Which one is it as I'm trying to rent it...The one with like Stephen King version or the 1980 one?sithao wrote:
The Shining.
Not Kings version that one is pure shit and he even had the guts to go out and say his version was scarier... you want Nicholson!sportsman11-2cool4u wrote:
Which one is it as I'm trying to rent it...The one with like Stephen King version or the 1980 one?sithao wrote:
The Shining.
The thing (1982 version), not really a loud noise=jump kind of scary, but the ending scene was absolutely fantastic.
Never been scared during a scary movie
only time i can think i was scared was when i was 5 and i saw the first nightmare on elm street
only time i can think i was scared was when i was 5 and i saw the first nightmare on elm street
I never liked horror movies until I saw pumpkinhead. I laughed my ass off, and from then on I don;t really find them scary at all. Suspenseful sometimes, sure, but not scary.
Super Babies was way scarier.williedyna wrote:
Baby Geniuses
I've never been too worked up over scary movies. I watched hellraiser when I was 9 or 10, that freaked me out a bit. there hasn't really been a scary film worth mentioning since the blair witch project, and I was 17 when that came out. I watched all the really good movies when I was a little kid; the shining, the exorcist, night of the living dead, the thing, it, silence of the lambs.
That was quite scary.avman633 wrote:
I haven't seen many scary movies, but one of the yuckiest ones I've seen is Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It's disturbing to know that it was based on a true story
The Descent had the "scariest" moment I've ever seen in any film.
Made me jump like nothing else before...
Made me jump like nothing else before...
you know that's 99% bullshit? there was a guy named Ed Gein who did some sick shit in the 50's.maniacmattie wrote:
It's disturbing to know that it was based on a true story
he provided some inspiration for characters like Leatherface, Buffalo bill, and Norman Bates.
The Ring and The Ring 2....2 wasnt so bad since i was older but The Ring was horrid
EDIT: oh and my parents and aunts/uncles/cousins/mom's 6th cousin's father's aunt's friend's daughter's nephew said The Exorcist was CRAZY scary
EDIT: oh and my parents and aunts/uncles/cousins/mom's 6th cousin's father's aunt's friend's daughter's nephew said The Exorcist was CRAZY scary
Last edited by elite3444 (17 years, 2 months ago)
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory.
I shit thee not. When I was little I would be perfectly fine until the Oompa Loompa's came out where I would run out the room screaminf my little head off. I mean, c'mon, they are fat, little, green men who sing songs about bad stuff happening. They are freakin' monsters!!!
But for sheer fear I'd say The Shining. Nothing beats the non-sequituer where the bear and the old man are getting busy...
I shit thee not. When I was little I would be perfectly fine until the Oompa Loompa's came out where I would run out the room screaminf my little head off. I mean, c'mon, they are fat, little, green men who sing songs about bad stuff happening. They are freakin' monsters!!!
But for sheer fear I'd say The Shining. Nothing beats the non-sequituer where the bear and the old man are getting busy...
Seriously?? What part? That movie dissapointed me, not only did it not scare me, it wasn't even suspenseful IMO.FFLink13 wrote:
The Descent had the "scariest" moment I've ever seen in any film.
Made me jump like nothing else before...
Power rangers movie.
srsly, I fucking LOVE horror movies. Dont really scare me any more, just gross out. When i was very small I was terrified of velociraptors coming to eat me cos of jurassic park, and yes, the blair witch project shit me up a bit, but i think it depends on your imagination as it doesn't show you anything.
srsly, I fucking LOVE horror movies. Dont really scare me any more, just gross out. When i was very small I was terrified of velociraptors coming to eat me cos of jurassic park, and yes, the blair witch project shit me up a bit, but i think it depends on your imagination as it doesn't show you anything.
Anything by Michael Moore, or perhaps An Inconvenient Truth.
Because there are lots of people who believe this shit and want you and me and to pay for it.
Because there are lots of people who believe this shit and want you and me and to pay for it.
The Saw series pretty gruesome and the thought of getting tortured like they did scares the shit outta me.
Event Horizon
i don't find movies scary, but i don't consider a scary movie one that makes me jump, thats more like jumpy...
the one movie that ever genuinely scared me was the Ring...
sad as it may be
the one movie that ever genuinely scared me was the Ring...
sad as it may be
movies don't scare me, i rate a scary movie on twists and how many times it made me jump, cos for a creepy reason if people are getting maimed i start giggling lol
Jap verson of the Grudge. Don't judge it by it's poor bastard American cousin, the Japanese version of The Grudge is fucking scary. Since I saw that movie no other movie has seemed scary to me, so it's a good way to 'immunise' yourself against scary movies.
[Blinking eyes thing]
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You're right, the original was better. Just stay away from the rest of the series.Ty wrote:
Jap verson of the Grudge. Don't judge it by it's poor bastard American cousin, the Japanese version of The Grudge is fucking scary.
Yeah, agree. It was a lot better than the American version, and I didn't think the American version was bad either. The Grudge 2 however... Ugh. What a joke. I laughed more than I was scared at that movie, like at the part with the guy on the bus doing that weird little peek-a-boo thing...chittydog wrote:
You're right, the original was better. Just stay away from the rest of the series.Ty wrote:
Jap verson of the Grudge. Don't judge it by it's poor bastard American cousin, the Japanese version of The Grudge is fucking scary.