Destroy Noob Cannons
>.< this pisses me off.. and I had to make a topic because my tank JUST got stolen about 5 times. and in the round before, I was obviously the best tanker in there(95 score, 50 something kills, and like 3 deaths and I was shooting down choppers AND JETS)
anyways.. this stupid noob kept taking tanks and just sitting there. and eventually getting killed by an F15. but not before our control points were lost. which I probably could have prevented, or atleast helped prevent. AND THEN, this corporal SAW ME ON TOP OF THIS TANK REPAIRING IT, AND RIGHT AS I HIT "E" HE JUMPS IN AND RUNS ME OVER! AAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHH!
I know if any of you are tankers, this has happened to you and you know how I feel. >.< Needless to say, we lost the round.

Last edited by =[4th]=SlayThem (2005-08-16 05:18:57)

Sausage Fest!!!!
+3|7149|Claremont, NC
you know what?

kid, that is called vehicle whoring, and it can get you kicked from some servers. 
Why not try doing something else, fly a chopper, be a medic, or something!!!
this is a very stoopid topic to bitch about!
Destroy Noob Cannons

atomicredhead wrote:

you know what?

kid, that is called vehicle whoring, and it can get you kicked from some servers. 
Why not try doing something else, fly a chopper, be a medic, or something!!!
this is a very stoopid topic to bitch about!
I do other things. don't talk about what you don't know, asshat.
and how is it vehicle whoring when you were in the vehicle and get out to repair it? oh is living against the rules now?

Last edited by =[4th]=SlayThem (2005-08-16 17:53:04)

Headshot Specialist
+104|7150|Woodland Hills, Ca
wah wah wah... everyone wants to get into the vehicles because they suck at close combat. Its a fact of life, it shouldnt be called spawning, shit you should get a medal in your awards window for winning the spawn race to one of yourr vehicles.
+0|7143|The Netherlands
The problem is that most classes are totally ill-fitted to deal with many vehicles.

The only ones that have a remote chance of surviving a typical encounter with an APC, tank, AA tank and such are the anti-tank kit (duh), special operations kit, engineer kit and the assault kit.

Using the TOWs and such typically will get you killed most of the time.

What I don't understand why it would be called vehicle whoring.  It is giving support to the ground troops.  And the fact you are actively repairing the vehicle should send a clear message to other people that you are using that vehicle.
It becomes different when you are constantly waiting at place X to pick up vehicle Y.  And even kill other people for it.
Often to the effect of waiting at HQ --typically a far remove spawn point-- instead of spawning closer by and keeping those points and striking towards the others not under your control.
I think the point of vehicle whoring is that people take the tank, die, respawn where the tank respawns and get into it again and again. Because it spawns about 5 seconds after they respawn and they're expecting it nobody else gets the chance to use it.
Radioactive Glo
+130|7151|A Small Isle in the Tropics

i would normally wait and see if anyone else is spawning near me before i take the tank.. if there is, i wait and see if he walks towards that tank. if he takes it, hell, i m happy to just man the machinegun. if not, well, and there is no one else taking it, i take the tank. why waste an asset sitting there..?
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7157|Bryan/College Station, TX
On lots of maps there are vehicles that just sit there for a majority of the game. Sometimes that even includes the stray APC or Tank that you have to drive from across the map. When you are obviously the only person using it then I see no problem. But you are just trying to keep it to yourself and others are spawning near it then yes that becomes a problem. Just because someone gets into a tank and isn't good at it doesn't mean the end of the world. After all its just a game.

Now if you are piloting a vehicle and get out and start repairing and someone steals it from you one of two things happened. They stole it from you and don't give a shit. Or they didn't see you as they ran from the opposite side and thought it was just an abandoned tank. Which sometimes I don't get either. Don't leave a tank for the enemy to take just sitting someplace. You first deprive your team of a tank spawn cuz its on the field and you also let an enemy person take it and repair it giving them an additional tank. So either destroy it or die in it. At least that's what I do unless I die unexpectantly.

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Destroy Noob Cannons

mikeshw wrote:

i would normally wait and see if anyone else is spawning near me before i take the tank.. if there is, i wait and see if he walks towards that tank. if he takes it, hell, i m happy to just man the machinegun. if not, well, and there is no one else taking it, i take the tank. why waste an asset sitting there..?

and whoever said people who use vehicles suck at close combat? you're wrong. I try to be good at everything and I'm pretty darn good at close combat.

