore
+43|6705|Wollongong, NSW, Australia
When I realised I could win duels with snipers at long range.........with the L85!
+1|6519|TARDville, USA
mine is when i got my Expert Knife BEFORE they made it just a total # of kills with a knife ...

When they nerfed the Blackhawk miniguns, but left the MEC's attack heli gun intact.

Ratzinger wrote:

When I realised I could win duels with snipers at long range.........with the L85!
So true. Gotta love anti-sniper ops with the L85.

The first time I led a gunship with the main gun on a tank and blew it out of the sky. A big grin and a stupid chuckle were the result.
Gunning for TCS Killjoy piloting the Apache on Ghost Town.  His flying skills blew my mind, I've only seen lazy circle of deaths or fast passing strafes before then but he consistently got 60-2 k/d scores on a 30 minute rotation server.
+2|6428|New Jersey
on a 64 person server....
put all my c4's near a CP and hide....then when i hear its being overruned dettonating them and getting 10 kills...haha
+60|6949|miami FL
karkand I was lost as an USMC and I tried to get on and use the arty piece but the stupid voice told me it belonged to the commander.
so I got my ass whoop by tanks and apc's when i came running down the hill
The very first time i ever played online i spawned into blackhawk rapage on mashtuar and the worst lag ever (shit pc+crap wireless+graphics on all high)
Then the first time i had played wake island i was looking for the way to steer the carrier towards the island because in 1942 you could

Last edited by ¦TØP¦straz_mataz (2007-07-31 19:39:06)

Donald O' Brien

¦TØP¦straz_mataz wrote:

Then the first time i had played wake island i was looking for the way to steer the carrier towards the island because in 1942 you could
Lol, I remember people trying to do that.
Time Traveling Salesman!
+8|6469|Somplace or Other
Going from sigle to multi-play for the first time. I was shocked. But my VERY first was the Demo.
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
Either multiplayer for the first time...... OR...... Being commander on sharqi, hiding on top of the TV station, At the start of the round i put my C4 on the flag, i heard that it went neutral....BEEP....3 kills! and they all flew off the blacony at the flag
I dont get awed at bf2, bf2 gets awed by me

Last edited by [Hive]-Twist (2007-08-01 05:04:38)

press E to enter the vehicle

Fire using the left mouse button
Inpsiring topic it is...
My first moment of awe in BF2, was the intro movie...
a whole new game with the same old, classic music...
Then you start bowing in front of your monitor!!
(BTW the same happend in either the SF expansion and the BF2142 intro movie )

The next one was when i got my Expert sniper combat badge. Not in IO server, not in pistol/knives server.
When I needed one more kill to get to 35, my heart beats where bit over the limit. I could hear my heart
beating inside the Internet Cafe (music playing, stupid guys around me screaming about getting killed in the "game" called Counter-Strike).

And the last one till now is when i firstly fired a round with the L96A1 sniper rifle. The sound, the echo... F4$$#%ing awesome!!
It'll just be our little secret
probably my very first game i ever played.i was on Ghost Town i believe and had an artillery strike coming down on my head.i got the shell shock and the heart beat and everything,and i survived it.i remember thinking "Wow this is awesome."
after that i was hooked.

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