Sure thing man. Good luckhaffeysucks wrote:
it was a LONG time ago though...thanks for all the help mitch, looks like an RMA request is in order.Mitch wrote:
That might be the reason the monitor failed.haffeysucks wrote:
no, i actually never turn it on or off. i turn off my computer and it goes in a standby kinda mode (the light turns yellow instead of green). i bought it in april of 07. 1 year warranty.
although during the summer of 07, i melted a little of the top part of the monitor with a halogen lamp (yeah, it was stupid, dont ask), and i'm afraid they'll think that's the reason the monitor failed. think i can melt it back or something?
edit: btw this is the monitor: … 6824224008
And you could just say you don't know how it got there. Or you could say that it just happened recently right before the monitor failed.
I would call up Tyris and see what they tell you. Heres there support page: … edwarranty
They have an email and phone number a ways down.
15 more years! 15 more years!