mr. LuxusLexus wrote:
That's my goal too. Right now every kits is around 35hrs so i got a long way to go.
Yeah, all my kits are well played too. Meaning that at ~600hrs total time played, i only have 2 expert kit badges.
My most played is Medic at 128 hrs, and my least played is AT, at 50hrs.
Its gonna be a while before i get them all.
People put you down for working towards kit times 'just for stat', but i dont see it like that. I see it as the game encouraging you to get used to all the kits, and thats exactly what i've done. If the badges didn't exist, i would probably just play as medic/support/sniper all the time, and miss out on half the games kits.
But as it is, i play them all roughly evenly, and i'm a better overall player because of it.
Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2007-08-10 16:50:37)