heh, I dunno why I posted it in chatter, this was my first post, guess I'll put my next rant somewhere else ,snicker
The only reason I am posting on this is because it has happened to myself and other clan mates on another server before.

    Registered: 2006-01-10

Re: Banned for being too good?!?!

I think the person who banned you felt that you were selecting him directly for your attacks Deathrace, hence the vilification of your action.
Come on man, your trying to justify your clan members actions by saying that the jet that moves faster and higher then any single vehicle in the game is being used to solely fly over any position and kill a single person who looks like everyone else.  I doubt he slowed that jet down enough to sit and focus through a group of people, or even a single person, to see his/her name.

Point blank, the server does belong to your clan.  Yes you can run it in such a fassion if you like.  It creates a bad name of your clan throughout the serious BF2 community but you can still cater to your own needs of playing and dealing with the non-community active players.  If in the longrun you feel that maybe situations like this shouldn't happen again, then mandate a little rules for your "Admins" to follow.  A.K.A. Don't ban just because your getting owned.

Rant over.
I don't believe it.......that -=SoF=- Server is the same one that kicked me off for taking the same flag over and over again because they couldn't be arsed getting out of the tank to chase me.

That clan are a bunch of wasters who can't play fair.

Just give them a miss and join a better server ...plenty of other good ones out there.
Most of us who have been kicked for whatever reason don’t give it much thought.  Why not come to our boards, ask about the incident? Try and get it resolved. If anything. Regardless of the situation. I know you  were banned for whatever reasons BBJ saw fit. But it likely wasn’t a perm. ban. In any case. We all get owned by tanks, jets, apc’s choppers. It happens. It’s the nature of the game. BBJ asked him to lighten up a bit. Why should anyone of us have to leave OUR server because one player wants to whore the map in a jet? Then come in here talkin about how he got banned for ownin in a jet. If it didnt bother you and you werent worried about it then why come in here and make a post over it?

Anyone is welcome to play at our server and see for yourself what were about. We thrive on team play and good sportsmanship. Something thats hard to find on a server these days. Despite what others may think. Deathrace was lacking this. Its no different then chopper whoring or tank/apc whorin. He should have practiced a little moderation?

We don’t camp bases. And don’t allow it. Nor do we allow uncappable base occupation. We play BF2 to have fun and hang out with one another. Our rules are not strict. Just common sence and respect for one another.

Your all welcome to play at our server. Come and “own” us if you will. Just do it fair and follow the rules. Don’t come in looking to get banned or kicked. Our server rules arent much different then any other server out there. Obide by them and we will all get along. We wont kick or ban without warning. You will be asked to knock it off. If you have an issue or feel you were treated unfair. Come visit our boards and ask about it. No need to flame.

Our server, our rules.

Nuff said.

And this comment: [I don't believe it.......that -=SoF=- Server is the same one that kicked me off for taking the same flag over and over again because they couldn't be arsed getting out of the tank to chase me.

That clan are a bunch of wasters who can't play fair.]

This is assnine Durhamski. We dont play like that. Who was the admin? Your excuse is pathetic. Why on earth would anyone remove you because you kept taking the same flag over and over? Im sure there was another reason. If in fact it was our server.

GGs all.

Last edited by gr|nt (2006-02-04 14:21:24)

+1|7042|Orlando, FL
This is my take on the situation. He was good in a jet and thats what the jet is for, yet you kick/ban (dunno which one occured) him for "not easing up". In case you guys don't know, |Cypher00fus got his stats reset for pulling crap like that. You basically booted someone for doing what they do good, and he wasn't even THAT good. Why the hell shouldn't he be allowed to? It's a freaking game, people! If you don't want to get owned by jets DONT host maps with jets, plain and simple. Otherwise you are committing a form of stat padding, period. I hope the people reading this thread know better than to play in that server from now on. That kind of behavior is inexcusable.

Next thing you know, they'll make a rule against noob toobing or C4 chucking. Where do you draw the line, guys? It's certainly not the best way to attract people to your server. I for one will never play in a server with stupid rules like that. Peace out.
"A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon"
Napoleon,  15 July 1815. To the captain of HMS Bellerophon.
The east-german Fuxxer
+37|7158|Germany / Saxony
I got banned from a server called "Low skilled arena" for "beeing too highskilled"...
My 60:5 KDratio as only infantrie was too good for them.
Yesterday I got banned for havin 280 fair earned points as MEC-tanker on Karkand...
The enemy team said: "we are 6 AT´s trying to hunt you down but you wont die, YOU MUST CHEAT!!!"
And I said: "Lol, ever heard about an engineer and some supply-boxes???"

