The M16 > all, agree?

With my ping (see the image) full auto weapons are just a waste of ammo, why waste 20 bullets to hit someone when you can nail him with one M16 burst?FatherTed wrote:
I prefer M14 / M4, but yeh the M16 is good.
Thing is, you get used to it, then once you use a totally automatic AR, you can't use the M16 for shit.
Thats how it is for me anyway.
Yeah, I was using Bandolier, Stopping Power and Deep Impact.haffeysucks wrote:
The M16 is mean (that rhymes ) with Stopping Power. I prefer the M4 and G3 myself but I could definitely pick up a M16 with Stopping Power and be happy with it.
Last edited by PBAsydney (2008-01-15 15:30:12)
That doesn't rhyme!haffeysucks wrote:
The M16 is mean (that rhymes ) with Stopping Power. I prefer the M4 and G3 myself but I could definitely pick up a M16 with Stopping Power and be happy with it.
sixteen and mean?FatherTed wrote:
That doesn't rhyme!haffeysucks wrote:
The M16 is mean (that rhymes ) with Stopping Power. I prefer the M4 and G3 myself but I could definitely pick up a M16 with Stopping Power and be happy with it.
teen and mean kinda do rhyme.FatherTed wrote:
That doesn't rhyme!haffeysucks wrote:
The M16 is mean (that rhymes ) with Stopping Power. I prefer the M4 and G3 myself but I could definitely pick up a M16 with Stopping Power and be happy with it.
Which is why, as you can notice from the position I was camping, I stay out of range, if they try to come up in the ladder to the first platform, before the chain link floor or whatever to call, I drop down and ninja their faces with my knife.Ilocano wrote:
From a distance, with a silencer, yes. At close range, you are screwed by a P90.
Oh shit. Yeah it does.Ilocano wrote:
sixteen and mean?FatherTed wrote:
That doesn't rhyme!haffeysucks wrote:
The M16 is mean (that rhymes ) with Stopping Power. I prefer the M4 and G3 myself but I could definitely pick up a M16 with Stopping Power and be happy with it.
M-eye-six would be your CIA, right?FatherTed wrote:
Oh shit. Yeah it does.Ilocano wrote:
sixteen and mean?FatherTed wrote:
That doesn't rhyme!
I have no idea why, but i read that as M1-6.
I dno, but i think MI6 are a lot more...covert than the CIA. But i dno lol.haffeysucks wrote:
M-eye-six would be your CIA, right?FatherTed wrote:
Oh shit. Yeah it does.Ilocano wrote:
sixteen and mean?
I have no idea why, but i read that as M1-6.
M-one-six is just weird, lol.
take a vid, i want to see that. just of the fire rate, you dont even have to be shooting people. i've just never thought of it that way before.Airwolf wrote:
M16 is teh pwn with double tap
It's harder to kill if there's less players. People actually take their time and plan stuff, as opposed to chucking all their nades before being shot.David.P wrote:
8 vs 8? Ha dont make me laugh!
Agreed, the absolute maximum for a TDM game is about 10vs10, any more than that and it's a whorefest.FatherTed wrote:
It's harder to kill if there's less players. People actually take their time and plan stuff, as opposed to chucking all their nades before being shot.David.P wrote:
8 vs 8? Ha dont make me laugh!
It's a far better game with 4v4, or 8v8 maximum.
Nah, I don't think it's harder to kill. It's actually easier to kill since you can listen and wait for the good kill shot.FatherTed wrote:
It's harder to kill if there's less players. People actually take their time and plan stuff, as opposed to chucking all their nades before being shot.David.P wrote:
8 vs 8? Ha dont make me laugh!
It's a far better game with 4v4, or 8v8 maximum.
But so can the enemy.Ilocano wrote:
Nah, I don't think it's harder to kill. It's actually easier to kill since you can listen and wait for the good kill shot.FatherTed wrote:
It's harder to kill if there's less players. People actually take their time and plan stuff, as opposed to chucking all their nades before being shot.David.P wrote:
8 vs 8? Ha dont make me laugh!
It's a far better game with 4v4, or 8v8 maximum.
Gold skins are overrated, when I got my gold guns I used them exclusively, but then I got tired of them, because most of them are useless IMO.=NHB=Shadow wrote:
That weapon fucking owns.
But I perfer the AK47, just the gun itself with its gold skin, no attachments.