If its the same bounty hunters, they kicked me from their dalian for aimbotted jet, lol. Then I rejoined and tv'd an admins jet, and of course the hackusations started flying. Just lol.RoosterCantrell wrote:
Hey, sorry to shit on your server, but it happened.CombatRsq wrote:
Rooster, who was it and when did it happen? This is not standard practice for an admin to ban just to have you jet. If you could let me know, I would appreciate it as one of the Sr. admins there.RoosterCantrell wrote:
]BH[ 24/7 Dragon Valley. handed out about 10 bans in the round. I got banned for flying. I spawned into the round before anyone, got in the j10 flew for a while, and the admin wanted my jet...BANNED.
I don' know who banned me, but here's the story.
Finished a round, map reloaded. I have a fast computer, so I loaded onto the PLA airfield before anyone was in the map. So, I took off in the jet, I was having a decent run, not alot kills, but NEVER shot down. I had the jet for a while after I took off alone at the beginning of the round and then I was banned
Bans were being passed out like candy for the few rounds I was on there. I was flying along and I happened to look up at the top right of the screen;
I had time to type "WTF?!"
and boom, banned.
So I'm sure you guys are a good clan, jsut a few asses that might paint a bad picture.
Actually, I spent the next few minutes looking for your website and couldn't find it, so I found another server with your tag, logged on, and saw the website scrolling in the round, empty server.
I went to your site and saw your Game monitor Server lists (Game-tools.com sig thing), and saved the image( EDIT: The saved Game-tools image shows the date as Agust 3rd 6:40 Central Time, which I saved that image just after I was banned ), I can show you it if you like. Liek I said I don't know who banned me, but this is the three members that were on the server list:
{BH} Sublimeillusion
{BH} |DF|.SH|M.
{BH} pkwards
I am not saying they did it, for all I know, the admin was someone else, These are just the names on the server list on your site, a few minutes after I was banned. But one of them was prety ban happy while I was there.
Alot of reason were:
BANNING! [someplayer] OH YEAH?
BANNING! [anotherplayer] NICE TRY
and BS like that.
So, I was a little pissed and posted to vent a little. I tried to fidn a ban appeal section, but i think it required a login/password. The "bitch box" didnt allow enough characters to explain myself.
Last edited by oChaos.Haze (2007-08-08 23:57:28)