I can't seem to get it to work online. What patch do I need?
QFFTTy wrote:
Agreed. BF1942 is awesome, particularly flying. BF2 dogfighting doesn't hold a torch to Bf1942 dogfighting.
1.6 or 1.61 patch mate
Oh and you cant beat a good dive bomb on a couple of tanks...El Alamein FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and you cant beat a good dive bomb on a couple of tanks...El Alamein FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does BF1942 work on Vista? 64?
Works on mine. Make sure to install the patch. Helps if you have the Road To Rome and Secret Weapons expansions.Spearhead wrote:
Does BF1942 work on Vista? 64?
Bf1942 was a classic.
edit: had the ships(hated the noobs who drived the carrier) and manned artillery(stupid that the commander now calls the artillery strikes in bf2)
edit: had the ships(hated the noobs who drived the carrier) and manned artillery(stupid that the commander now calls the artillery strikes in bf2)
Last edited by War Man (2007-12-14 14:51:05)
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
bf 1942 > bf vietnam > bf 2
Never managed to get bf:Vietnam, I wish that I had at the time.c14u53w172 wrote:
bf 1942 > bf vietnam > bf 2
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
24/7 El Almien capture the flag with modded airfields and about 7 planes per team and modded jeeps that go 100+ MPH if you hold right click and they flew up into the air and did 18091480148 backflips. Those were the days.
I always loved Berlin capture the flag. Or on Desert Combat on Berlin, standing in the building facing the alley with the VSS and picking off the Americans.
Shooting down a plane with a chopper=skills.