bud light is probably one of the shittiest beers, but they have some damn funny commercials. post em up.
Fucking amazing adverts.
Last edited by FFLink13 (17 years, 2 months ago)
pictures movies & music people
other than that, amazing commercials
other than that, amazing commercials
inane little opines
Last edited by h4hagen (17 years, 2 months ago)
lmfao at the magic fridge
The Winnah!!!!
Last edited by usmarine2005 (17 years, 2 months ago)
Don't have a fave, but that one with Carlos Menstealia sucks balls.
Heres a good one.
ok, not bud light, but simply the best beer ad out there. Forgot how to imbed these movies, oh well.
Carlton Drought
Carlton Drought
rofl at the hot dogsCC-Marley wrote:
this is a uk coors light ad
I forgot how good the Carlton Draught ad is!
This one isn't bad either.
This one isn't bad either.
i watched this last night
i lold
Last edited by henno13 (17 years, 1 month ago)
bud light... real men of genius radio commercials are great... and the bud light is cheap and good...lol
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