Sorry haven't been able to help with the server as much, but yes I have found it very fun. I like the idea of playing things we have not played before.
I agree that Taraba is great for tank battles. It shames AF. Shames it! I have a suggestion though for 2 rotations.
16 player with vehicles.
1. Taraba. It is a must. It feels like you really are in some pitched tank battles, and it is really challenging.
2. Road Rage. Played it offline and thought it would be fun with real people.
3. Midnight Sun. Well I don't remember it well in sp but it definitely could be fun.
4. Operation Harvest. Why not?
Now you could throw smoke screen in that, but MEC gets a heli and the EU has a line backer.
16 player IO.
1. Great Wall. Probably one of the best maps for infantry and is good for anything.
2. Midnight Sun. I had fun last time, but we need more people. I bet it could a lot more funner.
3. Road Rage. While the battles were sometimes in between a lot running, I thought some of it was pretty cool. I was loling when we assaulted the overpass.
4. Operation Smoke Screen. I've played it, and I thought it was fun. There is a bit of running, but once everyone gets the right flags, it can turn into a decent fight. There is only one front.
I'd rather you not throw in a map rotation like Great Wall every other map. I like it, not as much as I used to, but I like it. I just think we should play what we have not and decide what map was awesome and what map wasn't. Then we make grander map rotations!