What really gets my grips is peoples remarks in using unlocks.
I see the game as a game and if you have played enough zo achieve them then by all means use them.
Who gives a fuck when people say unlock knob,EA made them available so i will use them.
I don´t play in a clan so i don´t bother trying to use the standard weapons.
Some of u people out their who always moan about unlocks who play in clans should make their servers (only standard weapons)if this
isn´t the case and you don´t say anything then just shut the fuck up with ur stupid comments all the time.
If a reach the staus of a 4 star general i will still use unlocks...im not bothered!!!!
The only people who moan are the ones who have to use them in clan matches so if u go on servers where unlocks are being used and you don´t like it caus ur getting ur arse kicked then fuck off and play somewhere else.
The game got made with unlocks so there!!!!!!!!!!!!
I see the game as a game and if you have played enough zo achieve them then by all means use them.
Who gives a fuck when people say unlock knob,EA made them available so i will use them.
I don´t play in a clan so i don´t bother trying to use the standard weapons.
Some of u people out their who always moan about unlocks who play in clans should make their servers (only standard weapons)if this
isn´t the case and you don´t say anything then just shut the fuck up with ur stupid comments all the time.
If a reach the staus of a 4 star general i will still use unlocks...im not bothered!!!!
The only people who moan are the ones who have to use them in clan matches so if u go on servers where unlocks are being used and you don´t like it caus ur getting ur arse kicked then fuck off and play somewhere else.
The game got made with unlocks so there!!!!!!!!!!!!