This is something that has been bugging me a bit. It is harder to find servers that rotate maps. I guess i am trying to find out if i am in the minority thinking that Karkand is getting boring or overplayed.
If i am alone, i will never go into a 24/7 server, especially if it is Karkand. When my clan buddies are playing i will join them in these servers but only for a couple rounds. So, whadda ya all think? Is there any chance to get some of these 24/7 to rotate?
If i am alone, i will never go into a 24/7 server, especially if it is Karkand. When my clan buddies are playing i will join them in these servers but only for a couple rounds. So, whadda ya all think? Is there any chance to get some of these 24/7 to rotate?