PBAsydney wrote:
I'm a pretty skilled player, usually in the top 3, but it somehow seems that my presence demoralizes the team lol.
I was once on such a shitty team that was getting baseraped to pieces, then I got sick of it and lamejoined the other team, and what happened? They broke free and took all outposts....
LOL: +1
I allways leave a server if only very few people play squads. I see that more often, so there's a lot of players out there, that doesn't help winning. But hey - they all seem not to be reading this thread... :-(
I allways try help winning, but how it affects the team depends on what I play. As engineer I'm good - at Warlord driving that tank I almost allways get myself a medal. A good tank pilot really can change the outcome on the non-air maps. Medics on non-IO maps also tend to change the outcome of the battle. I wonder why so few play medics on non-IO maps. It's easy to win yourself a medal that way. U easily get 100+ on these maps - mostly enough to earn yourself a medal - and very good for the outcome of the battle.