IRNV-Field 3... New School Shit...
noob server
+2|7074|Houston, Texas

-=SoF=-Rip wrote:

We are not that good. We pay for a server. We make the rules. You may feel that sucks or is unfair. Some people who pay out money to have a server don't like being ignored.   

And if anyone else comes by and wants "own", they most likely get the same treatment. No one likes guests ignoring them. Generally that will get you kicked out of the party.
Let me ask you this if you were "owning" in a plane would you kick yourself?  Doubt it.
I love it when people call me a cheater because I'm owning them so bad. I know hacks DO exist in BF2, but I've never actually seen proof of them being used, and it would take a lot for me to blame someone for being a cheater. When I'm running around in an APC owning tanks, they start calling me a cheater and trying to kick me.

But, back on topic, I've been temp. banned for killing all 3 admins 3 times in a row because I was in a tank and they were in a vodnik going full speed toward me. Then I commented on it and poof! top of the screen:
BANNING!!! Metamort to make room for an admin!

... there were 2 slots open still.

You forgot to mention that it was a temp ban, I told you so when I banned you.  You are free to use the server, and were free to use that server that night, I merely felt that you were interferring with the general play of that map and temp banned you until it was over.

If you had a problem with that decision, we provide the url to our forums in our MOTD where we address ban/kick issues on a special forum, and these issues are almost always resolved in a mature manner. You are actually the first player to goto a large public forum to essentially tell only your side of the story, and in decidely negative manner towards our clan.

You also failed to mention that you were repeatedly warned to leave the jet and help your team take flags, as your team was losing, and as your team consisted of only 5-6 players of which 2 were actually on the ground trying to capture and defend flags,  you were warned first in a friendly joking manner about your  bomb/reload/bomb/reload repeat of only one flag location, and when you took no action to change your play, you were essentially made to sit the map out.

As of right now, we have only 8 people in our banned list, we certainly take banning seriously and use the temp ban as a form of kick.

As I told you, you certainly are a very good flyer, your stats show you specialize in 4 maps and fly aircraft on three, which means to me you certainly hop from server to server finding the maps you enjoy and theres nothing wrong with that, but SoF pays for and provides it server for its members and regulars who play through the maplist and we promote kit/vehicle diversity and teamplay and friendly fun. with your 4:1 combat to teamplay ratio you are not quite the fit for our server that we are used to, but as our guest we expect you to abide by our style of play and our MOTD rules which specifically states we do not condone plane whoring. I also see from your stats that you are no stranger to kicks, having fielded 44 kicks in 5 months of play, I guess thats the price you pay for being a bombing specialist on other peoples servers.

-=SoF=- was formed over six years ago and we have 65 members and hundreds of regulars, we play a multitude of games and have fielded successful CAL-I teams in the past.  We are no strangers to good video game players, but we have been successful this long because all our servers have had strict rules of play that we have learned over the last 6 years provides the best experience for our members and regulars and we ask our guests to adhere to them.  We are made up mostly of older professionals who now have families and careers which take up almost all our time and therefore the small time we are allowed to game is very important to us.

I hope this clears up any misunderstanding Deathrace, and if you have further questions, please come to our forums and we can certainly discuss any question you may have.  SoF is not about making enemies, we are about finding people who enjoy gaming, but mainly enjoy making long lasting friendships.  We pride ourselves on fairness and good sportmanship and you can ask any of our hundreds of members we have accumulated over the years on our servers and forums, that we in fact are the straight shooters we say we are and we only ask that our guests on our servers do the same.

We invite all the members of these forums to give us a look at and if you enjoy teamstyle BF2 play and dont mind following a few general rules, I think you'll find some rewarding gameplay.


you can "justify" kick/banning me any way you want. You can look at my stats, my maps, my teamwork points, my combat stats or whatever else you want and then come heres and make an argument. It's a weak and spoty one though. If any other player came onto your server, owned the admins team in any way shape or form, I have no doubt you would do the same thing, 1. kick/possibly ban that player and 2. come to whatever forum he/she posted about it on and start working on your defense about how it was  justified. It's pure BS, I know, you know it and by the way it looks most of the people that have read this thread see it too. Like I originally said, I don't really care too much about it, I won't come back to a server that I would haev to constantly worry about "god maybe I should tone it down abit, not play so good, I might get kicked" haha are you kidding me?
I'm on the fence here - if Deathrace was ignoring your messages fine. but how about this:

I was playing the other day on Wake (by far my best map) and grabbed a tank, I was in it for about 15 minutes without dying because I kept fixing it with crates, I managed to hold the flag I was at for this time alone and turned the tide of the round for my team.

