Bump into some 1 and get killed.
And tips for those suprise 1 on 1's or is it all down to reflexes?
And tips for those suprise 1 on 1's or is it all down to reflexes?
UAVspuddy1981 wrote:
Bump into some 1 and get killed.
And tips for those suprise 1 on 1's or is it all down to reflexes?
QFT!Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:
Reflexes. Unless you have a Pump-Shotgun.
Last edited by Arnie_Ze_Austrian (2007-08-04 01:05:44)
Wow, good work!Arnie_Ze_Austrian wrote:
Watch the UAV & spotted -- you should be able to tell exactly which corner they're around if this information is available. If the minimap is unclear, zoom it as much as possible, but don't get caught staring at it too much. If the dude is too close, then just watch the corner instead.
Pre-aim where they will be arriving so that you don't have to adjust or react as much. You generally want to be turning that corner while strafing your aim onto where you think their chest will be (i.e. aim at chest height and then let your strafe move your aim to the player rather than having to alter your aim using the mouse too much). If you pre-aim, then your job is largely done and you can fire faster. Don't do this unless you're sure that you've got a bit of breathing space, though (as your enemy may turn the corner sooner than you expect and your aim will be nowhere near him).
Prime yourself to fire the moment you turn that corner. If you're the one engaging them (you come around the corner and fire) then you're the one that's in control and who has most of the cards. If you have the choice of meeting them on even terms (both out in the open or both come around a corner at the same time) or on your terms (you turn the corner and get the jump on them), choose the latter nearly every time. You're instigating, they're reacting. Even better is the fact that, if you're near the corner, you can easily use it to your advantage. E.g. if I turn a corner and shoot at a guy but fail to kill him with my first burst of fire, he'll often go prone and shoot back. However, by the time he has reacted, I've already pulled back around the corner and avoided (most of) his bullets. He's now prone on the deck and totally screwed. If he gets up, he can't shoot for a small delay. If he doesn't get up, then you know where he is and can finish him off by pre-aiming and stafing your aim onto him again.
Don't sprint around the corner. Sprinting = you can't strafe (see 2) and it also stops you firing until you stop.
When you see them and start firing, crouch and/or prone if they're close to you.
If it's a shock encounter for both of you (neither knew the other was there, both turning the same corner and meeting face to face) then reactions & aim speed will be the deciding factor. I don't think there's much you can do to improve this other than practice & pray In general, you can choose your battles and win more through better tactics. I'm always watching the UAV and using the commo rose to spot areas (e.g. on Karkand do a 'spotted' on an alley that the enemy usually camps and, if there's someone there, they will often show up even though you can't physically see them). In short, pre-aiming and playing smarter is the order of the day.
Indeed, while some may think shadows don't help you, I find they make it alot easier, looks better, and I can't count how many times I've seen a Attack helis shadow, and ran like fuck for cover..TheGiantSE wrote:
Use the shadows!!!
It's nice when you can see that there are people standing around the corner.
Many turn that of for better game play but I like to have them and the game look nicer.
Good graphic card and shadows look nice, bad card and it's just black...
And as others have said, reflexes, uav and always assume that there are enemies around the corner.
Last edited by Agradhan (2007-08-04 01:43:40)
ot, but why the hell do people still find the need to try and get people to exit their games? /rantAgradhan wrote:
Teleport around the corners. Press alt+F4 to enable teleport mode.
Brilliant Einstein, gotta win a nobel prize for this oneAgradhan wrote:
Teleport around the corners. Press alt+F4 to enable teleport mode.
Nah, just side strafing them usually works, I do it all the time with prone spamming support guys.Canadian_Sniper_X wrote:
If they prone. Jump over them. Then shoot them in the back of the head.