Yell verbal abuse. Typically random, baseless accusations of hacking. However, when I get mad, it is typically due to unbalanced teams, so the n00b fours stars who are all on the same team deserve the punishment.
Edit: Also, I like to pick on players who demonstrate n00bish behavior, especially those of high rank. An example is AK101 Sgt.Farfard. He is a three star general, who plays a lot on the A2G Ghost Town infantry only server. He seems good, but he won't play anything but the Spetsnaz. One time, I was on and he joined. Unfortunately for him, the teams were numerically unbalanced in favor of the Spetsnaz, and he consequentially gets placed on the SAS team, without a chance of changing teams. So, instead of playing on the SAS, he actually stays AFK for the entire round. The next round is the same. When he finally joined, I gave him a good five minutes of completely deserved verbal abuse (obviously, our team was getting raped) about his lack of skills.
Edit II: I don't typically cuss, unless I have found a cheater. Then I descend into the world of restriction-free flaming, and call my enemies all sorts of nasty names. I hate doing it, but cheaters are just so infuriating.