Now, during this time there were about 5 or 6 unsuccsesful kick votes against me, from the people who I had killed 5 times, Would you have banned me despite the fact I used only 1 tank throughout???
This happends to F.Rabshaw and I too many times to count.

-=SoF=-Rip wrote:

We are not that good. We pay for a server. We make the rules. You may feel that sucks or is unfair. Some people who pay out money to have a server don't like being ignored.   

And if anyone else comes by and wants "own", they most likely get the same treatment. No one likes guests ignoring them. Generally that will get you kicked out of the party.
Lol, you aren't serious are you?! Did you know that when you get a ranked server you are agreeing to certain rules yourself? You can't just go banning everyone whenever you feel like it because they killed you a couple times. I know you guys are paying for the server, but you need to get off the damn power trip. You could lose your server for pulling shit like that, but you should know that because you read the terms when you signed up for a ranked server... If not maybe you should go read them, or hopefully enough people report your admins that they yank your server from you. If you want to kick/ban anyone and everyone who gets a higher score than you, don't get a ranked server, it's as fucking simple as that. You guys sound like real idiots.

deathrace5000 wrote:

So it's Friday night, drinking a beer, nothing too do? Log onto BF2 and play for a few hours right? What map to play? hmmm I want to fly , how bout a operation clean sweep map..... hrees one -=SOF=- clan run server. good enough, get in the game, hey look heres F-15 awsome, i start flying targets everywhere little square boxes running this way and that way. I'm doing pretty good got about 25 kills 1 death shot down by a AA vehic whatever right? -=SOF=-bubbajudge tells me "I'm sick of you Deathrace, your too good get off the server I'm warning you" WTF? get off the server for flying the jet and being decent? I mean really I'm not that great of a pilot I'm above average but thats about it and I'm doing well so far. Well to make a long story shorter I'm banned 1 minute later cause I bombed him agian. laugh Just wondering anyone run into crap like this? honestly , I'm not even mad , i laughed to my self but wanted to post a message see if this kinda B.S. happens to other ppl? Banned for being too good!
similar happened to me in that gay bastard ta firestorms server just because i was first every round and he was third or fourth i told him he sucks but has long hours and needs to get a job and do somthing with his life he wasn't best pleased with that, but he knows he sucks

imdead wrote:

I think Slaythem had the same prob with his friend about him 'owning' in a jet. My take on this is: that the admin is basically saying 'We know you are the best of the best in a jet, but please do something else next round-- like ground pounding' . It's exciting to see that 900 to 1 K/D ratio, but trying something else -- wouldn't that make it more of a challenge? Or is it the points? I don't mind getting bashed by aircraft once in awhile; thank god the planes can't see infantry very well .. jeezus. I would think it would get boring flying aircraft constantly; but anything for the stats I guess.  Do some tricks or something -- just bombing and strafing gets boring even for me, especially when the other sides planes can't get it up.
yeah i think that was me also owning in jet

Atlas wrote:

-=SoF=-Rip wrote:

We are not that good. We pay for a server. We make the rules. You may feel that sucks or is unfair. Some people who pay out money to have a server don't like being ignored.   

And if anyone else comes by and wants "own", they most likely get the same treatment. No one likes guests ignoring them. Generally that will get you kicked out of the party.
Lol, you aren't serious are you?! Did you know that when you get a ranked server you are agreeing to certain rules yourself? You can't just go banning everyone whenever you feel like it because they killed you a couple times. I know you guys are paying for the server, but you need to get off the damn power trip. You could lose your server for pulling shit like that, but you should know that because you read the terms when you signed up for a ranked server... If not maybe you should go read them, or hopefully enough people report your admins that they yank your server from you. If you want to kick/ban anyone and everyone who gets a higher score than you, don't get a ranked server, it's as fucking simple as that. You guys sound like real idiots.
We know the rules, do you?

Like I said, we have 8 players in the banned list out of the thousands of players that have visited our servers. We are not ban happy, nor do we care if we are outplayed by good players, we are outplayed every night, we could care less. What we do care about is players playing the game of BF2 as a team game in the way it was meant. I believe all of you miss the point of why he was essentially kicked.  He was kicked after repeated warnings to help his team not because he is so really super elite at a video game. which quite frankly, he is not.

thanks guys for your time, I feel like at this point I am addressing a handful of miscreants, so I will leave this thread to be.

Come play, make your own decisons, and not let them be made by one guy upset because he feels the only possible reason on earth he could be kicked is because he is just too damn good.


No matter how professional or mature you protray yourselves on these forums -=SoF=-, the fact remains that you were unable to attain a degree of maturity on your own server. If you played in such a fashion you would've admitted another man was besting you, and accepted it.

