HAHA, your round at oman got punked.
i'll just change it back when those bastards leave.no one messes with my Oman.VicktorVauhn wrote:
HAHA, your round at oman got punked.
You can set it back to Oman after they leave, I hope you realize.aj0404 wrote:
you're not so hot in a jet either.cowami wrote:
Hence why I left.Canin wrote:
Yeah, played two good long rounds of Tampa. Poor undetected couldnt hit the broad side of an APC for the most part with his bombs and by the end of the second round he was back ground pounding.
I mean, come on. You and chitty sat at that one base for a good two minutes repairing each other. In that time, a well placed arty strike (or even just an arty strike) coulda killed you. But no. Our commander puts UAVs up over the base after you're in them, doesn't spot your tanks when you're right outside the base, and fires the artillery AFTER you fucking leave that base.
And, of course, Undetected couldn't hit shit with bombs.
and dammit i'm pissed.i went on the server earlier today and switched it from Fushe to Oman so it'd be on Oman when we went on and played,and now a game's already started with a bunch of people i've never even seen before.they're wastin mah Oman...

well at least the fact that 10 randoms started the server this early means that people have started to play the server, and are coming back....
Thats a good sign right?
Thats a good sign right?
id say so.VicktorVauhn wrote:
well at least the fact that 10 randoms started the server this early means that people have started to play the server, and are coming back....
Thats a good sign right?
sorry i missed last week. girl friend came over after the show and we hung out. ill be there tonight. late. hope youre all still up
No. They spent a good majority of the round arguing with each other. It got so annoying that I left...VicktorVauhn wrote:
well at least the fact that 10 randoms started the server this early means that people have started to play the server, and are coming back....
Thats a good sign right?

Are they the ones who are making and bumping the random other BF2s server thread?
if you mean this: http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=83455 then no, that is us, we are bumping it ourselves
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
i'll be on later,but for now i must watch 300.
meh, entertaining...but not much beyond spiffy effects and violence.aj0404 wrote:
i'll be on later,but for now i must watch 300.
anyone want to play in the bf2s US server right now?
I'm game.
I'm in
anyone else?
wait till 7pm when i get off of work and hopefully i can get in there...unless the girlfriend makes me take out the trash and take her to dinner or something lame like that....
either way...idk if you guys have work or anything in the morning, but ill be there sometime tonight after i get back from a show. lemme know how long a few of you will be on there.. ill bring some friends with me
either way...idk if you guys have work or anything in the morning, but ill be there sometime tonight after i get back from a show. lemme know how long a few of you will be on there.. ill bring some friends with me
alright.Schwarzelungen wrote:
wait till 7pm when i get off of work and hopefully i can get in there...unless the girlfriend makes me take out the trash and take her to dinner or something lame like that....
either way...idk if you guys have work or anything in the morning, but ill be there sometime tonight after i get back from a show. lemme know how long a few of you will be on there.. ill bring some friends with me
sure i will
we only need 2 more people ! come on..
Nope, later.
And why not post this in the existing US Server thread...?
And why not post this in the existing US Server thread...?

You can have it merged to your thread by a mod if you request it.
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
Yeah, no wonder I never play on it, there is no admin enforcing rules. It sucked, and I am done trying to get that server going. No team work, no rule enforcing, and teamkills if you don't get out of their vehicles. Nice job WCK smack tards!
If you had told me what I was warning and/or kicking for, I could have done something.[FHF]MattyZ wrote:
Yeah, no wonder I never play on it, there is no admin enforcing rules. It sucked, and I am done trying to get that server going. No team work, no rule enforcing, and teamkills if you don't get out of their vehicles. Nice job WCK smack tards!

Server seems to get bi-polar...[FHF]MattyZ wrote:
Yeah, no wonder I never play on it, there is no admin enforcing rules. It sucked, and I am done trying to get that server going. No team work, no rule enforcing, and teamkills if you don't get out of their vehicles. Nice job WCK smack tards!
Catch it from when the regulars for the 86 page thread are on, most of the guys who wear the BF2s tags....
Quite a few are admins and most the time we have a game going they keep things pretty well run.
But yeah sometimes when the server gets populated full of randoms and there is no regulars around it can get bad
This is the main thread for the server: http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=74113
ONE of the admins is usually on the forum, so typically you can get an admins attention there.
The BF2s US server is the only good server IMO. When it's not IO, and a bunch of BF2s regulars are on, it's super fun.
Much better than all those lame 24/7 Karkand servers where you die every 3 seconds.
Much better than all those lame 24/7 Karkand servers where you die every 3 seconds.
Try playing again tonight, you will have a lot more fun. With 4+ admins online at a time, everything should stay in order.
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.