BF2 is still the best out there. Newer games look and/or sound better, but that's about it.
IO is good for people who like it, and when I feel the need to walk for a while.
Vehicles are great, lots of variety and small differences to learn about, they also have a learning curve which is nice.
Up to 64 players? not many other games running that right now, nice big maps in different terrains suiting different vehicles and tactics? Not seen too many competitors there either.
There's stuff available after a period of time played? it records all ranked games with lots of detailed stats? you can play back the rounds and make good/shit movies too?
Every game or piece of software has bugs, BF2 is no different.
Noobs? bring 'em on! who the hell is going to keep filling the servers or capping flags while I'm flying or driving my tank/AA? To make a meat grinder, you need meat, and I was a BF2 noob by definition when I first started, and I was that meat. Still am some times, and there's nothing as pleasing as getting a compliment from someone who you've just helped, so I like new and experienced players alike.
Nerfed Blackhawks? are you kidding? the BH are way overpowered compared to the other transport choppers, again the map and the situation: Songhua Stalemate, lots of APC's with multiple occupants, and a potential 4 mini-guns flying around to eat 'em up. The other two choppers can't damage APC's or mobile AA, I even tried whoring for kills in a BH on Ghost Town and got a bagful.
Stats didn't kill it for me, they're probably the main reason to play for so long, just to give yourself something to do other than the same old thing each round, eg I'm trying to work on the frag rate of my worst handheld weapon; the shotgun. I suck at 0.49, or I did until I spent some time doing nothing but handing out the good news with a 12 gauge. Now it's 0.52 such a small, but big, achievement. For me anyway
BF2 is not dead until BF3 has it's first ranked server go on line.