You also failed to mention that you were repeatedly warned to leave the jet and help your team take flags, as your team was losing, and as your team consisted of only 5-6 players of which 2 were actually on the ground trying to capture and defend flags,  you were warned first in a friendly joking manner about your  bomb/reload/bomb/reload repeat of only one flag location, and when you took no action to change your play, you were essentially made to sit the map out.
A basic tactic of any game play or in real life is to make sure the enemy can't defend it's posistion. Bombing you repeatedly allows his teammates to move about the map freely and take back flags. If he's bombing one flag and you have multiple flags I suggest spawning at a new location.

You pay for your server. As far as I know you can run it how you see fit, but don't try and say you run it fairly. Even if you gave him multiple warnings to stop bombing you, you need to understand that's what bombers do. If you don't like it I suggest you either stop rotating that map or sit out until the server does switch maps. If there are only 10-16 people maybe you should switch the map to a smaller 16 player map rather then the 32 or 64 sized operation clean sweep. I don't believe any 16 size maps allow bombers.

In my opinion, it was disrespectful to kick him from your server for imploying a tactic that essentually made you angry. If you don't like the game, don't play it.
ok so bubba says I was kicked because I wasn't helping my team? I wasn't helping my team by killing lots of enemys, not dying myself and reducing the enemys ticket count? I was kicked for not helping my team capture flags? hard to do in a jet, jets aren't designed to capture flags, they kill and thats it and if you good in a plane you are far more useful to your team racking up kill after kill and keeping enemys at bay than if I were to bail from the plane, get on the ground and possibly take a flag/die trying. Oh and BTW I remember that game very clearly, we had about half the flags on the island, your team was winning but the momentum was shifting for us and we were starting to catch up and probably were going to end up winning. I had alot of kills and was banned solely because you were pissed off. You even said "your starting to piss me off Deathrace" after one of the last times I bombed you. Face it man, you kicked banned me for a crappy reason and now instead of just admitting you messed up and moving on your trying to justfy your actions with sketchy details and "it wasn't a perma ban" so what? permanant ban or not you kicked/banned me for killing you and your team and probably altered the game in your favor. am I right or am I right?
to kick a player for being to good or pwning, is limiting their vehicle or class, and does fall under being an abusive admin..

no matter how much you like or dislike it..

it comes with running a clan Ranked server...

Last edited by IndianScout (2006-02-06 14:17:55)

If every server admin ban every good player, it must be really hard to get those Ribbons and Expert Badges.
Well for my 2 cents, I probably dont plays as much bf2 as most here but when i do and get on a server where one guy is raping an entire team by himself in a plane i have found that server to start and empty out pretty quick.  I was on 1 a couple of days ago and was playing fine for 2 hours and then this trooper gets on and for the next 2 maps completely controls the game with an airplane and low and behold this once full server has barely any players on it even after repeated calls for him to chill out "your an airplane gawd" but why dont you come down here and play a little.  (I also left after that so who knows what he did)

Those same maps ended with him have like 3x the score and kills of any teammate, so not only is he in my book being a special kind of smack tard but is also not really helping or being fair to his teamates who are doing the real work of taking the flags, and he just killed the server.

And for those who say go find another server cool, i do, i come to my server. 

Props to you for rocking on the jet......your let others enjoy the game to and quite being a stats whore to your teammates and a killjoy to other players.

Also, i was on that night and we had at least two pilots up there chasing your a** around and you pretty much ignored them and bomb spawns and ground people continously to the point that noone could move.  Your cool good job, but to say that when asked to lighten up instead of going after the other planes and perfecting your dogfighting skills you continued to bomb the crap out of everything.  You say you just need hours to get your vet aviator badge then you could have gotten those dogfighting the 1 or 2 guys chasing you and not be a a complete jerk the whole map. ( you obviously have the kills).  All that was asked was for you to chill out.

For the record the server had like 20 peeps on before he started his shinanagins and was down to about 10 or so after we booted him.  Sorry but when 1 peep decideds run roughshod over everyone elses fun and im stuck paying for an empty server, then im all for booting him.  Call me what you will.

on another note......looking at your kick/ban/tvd stats it doesn't look like we're the only ones who got feed up with you and booted you.  You not being able to acknoldge that about your own stats shows, to me, that you're a little self-centered and not capable of realizing that you might be a pest or even a problem; that it must be everyone elses problem for kicking and banning you so much, but nothing to do with what kind of a person/player you are. 

**Note** This is coming from a guy with 7 total kicks and those few being from a clan server making room for teammates and one for high ping.
The Original
oh man i love reading pointless rants and shit like this
me to isnt if fun....

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