Well, it's been coming to that time of year that some call 'Diablo Season' where some people get the strange craving to play l3ik t3hj k00lezt game eva made. Anyways..well I installed the regular d2 and it went just fine, of course after happening to look in the find it magically. Along with it i found the LOD eshhpansion disc. I put it in, clicked install and it tells me to put the regular d2 play disc in. Now it has worked fine before, but it starts to install and it stops at a cerrtain point, and the drive ceases to make any noise, and it prompts to insert the play disc again. The reason, I suppose, is that the disc..well...is..mutilated. To say the least. It's scuffed, scratched, slashed and damaged in various places. What's the best thing to do for a scratched disc?
Any and all help appreciated,
Any and all help appreciated,