Just poking around General.con in the My Documents Battlefield 2 folder, found this:
GeneralSettings.setBuddytagColor 0 0 0
GeneralSettings.setSquadtagColor 0 255 0
I bet someone has stumbled upon this before, I just wanted to share this on forums because no else posted it before. o.o
If anyone's interested in experimenting, I can't be held liable. I myself will try it out to match my crosshair color.
GeneralSettings.setBuddytagColor 0 0 0
GeneralSettings.setSquadtagColor 0 255 0
I bet someone has stumbled upon this before, I just wanted to share this on forums because no else posted it before. o.o
If anyone's interested in experimenting, I can't be held liable. I myself will try it out to match my crosshair color.