Kilroy- I was on top of the tank repairing it. and he got in and ran me over. so he surely did see me.

mikeshw wrote:

why waste an asset sitting there..?
You took the words right out of my mouth. I sympathise with the original poster, it's a real pain in the ass to watch what you're repairing being nicked, even more so when the guy runs you over and 30 seconds later he gets nuked.

I play armour most days, It's a great piece of kit that comes with furry dice and a cup holder, why waste it.

I've seen battles lost because everyone's on foot and all the heavy armour's parked up, (their armour), yet the enemy's got their armour going full throttle and slaughtering us, it's like having KFC without the chicken, it's just not done...... veggies exempt
Radioactive Glo
+130|7151|A Small Isle in the Tropics

thinner44 wrote:

I've seen battles lost because everyone's on foot and all the heavy armour's parked up, (their armour), yet the enemy's got their armour going full throttle and slaughtering us, it's like having KFC without the chicken, it's just not done...... veggies exempt
what the.... "having KFC without chicken?" is that on the menu?.. looks like you are trying to play catchup on the forums, mate..

i have been on maps where no one took the jets or attack choppers.. nice shining machines parked in the hangar, and no takers while the other side was carpet bombing us..and when i rushed to get the plane, suddenly everyone turns up at the hangar.. what the *censored*
Pojebany Hlop
+1|7153|Sicily, Italy

atomicredhead wrote:

you know what?

kid, that is called vehicle whoring, and it can get you kicked from some servers. 
Why not try doing something else, fly a chopper, be a medic, or something!!!
this is a very stoopid topic to bitch about!
  if he goes for the helo then you will call him a helo whore, if he becomes a medic you will say he's stat padding, if he something then you'll something back   you suck dude

the vehicles are there to be used and if they are, is that wrong? apearently by you..yes.

by my experience at whatever spawn point if there are 5 people waiting for a vehicle that can only carry 1/2 people is dumb so whenever i see that i grab a buggy/humve if i can, but if i spawn somewhere and take a vehicle and after i die i respawn back and take it again because no one else is there to take it, that makes me or whomever a vehicle whore!?     these vehicles are used to balance the outcome of the battle in one's favor, if no one uses them then the other side will and we(you)'ll get owned wondering where is the tank/helo/air support...you spawn back at main camp and notice no one there but 2 jets and a helo on the runway with no one to man them except the lone Mec spec ops that just parachuted in running your ass over with your own f25

mikeshw wrote:

thinner44 wrote:

I've seen battles lost because everyone's on foot and all the heavy armour's parked up, (their armour), yet the enemy's got their armour going full throttle and slaughtering us, it's like having KFC without the chicken, it's just not done...... veggies exempt
what the.... "having KFC without chicken?" is that on the menu?.. looks like you are trying to play catchup on the forums, mate..

Is that a good thing or a bad thing.... catchup.

Last edited by thinner44 (2005-09-24 02:33:17)

Radioactive Glo
+130|7151|A Small Isle in the Tropics

thinner44 wrote:

mikeshw wrote:

thinner44 wrote:

I've seen battles lost because everyone's on foot and all the heavy armour's parked up, (their armour), yet the enemy's got their armour going full throttle and slaughtering us, it's like having KFC without the chicken, it's just not done...... veggies exempt
what the.... "having KFC without chicken?" is that on the menu?.. looks like you are trying to play catchup on the forums, mate..

Why would I want to play catchup on the forum, I thought we just posted opinons here, I didn't realise there was some kind of height to aspire to. I was sympathising with the original poster, also injecting a little humour, you know, humour, the thing that makes people laugh

I don't play catchup with any thing or any one.... If I needed to, I'd aspire to something a little more than a forum, mate..
[start of comment]so was i i only said what i said because i see old threads coming alive.[/end of comment]

mikeshw wrote:

thinner44 wrote:

mikeshw wrote:

what the.... "having KFC without chicken?" is that on the menu?.. looks like you are trying to play catchup on the forums, mate..

Why would I want to play catchup on the forum, I thought we just posted opinons here, I didn't realise there was some kind of height to aspire to. I was sympathising with the original poster, also injecting a little humour, you know, humour, the thing that makes people laugh

I don't play catchup with any thing or any one.... If I needed to, I'd aspire to something a little more than a forum, mate..
[start of comment]so was i i only said what i said because i see old threads coming alive.[/end of comment]
My mistake, I didn't mean to offend in any way..... If you look at my recent post it's been edited. I think it was the start of a bad day or something.

