As the title says. Given that both of these have the chance to earn a quick and easy couple of kills when clearing a room (or just throwing them into an open area to really fuck with the enemy) I think that I prefer the flashbang overall.
Flash makes the enemy completely blind for a few seconds, depending on how close it was when it went off. Perfect for the rush in and shoot the first thing you see tactic.
Stun blinds the enemy just a little, but also slows him down and does a bit of damage. Perfect if you want to flank and shoot from the side while they are immobilized.
When clearing a room I'm more likely to throw a flash because when blinded the enemy don't know where to shoot, stun grenade still gives them a pretty good chance at seeing you enter the doorway and start shooting.
The only really way a stun will work I think, is if you can flank them while they are slow moving. If they are looking at the doorway, which they probably are it's going to be usless stunning them. There's no chance to get in and flank.
Flash makes the enemy completely blind for a few seconds, depending on how close it was when it went off. Perfect for the rush in and shoot the first thing you see tactic.
Stun blinds the enemy just a little, but also slows him down and does a bit of damage. Perfect if you want to flank and shoot from the side while they are immobilized.
When clearing a room I'm more likely to throw a flash because when blinded the enemy don't know where to shoot, stun grenade still gives them a pretty good chance at seeing you enter the doorway and start shooting.
The only really way a stun will work I think, is if you can flank them while they are slow moving. If they are looking at the doorway, which they probably are it's going to be usless stunning them. There's no chance to get in and flank.