That looks so awesome, I'd love to try that.

Well, evolution gave us immense brains, which allowed humanity us to build something like this.Ollie wrote:
Thats pretty impressive but I'd never do it. If humans we're meant to fly evolution would have given us something more effective than nylon.
Yeah I just saw this:BluRR33 wrote:
one mistake and they are dead.. What a insane jump they do looks pretty fun but Really Dangerous too
I thought Base Jumping was extreme enough.Dauntless wrote:
Extreme Base Jumping
Yeah well, think again.Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:
I thought Base Jumping was extreme enough.Dauntless wrote:
Extreme Base Jumping
I'm still not sure I want to watch the vid...Dauntless wrote:
Yeah well, think again.Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:
I thought Base Jumping was extreme enough.Dauntless wrote:
Extreme Base Jumping
Adrenalin junkies, like other addicts, need more and more stimulus. The question is : what do they do next?Funky_Finny wrote:
First vid:
When he said "It got boring" I went "Pfft.." And then I saw what they were doing and said "HOLY SHIT"
Second vid:
Didn't really understand it, did they do a double jump and one of them hit the bridge? That would suck.
Last edited by bakinacake (17 years, 2 months ago)