As for old threads coming alive, you're right all along, and although I've read as much as possible, there's always some more to add.

My humble apologies if it looked like I was 'avin a go'
Radioactive Glo
+130|7151|A Small Isle in the Tropics

thinner44 wrote:

My mistake, I didn't mean to offend in any way..... If you look at my recent post it's been edited. I think it was the start of a bad day or something.

As for old threads coming alive, you're right all along, and although I've read as much as possible, there's always some more to add.

My humble apologies if it looked like I was 'avin a go'
no worries.. have a good day!

Last edited by mikeshw (2005-09-24 09:11:48)

Get your body beat.
i hate it when your waiting for a jet to spawn ( im learning, not doing to bad) and some spawns tks you and steals it, or just gets it the half a sec when it spawns, that sucks. then they crash at the end of the runway and do the same thing all over. i dont allways go for the jet, only two maps are worth bombing on.
>.< this pisses me off.. and I had to make a topic because my tank JUST got stolen about 5 times ???? Your tank?, so when bf2 was created they made a tank specially for you? This really says it all. If other ppl can't use "your" tank how can they become as "733t" as you? If someone gets an asset before you just play on. I get the feeling if someone keeps getting "your" tank before you , that you might get very angry and tk them? Ever happened you? Be honest now , no use lying to yourself.
Horseman 77
I havnt had a tank stolen since BFV but I ussually stick to Humvees,

Ps in Replys or airing  "your view"  Talk to people like you are Face 2 Face. this online stuff makes Puzzys Really bold and mouthy, you ever notice. Safe place for tuff talk.

mikeshw wrote:

thinner44 wrote:

My mistake, I didn't mean to offend in any way..... If you look at my recent post it's been edited. I think it was the start of a bad day or something.

As for old threads coming alive, you're right all along, and although I've read as much as possible, there's always some more to add.

My humble apologies if it looked like I was 'avin a go'
no worries.. have a good day!
Cheers, all the best.
Destroy Noob Cannons

Slarti wrote:

>.< this pisses me off.. and I had to make a topic because my tank JUST got stolen about 5 times ???? Your tank?, so when bf2 was created they made a tank specially for you? This really says it all. If other ppl can't use "your" tank how can they become as "733t" as you? If someone gets an asset before you just play on. I get the feeling if someone keeps getting "your" tank before you , that you might get very angry and tk them? Ever happened you? Be honest now , no use lying to yourself.
Did you even bother reading more than the first couple of lines?
when referring to "My tank" I'm referring to the times when I had previously been in it, and got out to repair it, and somebody takes it.
Get the facts straight before you go accusing me of anything. IF you knew anyhting about me, I don't get mad when people take the tank/vehicle before me, I can play every role in this game pretty darn well, so I just go along playing the game. So shut your little cake plate and go crawl in a hole.

Oh and the phrase is "1337"
edit: lol nice stats.

Last edited by =[4th]=SlayThem (2005-09-25 02:45:53)

Destroy Noob Cannons

137[CSi] wrote:

wah wah wah... everyone wants to get into the vehicles because they suck at close combat. Its a fact of life, it shouldnt be called spawning, shit you should get a medal in your awards window for winning the spawn race to one of yourr vehicles.
Bring it. I'll own you on foot.
i know exactly what you mean. Every time  i take out my spanner to do a little repair job on my armour some looser, be the person on the above gunner or some randomn comes and steals my tank. Just shows the incompetence of some bf2 players.
+11|7118|San Marcos, CA

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

137[CSi] wrote:

wah wah wah... everyone wants to get into the vehicles because they suck at close combat. Its a fact of life, it shouldnt be called spawning, shit you should get a medal in your awards window for winning the spawn race to one of yourr vehicles.
Bring it. I'll own you on foot.
Careful there, your K/D tells the tale.  Your kit accuracy isn't anything spectacular, and your kit K/D is a little thin too.

More than 30% of your game time and 40% of your kills comes from Armor.  Right at 50% of your total play time and over 60% of your kills is in a vehicle of some sort.

Face it, you're a Tank/vehicle whore by the classic definition.

Takes one to know one.

I say this as a fellow vehicle whore that has about 40% of my total game time and 60% of my kills in a vehicle.

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