Mitch wrote:
haffeysucks wrote:
Mitch wrote:
No clue why the monitor would display something then fail. Is there a 'factory default' setting you can change your monitor to? and while it says 'no signal detected' can you still go into the menu of the monitor and change settings? if you can then i highly doubt theres anything wrong with the monitor. Try finding a factory default.
no, i can't get into the menu. or else i would try doing exactly what you did.
man this is really bothering me! it works fine then conks out!
Ahh now that you say it its sounding like a monitor failure. How long have you had this monitor? Do you turn it on/off a lot with the
power button? (ive heard that can cause long term damage)
What kind of warrenty do you have? This is a perfect example of how warrenties rock.
no, i actually never turn it on or off. i turn off my computer and it goes in a standby kinda mode (the light turns yellow instead of green). i bought it in april of 07. 1 year warranty.
although during the summer of 07, i melted a little of the top part of the monitor with a halogen lamp (yeah, it was stupid, dont ask), and i'm afraid they'll think that's the reason the monitor failed. think i can melt it back or something?
edit: btw this is the monitor: … 6824224008
Last edited by haffeysucks (17 years, 1 month ago)
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"